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About RiffRaff

  • Birthday 01/21/1987

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    Magic The Gathering duelist

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  1. explaining how Goku learned Dragonfist is hard to explain seing that Movie 13 has no connections whatsoever with the storyline
  2. well, there are several anime's out. it's a hard choice to choose 1 anime and 1 character. so here's a little list of shows and characters i'd like to be: DBZ/GT: SSJ4 Goku. The ultimate warrior. pwr lv. 1,000,000,000 Digimon: Beelzemon Blast Mode. Very cool looking and trigger happy Yu-Gi-Oh!: Yami Yugi. cool voice, great card-dueling strategies, wise, confident Final Fantasy (games): Sephiroth. best villian in all of Final Fantasy (next to Kefka) Gundam Wing: Duo. DeathScythe is a deadly gundam Pokemon: i'd probably be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . no one from that anime
  3. well, in the Bardock special, Goku was about 1 day old. At that time, Vegeta looked about 7-12 years old. during the Cell games, goku was somewhere between 30-40. this making Vegeta somewhere between 40-50 at that point in time. but seeing Saiyajins have fairly long life spans, he doesn't look his actual age.
  4. well, Vegetto is the strongest and the DBZ episodes. In the movies, Gojita is. overall, Gojita is the most powerful of the two. power levels: (approximate guesses) ---------------- Vegetto: 6,000,000 Gojita (DBGT SSJ4): 360,000,000 Gojita (DBZ Movie 12): somewhere between 6,000,000 and 100,000,000
  5. i'd say one of the coolest villains in GT was definately Super 17. in movies, Janemba should take that title
  6. it does look a tiny bit like Sephiroth wearing friggin big armour, but it might be from some other anime. it could also be fanart of Marquis Elmdor from Final Fantasy Tactics. he does look similair to Seph in battle sequences
  7. you can't beat Giganko:mrt:
  8. Gohan does become weaker.but when the Rou-Dai Kaioshin trains him, he has the exact power of SSJ2 without transforming. he is weak until the mid-range of the Majin Buu saga. then he is equally as strong as Goku and Vejita
  9. well, the graphics for FFVII/IX are quite deformed. VIII's graphics were perfect. but the graphics from the original FF's were really kawaii. if the original graphics that were used for Setzer, Shadow, Kain, Bartz, and the other originals were used more often, i think it would be a bit better. but the animations in the originals was almost garbage. i mean, if FFVII was on SNES, think how crappy Omnislash would look. and Lionheart looks better than OS. what if all the PS animations were on SNES? that would be pathetic.
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