Ryo the Tamer
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Everything posted by Ryo the Tamer
Olaf had gotten out of Rouko's room right after the one bounty hunter used the smoke to run. Olaf found his way to the door, and opened it. [I]Hmm... What's that?[/I] Olaf heard sounds of a battle going on he then heard machine gun bullets being fired. [I]There's three of them but only one of Sen. I've gotta get the others.[/I] Olaf ran back up to the room and saw that Hillind and Nya had gotten Rouko awake. "It looks like the three bounty hunters here are all after Sen, or so it seems. He's good, but not good enough to take on three bounty hunters of that calibur at one time. He probably needs help," Olaf said quickly. Without anyone else saying anything Olaf ran out of the building and towards where he heard that fighting.
[I]Holy![/I] Olaf awoke immediatly at the sound of an explosion outside. He ran to the window to see what it was. there was what looked like the sinking remains of a flaming boat. [I]What the...[/I] Olaf picked up his weapons and his hat and ran out the door. Halfway down the hall he heard voices from Rouko's room. [I]Bounty hunters? Hmm... It sounds like Nya and Hillind are in there as well. I'm sure they can take care of it, but just in case...[/I] Olaf runs to the room gun and blade at the ready.
OOC: Oh, Okay.
Olaf walks into his room and sees that Hillind is asleep on the bed. Olaf puts his hat on a small table next to the door, and lays down on the floor using his jaket as a pillow. [I]I wonder why Sen snuck out. Does he have anything to do with that person I saw outside. Why have I been thinking so much lately?[/I] Olaf sighs and closes his eyes. [I]Rouko, what are we fighting for? What are you guilty of?[/I]
Olaf walks towards the door going outside. [I]I can't sleep.[/I] Olaf looks around and sees a person walking around. [I]Strange... I wouldn't think anyone else would be awake at this time...[/I] He then noticed the person was carrying a weapon. [I]Even stranger... What's with the weapon. It's almost like whoever that is is looking for something or someone. No that can't be it, we just got in, who would know about us?[/I] He turns around and walks back inside.
Olaf brushed the hair out of his eyes and looked at the sky while he followed the others. [I]What do you know. It is a tsunami.[/I]
[I]Land[/I] , thought a man with black hair and wearing mostly black, [I]Civilization.[/I] He walked towards the edge of the boat, while picking up his crimson hat and putting it on, making his hair cover most of his face. [I]I wonder if I'll need any fake mustaches...[/I] He brushes his hair away from his mouth before speaking. "Hey Rouko. Any specific thing we're stopping at land for?"
Name: Olaf the Raging Storm Age: 27 Height/Weight: 7'4" 185.9lb Race: Hume Description: Dark Brown eyes. Black/Brown hair that stops right below his shoulders, extremely messy. White shirt with black pants, black boots, and a black jacket. His body is almost completely covered in scars. Every now and then he will wear a crimson hat with the piture of his pistol and blade crossed. Tanned. Has a strange purple line on both his cheeks that end under the opposite side of the eyes (confusing eh). Weapon: A pistol. A blade that he connects to his left arm. Side: Rokou's team Bio: When Olaf was 21 he just seemed to appear everywhere. He is usually seen helping pirates. Although he never usually stays with a specific pirate captain he is considered dangerous by authorities. He is considered to be a master of disguise, because he always gets away from bounty hunters just by wearing things like fake moustaches, beard, wigs, etc. Nothing(absolutely nothing) is known about him before he was 21, no records, nothing. Reason for Joining: He's a pirate so the Navy doesn't eactly like him to much. He isn't out to kill people, but has helped pirates, and that has put a bounty on his head. He found that Rokou was being purusued by bounty hunters. Something told him to help Rokou.
Name: Illidan the Spoony Bard Appearance: Has long dark brown hair that stops just above his shoulders, very messy. Pale skin, unusually pale. Strange black suit covered in belts and small chain looking things. Every once and a while he will put on a large(and long) red coat. Age: 19 (Supposedly) Weapons: (gun) in his right hand, and claw attachment thingies(pointy knife like things on each finger) on his left. Spells: Heal and Levitate. Bio: !:Shortened Version:! Known well in his home town since he was 15 when he started to play songs for the people. After many unusual death were discovered in his town he started tracking down murderers at night. After one day of traveling he returned to find his town, but it was surounded in ice(thought I was gonna say fire didn't ya?)! He left and eventually found himself here. With nothing to live for he decided to try and help save all existence, for kicks.
I got back form seeing this a few hours ago. I though it was good. If I say anything I liked about it I'ld spoul alot. Johnny depp was good as CIA agent Sands. Of course everyone else was goo as well. I remember on another forum some poeple were talking about making a movie all about Agent Sands and his strangeness. I liked how the chiuaua(sp?) was named Moco.
