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Ryo the Tamer

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Everything posted by Ryo the Tamer

  1. okay my mega is Demensionmon and my magna is Alphamon. Alphamon Vaccine angel warrior digimon attacks: Alpha Blade Angel warp(a blackhole appears and sucks 'em up) Heaven's Fist there is a pic in the attachment.it is old so it is not as good as it could be.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][b][color=black][size=1] Ryo the Tamer: Um before asking questions I highly suggest you read all the posts. I think everyone including me may get a lil frustrated trying to tell you everything.:) ----------------------------------- [/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] ooc-noodlez i saw tha post i was acting like i have never seen it before. im sorry if you never have seen anyone do that in these things.
  3. NO must join spider-man rpg... Name: Geoffrey Tyler Scheele Alias: Crimson Super Power: agility, his mind is pretty much his best weapon. Age: 21 Height: 6' Bio: moved to new york recently much is still unknown(im in a hurry) Description: wears blue jeans and a red shirt , then as Crimson he wears clothes that resemble the clothes of Spiderman 20(something cant rember) Personality: nice to people but not many are nice to him.
  4. ooc-eep sorry havent been in the rpg section for a while. Geoffrey just finished a battle and came over to see what was happening. Tyler:a battle? Death.exe? who is that?
  5. Name: Geoffrey Tyler Scheele Medabot's name: Crimson Parts: Missle launcher, Sumilidon's legs, Crosser dog's arm, Rokusho's sanbara sword special weapon: Medaforce stenghth: 74 speed: 100 Defence: 74 Power-up avalible: yes
  6. Van: Fighting so much fighting...what will come of us if all we do is fight and kill isn't there any other way? Master Zayn: Van...you must learn that this is the only way for now. Van: For now?? All the universe has done since the beginning of time was fight. Master Zayn: Van, your a good fighter, but how can you be a good warrior if you never want to fight. Van: If it is the only way then fine whatever you command me to do i will, master. ---------- Van(thinking)-I remember...that day. His last words were to stop the dark side from taking over...I will do as i was told.
  7. Code Name: Crimson Age: 20, 4 years since splice Height: 5'11" Weight: 145 History: Crimson has been around the world trained in many ways of fighting and now he thinks he is ready for anything that comes his way.
  8. Name: Geoffrey Nickname: Tyler Age: 12 Personality: always looks shy, but cannot be stopped if he is ticked off. Phys. Description: 5' , dark-brown hair, brown eyes. Family/Background: during his life all was normal till his mom and dad split up and then his sister moved out it was just him and his mom, untill Crimon showed up. Crest+color: crest of faith, crimson Digimon In-Training: Redmon/red bubbles/small waterdrop shaped and red Digimon Rookie: Crimon/crimson blast/a red Veemon looking monster Digimon Champion: Crimsonangemon/fist of faith/a red version of angemon Digimon Ultimate: Demimillieniummon/demension flame/looks like Mllieniummon without cannon Digimon Mega: Shadowmon/no attakcs/a shadow ---becomes--- Alphamon/heavens crimson light/looks like a mix between Omegamon and DMCM Romance: someone that can always help others in need ---------------- hows that?
  9. Name: Van Xarth Age: looks about 25 but is actually 177 Race: Jedi Height: 6' 2" Bio: being a jedi was all he could remember when he came back to conciousnesss after a battle with someone unknown. Weapon: two lightsabres only in use if in deep trouble: one is a crimson red, the other is a sky blue. Description: always seen wearing his red overcoat. has red shaded glasses. brown hair (looks like Vash's hair) Personallity: calm and controled some of the time, but most times embarassing and clumsy. Yet he is still fair as a jedi.
  10. i would like to see your story here when you make it. Alphamon looks llike a mix between Omegamon and Dukemon Crimson mode. Alphamon angel mode has DMCM's wings.
