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About TheVenomFactor

  • Birthday July 6

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  1. Time to play- Round 1 Ril vs. Lauren Round 2 00k vs. Grimm Reppe-x Round 3 Damien vs. Thrasher Slarer Round 4 Ringo Tarmack vs. Orato Dico
  2. on proboards4 when I make a board it doesn't log me in. And when i try to log in it says user doesn't exist. (is that confusing) do I have to join my own board? it already says my name inthe thingie I don't know what i am talking about help me:bawl:
  3. :D Good we just need one more person to join and then it will be even
  4. Thanks for signing up but it doesn't look like anyone else wants too:bawl: I will probably try again and make it better.
  5. Kind of like in G-Gundam where they had those tournaments. You must create an original character and gundam/mobile suit. we need lots of people for this so please sign up:D Name of Pilot: Name of Mobile Suit: weapons(max 4): Bio: Apearance: Name of Pilot: Damien Name of Mobile Suit: Rokoniki weapons:Sheild,Beam Sabre,Beam Cannon Bio:Will unravel in story Apearance: will attach file later
  6. Damien stood whatching the plane. The gunfire had stoped but the plane began to move. Damien was desperatly running towards the plane. He was to late the plane was beginning to take off. Thinking quickly he ran back into the airport. He got to an airplane that was boarding. Damien boarded the plane and crossed into the cockpit. He then pulled his knife on the pilot. I would suggest you and all the people get the hell off this plane right now. He was not to familliar with the planes controls but decided to try it anyway. He took the plane stright down the runway following the russian plane....
  7. Name: Venom Age:19 Race: Saiyiajin Appearance: Long blue hair, geen eyes, in regular saiyiajin armor and pretty small Level: 2nd class Power Level: 12,700
  8. Damien Tak was standing inside the airports lobby posing as a civilian. He heard gunfire. Damien was just about to go into battle weilding only a knife but his codec stoped him Colonel: Venom, are you there Damien: Yeah Colonel: Don't worry about the gunfire use it as distraction to get inside the plane Damien: No way I am not gonna let anyone out there get hurt Colonel: I don't think you understand that is an order Damien: Well screw your order I'm going in. Damien breaks his codec into several peaces and begins toward the plane....
  9. Yeah! Killing off kenny for good made me mad but butters is pretty cool to. Did you see it wednesday with the okama game sphere, that system was cool
  10. Yeah I rented it once and ended up keeping like 2 weeks after it was due. I still haven't payed thet bill. Anyway it was awesome. I always got beat by the chick with the yoyo. I can't remember her name though
  11. Yeah not only did it move the story line along it was hillarious. They really shouldv edited it so that it could air on cn. For a while I was lost but then I remember seing a dubbed episode a long time ago. But what about the people who only get to see cut verssions I bet they are still lost.
  12. Mine would be Devil may cry 2 and probably ff11.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fou lu [/i] [B]the animated street fighter movie is when ryus l'il bro (i think, i havnt watched it in a while.....) comes to visit, and they go to this tournament, and this little boy starts using the dark "hado", or something. its really good, try to watch it. as for my fav movies.......akira, ghost in the shell or some of those gorgeous yet short DBZ movies. [/B][/QUOTE] That is street fighter alpha the original street fighter movie is where ryu and ken kill M. Bison. Anyway my favs are princess mononoke and Ninja Scroll.
  14. I like the Zaku i'm not sure why I just like it.
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