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Ryo the Tamer

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Everything posted by Ryo the Tamer

  1. Hmmm... Listed below in no specific order. 1. People who think they are right no matter what. Unless they actually are right and have something to show that it's true(completely true or what makes it true to them). 2. School, but not because of the work, the work is easy. I hate the kids my age. Too immature. I tried to have a decent conversation one day and one guy turned it into a page worth of sexual innuendoes(sp?). 3. Stupid things I do.
  2. This game is up in my favorites list. I love the story and gameplay of this game. I've been watching my friend play as Hugo, and I've been playing as Geddoe.
  3. Let's see here.... I was just a kid, I watched old episodes of Speed Racer that my Dad's sister owned. Then a few years short passed. I started playing the Pokemon game, then watched the anime. The anime turned me off to the series. Then I saw something called Digimon, thought it was some rip off of Pokemon at the time, but when it's almost completely different. I watched it for a while, then I found an a website about anime, and started watching almost every show on Toonami. Now I have bought the Trigun box set, and I twitch alot during Anime with horrible dubbing(Digimon,DBZ), and I'm still trying to find subbed Digimon Tamers season.
  4. 1.) It was very strange, because almost everytime I went they were talking about something I've been having trouble with. 2.) My parents have to work on Sundays, and I have no other mode of transportation. 3.) Not just read from the Bible, but er... well do more then just that. I don't like a church like the one in Simpsons.
  5. Explanation why aliens come down and do random things(explained by the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy): "Teasers", rich kids(alien kids) with nothing to do, go to some planet no one has made interstellar contact with and "buzz" them, they find a person that no one will ever believe, then beam down infront of them and make, "Beep Beep" noises. Sure there are aliens. Why would there be so much space for just a little blue green planet filled with ape like creatures that are so primitive we still think digital watches are a neat idea. Unexplained? You mean like Stonehedge? Stuff like that? Can't think of anything about that, right now.
  6. They don't edit anything out in the original dub. They add cursing. Not sure if they're going to edit out anything in Adult swim.
  7. I need to find those some where. I've only seen the first five episodes. But they are hilarious.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Fate [/i] [B][color=teal]Personally, I think American dubs cause cancer, but then again, it's just an opinion. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Only one Dub is an exception for that. The Trigun Dub. I actually prefer the Trigun Dub to Subtitles.
  9. Now that I watch it more... Kenshin kind of reminds me of Vash...
  10. I just got one thing to ask about the dub version. Does Kenshin repeat himself in the original like he does in the Dub?
  11. I like the Trigun songs. I've have almost all of them. My favorties are probably Big Bluff, and Blue Funk.
  12. OOC: My mom is going to dail-up and lowered me to 1 hour a day, so I won't be able to post very much. Just saying that. So when ever I get a chance I'll post.
  13. Geoff: Find anything Ryo? Ryo: Only some stuff about strange navis. Nothing else really. Geoff: Wierd. I'ld expect more- Does it say anything about where they have been seen? Ryo: Some navis around here are saying they have been seen around the undernet enterance. It's a dangerous place though. Geoff: It's okay. Lets check it out. If it gets to dangerous I'l... well... I guess I'll go tell the others. I'm still not sure if I can trust them. Ryo: Well, whatever you say, Geoff, and don't forget to give them a chance, okay? Geoff: Sure... whatever, Ryo. Geoff logged Ryo out so they could go to the undernet. --- OOC: Um, what exactly is the undernet, and how do you get to it? I havn't beaten the games, I just know alot of stuff about the later parts, but I don't remember anytihng called undernet.
  14. After Geoff got his jacket and security code, he looked over at Iron and Aerow. Ryo: Shouldn't we help, Geoff? Geoff: Nah, I wanna see how strong these guys are. Geoff watched Aerow plug in right after Iron. Geoff(thinking): Don't wanna stay in a weak team. If the virus is to strong, I guess I'ld help.
