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Everything posted by SolidSnake2
I don't think she has a secret thet could break them up. But I heard from someone that she's acually a shadow of somsort? A Demon maybe?I don't know but that's what my friends and the websites been telling me.
RPG Pokemon:The Original & Other Characters(Sign up and Play)
SolidSnake2 replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
umm....:( Boba Fett? anyone out there!? Hello?AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Am I alone here!? Help!? anyone just post please!:D :bawl: :nervous: -
Gaming heavyest fish you caught in OOT...
SolidSnake2 replied to Angelus_Necare's topic in Noosphere
Caught a 19 pounder with the owners hat on the line.Well actually....The hat fell off right when the fish took the lure. I think the hat helps atrract fish to you! Here's what I used:Iron Boots,Water Tunic,The hat,and a regular lure.It took me about 2 minutes just to reel him onto the shore!That's the biggest catch I had!:smoke: -
Keep going! Don't Stop! this is getting good!:D
Man...That really touched me! It's a nice emotional poem...yet dedicated to someone dear....This is really, a great poem!
You've been watching too much Dragon Ball, boy! well I can't write now so I'll do it later:toothy:
Blade strikes the head off of it.SPLORCH! Blood spews out of it's neck, and it falls down in a heap. Nikki:Well that was easy! Raiko:Too easy. Rrrrruuummmmmbbllllleeee!!!! All:Woah! The dragon body rises up but then grows two heads in its place. Raiko:A Hydra! Nkki:Aaahh!! Blade: Yah! Blade kept on slashing but soon there were so many heads that he couldn't even take down one! Raiko:What! I know! He grabed a torch on the cave wall, lit it, and cutted one of the hydra's heads of.Before it grew back he Burned the stump with the torch. Hydra:AAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!! Nikki: That's it! Soon after they defeated the hydra they took the potion.But as soon as Nikki picked it up. whoosh! It was an illusion. Nikki:Nnnoooo! Raiko:Aaarrgh! Blade: D*mn it! So as there quest for the Humor still continues. The others are still way behind. To Be Continued.
They shoot past the Skeliton, but then Nikki is caught by him!She struggles to get out,but can't.All of a sudden Bahamut Zero Blasts out and slashes feouriosly at the Skeliton.Soon after a junk pile of bones later Bahamut Zero Starts to speak to Nikki, but she refuses. Bahamut Zero:BUT,NIKKI I WAS GIVIN POOR COMMANDS. Nikki: Oh! Now your calling me Stupid! Bahamut Zero:NO. THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT.PLEASE LISTEN. Nikki: No! I gave you a chance, and you blew it. Bahamut Zero says nothing and walks away. Raiko: I think you were to rough on him. Nikki glares at him and Raiko goes to talk to Bahamut Zero. Raiko: Don't worry. Just wait here till she cools, okay? Bahamut Zero:FINE. Raiko starts to leave Bahamut Zero:WAIT.RAIKO.THANK YOU. Raiko:No problem! What next place will they travel next? Please continue.
You've really chnged now BulmaVegeta1!:angry2: Calling me every time I make a statement something nasty.:( What's next!? A combo of fruitBasket and Stupid!? Well!?:flaming: [SIZE=1]Dude calm down, you don't sound like you're joking!- SG[/SIZE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tidus does not, in all ways, look like a girl.It looks like they tried to picture him after Squall For the Clothes and hairstyle,and Cloud for the blond hair.
Yeah, I'm Done.Okay where were we. Raiko transforms int the knight again and charges forward, but the Skeliton knocks him back on his rump. Raiko:Umph! Man He's tuff! Careful Guys! Blade: hyah! Blade jumps up and and tears at the Skaliton, but is also knocked Blade: Umph! nikki was out of the way, but soon the horror she saw was almost unspeakible.The Skeliton first destroyed Raiko's armor and then Bloodied him up. Blade jumped back up but then was hit hard against a rock. It was all up to her now! She jumps up chants a summon and!!!!! Please continue.:D
Okay! Okay! I'll ease up a little their okay?:angel: :nope: Any ways you won't here from me until Sunday!Happy:angry2: :) !!!! Seeya....I guess....