I'm hoping to see it soon. I havn't seen Bean, but I like to watch Blackadder.
According to a huge movie database it seems Dr Connors(Lizard) and J.J.'s son will be making an appearance in this movie. They did a good job on Dr. Otto.
Simpsons, Family Guy, and Futurama in that order. Samuri Jack is also somewhere on my list of good American cartoons. But my stupid cable company doesn't allow you to get Cartoon Network from them.
Sneaking through a jungle to a military base. Kind of like the older games. I've wondered how walking through jungle to a base would look in 3D. Everything I've seen about this game is very interesting. I just found something wierd about the release date. I thought it was 2004. This website says NA(North America) 11/29/03, and JP(Japan) Announced. I think they mite have it backwards. Ignore Attachment
Whenever oil spews out just imagine that it is blood. So it is made by Gendy Tartakovsky? I remember I used to watch Dexter's Lab, the new ones (where dexter is 1 inch tall) aren't any good, the art, voices, and almost everyone's personality has changed. I would watch Samuri Jack but the cable people got rid of Cartoon Network.
An actual reality show mught be something like Candid Camera nad the Jaime Kennedy Expiriment. Things like Survivor are just large game shows. What TV calls "reality shows" are many things that I hate. Simpsons explained it pretty well, reality shows are only on because you don't have to pay actors for them.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] There was one funny part, though. [spoiler]This was when the guy got on top of the car and started shooting everything, and got the other gang to leave. When he got down, the other dude asked him where he learned it, and Brad responded "Grand Theft Auto." The other guy was like, "Oh yeah, I got GameCast". "Game Cast? Well, there's GameCube and Dreamcast, which one do you have?" "I say I got GameCast!!" lol[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] That was my favorite part. Probably the best part of the movie.
Name: Geoff Age: 14 Element: Psy Beast: Spirit Weapon: Spirit Long Bow EDIT: Forget the PM. I'll just change my element. Edit: I put down a weapon(I still don't understand the weapon thing though)
The guy you're talking about wears a white coat, has blue hair, and has yellow eyes, correct? If so then you're thinking of Legato. Everyone seems to like Legato alot...
It's strange. I notcied one thing edited from the original dub. When the first Gun-Ho-Gun Vash meets sees Vash run, he calls him a chicken sh*t, in the one on Adult Swim he just said chicken. Besides that nothing was different.
Not too long. May 23. Next school year starts in August. We're having our 4th week of testing starting today, can you believe that? CRCT right after we got back from spring break. Then our teachers cram the rest of the year at us and we are left with loads of tests and homework. I hope the kids at school mature mentally over the summer. It's impossible to talk to anyone, they just spew cuss words.
Anime How do you feel about the Mainstreaming of Anime...
Ryo the Tamer replied to a topic in Otaku Central
I'll ignore the Digimon bashing(hopefully you're only talking about the dub, then I agree with it). I'ld like the mainstream of anime, beacuase of many reasons people have already named. But the kids at my school seem to think DBZ is American and they have no idea what anime is. I'ld talk to them, but everytime I do they just hurl me into a wall. So I'll stick with waiting for better animes to come and for them to get curious. Good animes have already started coming out. I'ld also like more good animes to come, because I have no way of getting them otherwise. Note: I didn't read anything on this page besides the first 3 posts. -
Don't rate something you have not seen. I agree with Ginny. Could've been better or worse. It's not something I'ld put on my list of favorites, but it was okay.
Name: Unknown Weapon: Two guns. Hell's Fury(a black... thing. Latches on to his arm and uses his power. Fires like a sub machingun) and Heavens Defense(a large white handgun that has the image of angel wings on both sides. Fires like a handgun((Duh))) Bio: Once thought to be a human, but is actually part angel and part demon. Inside him lives a demon and an angel that try and control his body every so often. Appearence: [URL=http://trigunner.giborama.com/trigunner/manga/chars/vash2.jpg]Some what like this,[/URL] but the coat is red and he wears black pants a white shirt underneath. He has shoulder length black and brown hair, with an eye color that matches. Protrouding(sp?) from his back are two wings. One is black and seems very burnt and torn, while the other is white, with not a scratch on it. He can make them go in and out at will. He has glasses that he can change from normal to yellow shaded and he wears a digital watch on his left wrist. Personality: (While not wearing the coat) He loves to poke fun at people. He likes to make jokes to lighten the mood. Basically an all around nice person that likes to have fun. (With coat on) He is very serious, he still tells a few jokes, but not as often. He actually looks scary to some people in this form.