Wow! thanks for the responses! I've been doing many more doodles that i'll upload when i get a chance... right now my scanner is on strike xD
[quote name='Sara'][FONT=helvetica]Tell me about Mabel.[/FONT][/quote]
I've actually decided to use Mabel more and possibly do a wed comic with her and another character of mine, Ethan. It's always been Ethan, a grand wizard, is Mabel's boss/master being that she is his apprentice. Mabel is very soft spoken, shy, loyal, and kind while Ethan is rather... lecherous. He's very touchy feely, promiscuous, and arrogant which in turn drives Mabel up a wall. He often prevents other men from even looking at her the wrong way even though he isn't romantically involve with her (he sleeps around). Which gives poor Mabel a complex, not wanting any man she likes to get killed by her over protective master.
[quote name='Lunox'][FONT=trebuchet ms] So judging by what I've seen, I think you'd really like the program Paint Tool SAI, if by chance you also have a PC lying around you should try it. I only have a Mac myself, so I haven't been able to try it but I hear wonderful things.[/FONT][/quote]
A lot of people have told me that SAI is awesome but yes no mac version! Same thing with openCanvas! I loved that program >: I've been looking into getting a cheap PC cuz my old one bit the dust some time ago. I only have a macbook now (cuz my dad wanted the free ipod lol )
web comic* not "wed" ... spell check doesnt see that for me D:
[color=green][size=1][font=lucida fax][b]Boo~[/b] I merged your posts for you. :^D[/font][/color][/size]