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Everything posted by ocean

  1. I usually pop anime in right before I crash out for the night so this is exactly the kinda stuff I'm watching right before I doze off. I definitely have some of the suggestions listed here (like Doki Doki School Hours, Ichigo Marshmaro, etc.) but my all time fav is Ping Pong Club. This is a series people either love or hate but I absolutely love it. It's kinda a mix of Revenge of the Nerds, Beavis and Butthead, and South Park all in one Anime. I would also recommend City Hunter, Genshiken, Midori Days, Lupin the 3rd, Tentai Senshi Sun Red, and Ninja Nonsense. If you're okay w/ more fan service than I would recommend Girls High and Golden Boy. All titles have a nice dose of comedy and always make me laugh no matter how many times I've watched them.
  2. Hey everyone, I'm looking for Valentine's Day Anime episodes if you guys can suggest some for me. Any genre is okay (although comedy is my fav). I'm sure there's tons out there but I could only come up with a couple. Cheers in advance!
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