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Everything posted by ratboy

  1. This post is to notify the people that the new rpg will now be called the redemer of elements and that the new thread willl be placed to atract members just to remind people that any amount of members may join as long as they do not copy the information from anybodys rpg or get there names and special techniques from any other rpg or cartoon. I may be making a big deal out of this but you know.[B]I just want a origanal rpg that people can have fun playing.[/B] IF if I offend any body that is religous with the reddemer himself. I ask that you remember that this is a game:modrod:
  2. well here is another one of my trymendencey long plots but here it goes you guys. who probelbly wouldn't care just go a head and leave becuase this is only going to take a hour to read all of this. There where this people that believed in the acient god of phonix. when phonix gave them the power of rebirth it all went down the garbage can. Humans were not to be able to be imortal and phonix was captured. The worriors of phonix missions are to recover the phonix and retrev there inner power the only problem is that the have to face the great god of death himself odin and his mighty blade. If they can not make it in time the Phonix will be tossed into the ablivion. You may chosse your own weopons as long as they don't revole around any other game or series PM with your information and I will put up a sign up sheet
  3. Yes I am bombing your rpg you copyed your information form Gaian warriors
  4. This rpg is about a alien called a alterien that is forced into hell by some freak called metal telempahthey. He kills just about everhting on his planet. The only way to repopulate the planet is to find the mystic gems of recreation and the seven of dragons of destruictions. A dragon is complely indestructable and can only be turned good by the Sword of Life (that may sound corney until it is shatered) that holds the elements mighty power. Now comes you. You now control phantom a beast now dedicated to killing the lives for vengence.You controle his fate. Your weapons to start with. a ice trident a flame saber a wind powered crossbow The sword of life(until it is shaterd) A phantom bomb And last but not least a earth mase PM with what you think and see how you fate will end up
  5. elements are not the ones that are stupid it is the people that copy other people. I'am sure you herd of this game called warriors of gian. Well then I'am sure that you have herd of a game called warriors of elements they just totaly riped off there plot from that
  6. ratboy

    Warriors of Gaia

    Name: shadow Element: dark wepon: double saber special move: dark lighting
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