Uh huh! Yeah go ahead and tell about what you're about to say!He likes who?OF course Yuna!:smirk: I just got in so I have no Clue what you people are talking about! So if any news comnes out, some oe at least tell me a clue?:( Oh yeah. Sorry for the rudeness Folks.:( I just got carried away. [SIZE=1]I deleted one of your posts and added it to this one, please in future don't double post, thank you. -SG[/SIZE]
RPG Pokemon:The Original & Other Characters(Sign up and Play)
SolidSnake2 replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
Dragon takes 15 damage. Time to unleash my ultimate attack! [COLOR=darkblue]Hydro Pump![/COLOR] :demon: :naughty: -
Girl DO"Nt GET ME STARTED WITH YOU!!:demon: :cussing: :angry2: No. I won't stoop to your incomperate level:therock: so there! Any ways aren't you worried about your story!? It looks like me and Zachary here own it practically. No offense. So Get with the story for know okay?:(
No You didn't!:naughty: You forgot who has knights of the round in the first place!(Final Fantasy 7) they can cause more than 9999 of damage excedeing over that! HA,HA! now who has the upper hand!?:demon: :devil:
RPG Pokemon:The Original & Other Characters(Sign up and Play)
SolidSnake2 replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
Scythers hit causes 25 damage!A critical hit! AHHH!:eek: Dragon now has 50 HP. Okay now it's my turn! Dragon uses Bite attack! It hits! 10% Of flinching(you get to choose. Flinch or no Flinch -
RPG Pokemon:The Original & Other Characters(Sign up and Play)
SolidSnake2 replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
Yeah DarnCoolGuy1! Well that's because I'm new.Back to Pokemon matters. I'm going to use DRAGON! What will you choose? Mine is a water type that's all I'm giving you as a hint.Now make a pick. -
Anime Dose Any One Like The Tenchi In Tokyo Series
SolidSnake2 replied to TENCHI's topic in Otaku Central
i was just wondering, but is it true the creator of Tenchi Didn't like the Tenchi Muyo series?So he made Tenchi Universe instead?I was just wondering so any body who knows...HELP! -
Hey,Sephiroth and James! How do you do that with the picture after your signiture? Please tell me! oh Yeah! Tidus does sortta resemble selphie for some reason. his hair cut mainly.I think.:confuse2:
Yeah okay.:( I 'm not mad at you it's BulmaVegeta1!:mad: Oh well Here I go to continue the story.:o Bhamut Zero:YYAAAHHHH!!! blade Hya!! Nikki:Wha!? Oh no!....AAAHHHH! FFFOOOMMMM!!!! A bbig flash sorrounds them once again, but as the dust settles Bahamut Zer is on the floor. Nikki:B-B-B-BAHAMUT ZERO!!!! Blade: Well I guess your next... Bahamut Zero:I:M SORRY..I'M TO WEAK TO HELP NOW...I'm SORRY...UUUGGGHHH. Raiko:Rrrrraaaaaaagghhh!!!!! Raiko lashes out, but Blade throws him back. Raiko:Umph! Then Raiko Stands up and Just stands there. Nikki and Blade hear a noise that sounds like a slow heart beat.Ba-Bump.......Ba-Bump.... Raiko:YYYYYAAAAAAA!!!!! Out of no where Raiko turns into a strong Dragoon(A knight.) with legendary armor and the legendary blade:Caladbolg! Then Blade and Raiko Clash their weapons together. Ka-BBBOOOOMMMM!!! Blade lands on the floor and Raiko's armor fades away except for the sword. Blade:I....Never....Been...(Cough) defeated! I will join you. Blade joins the team! Nikki:Hey Raiko...That sword was my fathers'.He gave it up and sealed it I wonder why you got it? Oh well... Raiko:Well....I'll keep it! Nikki okay then! Little did Raiko know that he was a legendary knight who possesed the blade.From now on he will have the legendary armor whenever he is in battle. Tune in next time! :smirk: Oh yeah! bulmaVegeta1.You have my memory card.So next time give it Back!:naughty:
hang on I'm Thinking of a knew one. and Zachary and BulmaVegeta1....[SIZE=4]Don't START! YOU HERE ME!? DON"T START YET I"M COMING UP WITH ONE TOMORROW OKAY!?[/SIZE] Because if you do I'll Kill you:flaming: :mad: :demon: :angry2: :cussing: :angry3: :modrod: :devil:
RPG Pokemon: Masterball Tournament (For Advanced Trainers Only)(Sign ups)
SolidSnake2 replied to Ryan's topic in Theater
Name:Robert Age:12 Discription: Dark-brown hair,Red shirt,blue and yellow hat,blue jacket, and blue jeans.His eyes are hazel. Bio: He's always up to a challenge and has a short temper when he get's angry,but when he's angry he becomes terribly focused and stops at nothing to finish his job.His pokemon are exactly the same way he is. Basic Pokemon:Totodile -
RPG Pokemon:The Original & Other Characters(Sign up and Play)
SolidSnake2 replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
Raiko Goes into town where Ash just Won his battle. He talks to every person there finds that he has moved and trudges on to find a worthy opponent:demon: night falls and still no town in sight. Raiko camps out for the night.The next day he catches up with Abob and Tallie. he sees there stats:eek:. He hesitates but musters all his courage and decides. Okay I will challenge you to a battle! Do you exept? That is until your awake.:toothy: I don't think I'll win against your stats:wow:,but I'm still going to battle!:smirk: -
RPG Pokemon:The Original & Other Characters(Sign up and Play)
SolidSnake2 replied to Stacy_Tramer's topic in Theater
Slot still open?:huh: If it is I will join, and leave all your sweet pokemon alone. For now.(Sorry fo the rude talk.:( )No really! I'll leave you alone, if your up to battle. Name:Raiko( I just like the sound of it.:cool: ) Age:13 Male pokemon: SquirtleLv.15,ChicoritaLv.14,DRAGON(Ferligator)Lv.33 Trying to catch up with Ash. Also is trying to battle with Ash for the Title of Champion. Hometown:Newbark Town Partners:None....For now Oh yeah! I'm a good guy too. -
Anime The original zoid series is on Cartoon Network
SolidSnake2 replied to a topic in Otaku Central
The 08th team is a different cartoon! Zoids and Gundams are wwwaaayyyy different Tigervx. Different controls, parts, you name it! They are all different