  15. Geoff thought. [b]Geoff[/b]: Just a second. Geoff turned to his navi. [b]Geoff[/b]: What do you think Ryo, you know I don't like to work with others. [b]Ryo[/b]: Well, they may be able to help, and, you know, if you don't like it you could always leave. Geoff turned back to Iron. [b]Geoff[/b]: Fine, but tell me of these requirements.
  16. Geoff exits Higsby's shop. [b]Geoff[/b]: Now what? [b]Ryo[/b]: I don't know, no one seems to be able to help. [b]Geoff[/b]: Get used to it Ryo, humans can't help. [b]Ryo[/b]: You always refer to them like that, you're a human. [b]Geoff[/b]: Don't remind me. No human ever helps. It's like this Ryo, Humans, are, bad. I can never meet a single good human. [b]Ryo[/b]: Maybe you havn't looked hard enough? [b]Geoff[/b]: Whatever... Ryo stayed quiet after that. He wanted to say humans aren't bad, but, next to Geoff, he has never seen another good human. [b]Ryo[/b][Thoughts]: I can't believe I'm starting to believe him... Geoff walked to the Deep Blue central HQ. [b]Geoff[/b]: ...what is this? [b]Ryo[/b]: Um... a building? [b]Geoff[/b]: I already knew that! [b]Ryo[/b]: Why don't we ask around? [b]Geoff[/b]: Good idea, Ryo. [whispering] There's three words I thought I'ld never put in that order. [b]Ryo[/b]: HEY!
  17. [b]Ryo[/b]: Geoff, only a few of the net battlers were able to get the message. The other one's I tried blocked me off. [b]Geoff[/b]: ... [b]Ryo[/b]: Geoff? [b]Geoff[/b]: Huh? Oh yeah, okay. [b]Ryo[/b]: What are you thinking about. [b]Geoff[/b]: Well, if that store sells chips, then those people that went in must be net battlers. I'm sure there has to be someone in there that can help. Geoff walked into the building that read "Higsby's Shop: Come and trade me your rare chips, huh." When he entered he immediatly saw a group of people. [b]Geoff[/b]: Uh... do any of you know anything about the disappearences?
  18. [b]Geoff[/b]: Ryo, I need to send an e-mail. [b]Ryo[/b]: okay, what should it say? [b]Geoff[/b]: Greetings navi operators, I'm sure you all know about the disapearences. I'm not exactly sure what is going on, if you know one of the people who disapeared, or you know something about the disapearences, then answer back. You got that Ryo? [b]Ryo[/b]: Yep, so who do you want to send it to. [b]Geoff[/b]: Send it to the best of the net battlers of the town. One of them has to know something. [b]Ryo[/b]: Okay. Ryo goes off to deliver the e-mails. Geoff decided to sit down on a bench. [b]Geoff[/b]: I hope something comes out of this. I've been board out of my mind for months. He then looked up at the store next to him, and saw someone go in. [b]Geoff[/b]: Man, this place must have good buisness with all these costumers.
  19. Somewhere in town Geoff was walking around, obviously not trying to get to a certain place. [B]Geoff[/B]: ... Then a voice could be heard from the PET in his hand. [B]Ryo[/B]: Something troubling you Geoff? [B]Geoff[/B]: No ... of course not, you know I don't keep secrets from you. Geoff pulled the PET to his face so he could see Ryo. Ryo eyed Geoff suspiciously, but didn't say anything. [B]Geoff[/B]: It's just hard to try to act like a normal person when you don't go to school, you have no home, and both of these things at the age of fourteen. Sometimes I wonder what life would've been like if my parents didn't die. Ryo didn't want to bring Geoff to think about that again, so he stayed in silence until Geoff sat down on a near porch to rest his feet. [B]Geoff[/B]: Walking all day isn't exactly the greatest way to live my life though. [B]Ryo[/B]: How long has it been like this anyways? You know, the days that start with us walking, and end with us walking? Geoff shrugged, he knew, but he didn't feel like answering. [B]Ryo[/B]: Well I think we've rested enough- [B]Geoff[/B]: We? You just sit inside that thing. [B]Ryo[/B]: That's not true! Sometimes I need to rest so I can think. [B]Geoff[/B]: Does it hurt? [B]Ryo[/B]: I should've seen that coming.