  11. GTS: Shadowmon... remember when we first met? SM: I think so... ---------- what is this? [i]beep...beep..beep[/i] WHAT A VIRUS!!!???!! what? its...talking... im Crimon -----------
  12. dang Bass is taken, O well. Name: Geoffrey/Tyler Navi: Shadowman i've been asking my mom but i cant get MMBN so i need some information.
  13. here is a pic of my char. and my digimon's line but you dont need to use the dark evolution that is with my fan ficc im currently on. :) um i kinda forgot how to add a pic how?
  14. im on ep 16 i love the series but i know al the spoilers cause of my stupid friend. :flaming:
  15. i just watched episode 10 monday but now i cant get 11 for some reason.
  16. i have a digimon and Character here: Name: Tyler Scheele Age: 12 Sex: male Digivice: crimson Appearence: has bronzish-brownish hair wears red. Description: quite around others rather shy but when feeling normal he can be as unshy as the next guy. Digimon: R-Crimon C-Crimsonangemon U-DemiMillieniummon M-Shadowmon-merged with tamer(if this is a tamer story) Alphamon how is that?
  17. [QUOTE]Appearance: He looks just like Raiden from MSG2[/QUOTE] MSG is the stuff in some chinese foods i never new hey made a sequel!!:eek: i think you mean MGS2! Name: Real name unknown but is known to many as Crimson Falcon Race: Hybrid Gender: Male Appearance: has brown spiked hair a red overcoat(or is that Trench coat?)and can has wings under his coat. Bio: a lone man a bounty hunter and mercenary and yet all he does is wonder the wilderness... Abblities: can fly and is good with swords and hand to hand combat with the occasional gun.
  18. AM:i sence a digimon fighting. ---Alphamonmon dedigivolve to Shadowmon--- SM:over there! GTS:What are we waiting for lets go! *SM and GTS run towards the town*
  19. yay i love the zelda series and finally an RPG! Name: Ganno ling Finn, but is nicknamed Crimson Falcon Race: Zenlay, a zora like creature but it looks like a man and yet he is also half falcon. Age: 20 Location: Roaming the wilderness in search of answers to unanswered questions. Description: Wears a red overcoat, and under it he wears a crimson suit that looks kind of like Shiek's.when he gets angry Zora like fins come out of his arms and he uses them as a boomerang and a shield. dark brown hair and dark brown eyes Inventory: ninga stars bottle:fairy gold scale lens of truth crimson ocarina a strange glowing crystal(doesnt do anything it works as a trade like item later) Weapon: a crimson sword(looks like Gannondorf's sword) Spell 1: fire -shoots fire nuff said- Spell 2: fly -can grow wings for a little while- Spell 3: heal -can heal others can not heal himself- Name of Fairy: Crimson
  20. *a kid and a strange shadow are shown walking through the desert* ????:Where are we? ???:Dont ask me i was following you, Shadowmon. SM:So we're lost? ???:I guess so. SM:Oh well. ???:I think i know where a town is but we better hurry, ok? SM:Okay. *Shadowmon(is a mega but he is not merged with his tamer and when he does he becomes Dimensionmon)merges with his Tamer to become his fighting mega form, Dimensionmon* DM:Now we can run faster!
  21. i think i watched to much zoids.okay here we go. it actually felt like i was really there i was in a bed and it had a top bunk(just like my real bed)and on the top bunk was a Van looking guy then a robot came bursting in and tried to cut us both in half. we ran into the next room and Dr.D was in there. and he had a whole bunch of computers ad junk then the robot busted in and right before he attacked i saw a huge shining blade come out of him and then...my alarm went off!!?!?! stupid school days always ruin my dreams. like most of my dreams have a twist at the end and scence i was watching Medabots lately as well Phantom Renagade would have saved me i saw something break the wall after the robot. well twisted dream, ey?:flaming: :flaming: :(
  22. the name is Peppercat ya that ones kinda cool. only for some speed.
  23. either Arcbeetle Rokusho or Medabee not only do they have rare medals but they are cool! and my fav character is henry and his forms.(you should know what i mean)
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