  20. Kouberei, yes the shotgun will be my normal buster, and when he uses attack chips it upgrades his shotgun for that turn. Does that help?
  21. Name: Geoff Scheele Age: 14 Navi: Ryo.exe. Has no helmet, and his hair resembles Geoff's. He almost looks like an older version of Geoff, in a black body suit and black armor that only covers his chest, he wears a red "cloak"(Think Cloud from KH), and he weilds, what looks like a shotgun that is strapped to his back. Description: He has brown spikey hair(Ryo's from Digimon), a black jacket and black pants. He also has glasses and a red shirt under his jacket. If around company he enjoys he is nice and playful, but when around people he has never met, or are complete a holes, he is as distant as possible. He likes to work alone, helping those in need. And one more thing, never tick him off. If it is bad enough he will go, literaly, insane. Bio: As a child he was always kept away from anything electrical, especially computers or PETs. It turns out he ued to own a navi and when he was trying to protect his family the house was destroyed and his family was killed. He was then brainwashed and taken in by another family. After figuriing his past out he changed his name back to the original, and found his navi again. Has found that he works very well with computers. Trouble seems to follow him, so he never tries to let people get too close to him. If anything needs changing just tell me.
  22. 1. Your OtakuBoards name: Ryo the Tamer 2. Your favorite character of Trigun: Vash the Stampede 3. Your favorite episode of Trigun: Episode 3,26: Peace Maker and Under the Sky so Blue 4. Your favorite song of Trigun: HT(the opening, I believe) 5. Your favorite scene of Trigun: Vash being Vash, I've always loved the scene in Peace Maker where he walks towards the enemy with the garbage lid on his head.Also when Vash first shot Knives, in the leg. 6. Something that you want to say about Trigun; how you got into it, etc.: I got into to Trigun after seeing Outlaw Star, and ever since then, I hav become a Trigun fan. 7. Your America Online Instant Messenger Screen name: ShiroYoki I actually thought the last episode could have been better, and the series could've gone on longer, but they ended it anyway.
  23. OOC: Is it just me or are we the only ones doing this anymore? ------ Shiro walked the halls untill he felt a great pain in his left arm. He ran into the nearest room and took the arm's coverings off. Underneath it was not an arm of flesh, but a robotic arm. Shiro: My arm! What happened? Strike: Well it seems you have found your left arm. Shiro: What the hell happened to it? Strike: Maybe I can try to refresh your memory. There was a flash of light, and Shiro started to see images of his past. ---- OOC:There are going to be several flashbacks starting...now! ---- Shiro: I won't kill you Strike. I'm going to let you suffer here. Shiro flies off, and Strike seems to atomaticly rebuild himself. Strike: I'll get you Yoki. One day, I'll kill you. - Rock: Hey, Shiro, over here, I found the door! Shiro: Good job, Rock. Behind this door we'll find another of Dr.Wily's creations. Why hasn't he given up yet anyways? They walked into the door, but inside they didn't find Wily, or any of his creations. They walked farther inside and an evil sounding laugh could be heard. Rock: What was that? Strike: Greetings, Shiro Yoki. I have found you again. - Shiro: X, Zero, I believe Gate is behind this door. Zero: Finally, I thought we'ld never find it at the rate we were going. They ran inside the door, but instead of Gate there was an empty room, and then a laugh. Strike: This time I'll kill you! Shiro: You need to work on your entrance, it gets boring. ---- OOC: Back to reality. ---- Shiro: Rock, X, Zero, those names. I remember. Strike: That is only half of your life, you have been in other "places" far from this one. Shiro: What do you mean? Strike: Why, Shiro, your not from this dimension. I'll let you think on that. Good bye. Shiro: Wait! What does he mean,"not from this dimension"? Shiro stayed in the room untill he fell asleep, thinking only of Strike and what he said.
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