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Everything posted by stardust

  1. I'm always up for friend-ness :D lol
  2. I'm sorry to say I've never managed to stay friends with ANY of my ex's. It's just hard to have a conversationw ith somebody you had a physical relationship (well,whether you did or not it's still weird.) I'm dating a guy now I've been close friends with for over 2 years and I couldn't imagine us going back...
  3. Definately when I'm at school walking down the hall and people just take their good ol' time walking down the hall, catch up with some old friends, make out...yeah...I hate it...
  4. Man I'm floored. I haven't logged in for years and my account is still here :) How is everybody?
  5. lol here we go! What I joke about w/ my friends all the time: I got MY first kiss on my birthday after my first football game riding home from a sweaty fat man on the bad bus! There I said it!lol!Ok now to explain,My now ex-boyfriend sat next to me on the band bus every game and our first game we had to march at was on my birthday,and on the way home he kissed me. I call him the sweaty fat man cuz...well....he's a sweaty fat man....lol....Well, you can't get so romantic on the band bus,but I wouldn't have it any other way, I used to imagine getting kissed in the grass on a starry night or sumthing romantic,or crazy,I just never thought It would be on a band bus....
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rttocs77 [/i] [B]Some people might consider that sexual harassment... [/B][/QUOTE] Of course, because that's what it was!You know,if you have a problem with this at band again, just tell your director,I'm sure he'll understand.
  7. Lol,random band stories,how fun! Yes,the sections have dinners b4 the games on friday,so I wlak into band and written on the board is HORNY SAXY BONER dinner at Fridays,lol! It mean mellophones,saxs,and trombones,lol. But it was funny. We all have our little sheer too. After the cadence,we say "PICS ARE HIGH" lol,and the tromboners always walk around saying "WHO'S HARD?WE'RE HARD!" lol,and then the directer yelled at em for it so now they walk around saying "who's CENSORED we're CENSORED" lol. No tromboners aren't bad people. I dated one of them and have a crush on one or two of them now. And I'm friends with one, he sat w/ me on the band bus the last few games,yep. Lol,I have a pic of me in my band uniform posted in the pic thing if you're curious.OUR UNIFORMS SUCK. Anyways, I doubt you're neither easy or ugly,don't think so bad about urself. Really. Don't do it.
  8. You know. Bandos are just scary. It's one of my fine rules of dating. Don't date bandos,hahahaha (inside joke). And what is it about the band bus? It's like,instant hornyness to any guy who happens to be riding it. Geese....strange people you meet at band.....*runs away* Just try not to bring it up to your friends and maybe they won't think anything bad of you. I alsoknow this from experience. Tuba players are scary? Really? Our's are alright...we have a girl tuba...well,not really tubas,sousaphones. They do this really cool wave thing with their instruments. But the scary people are all (trom)boners....lol....they're all scary horny guys....it's freaky.....*shudders* Randomly beating people w/ instruments...gotta love it!
  9. I can't stand running. You people are insane. How can you LIKE that feeling~?!? Awww,I guess I'm just not a sporty person.... ...but we have a good team. One girl in my class is going to state. One. By herself. Yep.
  10. I had this problem with my friend on the band bus. I mean it started out like with you guys...only my friend doesn't like to be touched....so I feel asleep against the window w/ my gameboy in my palm and he tried to take it (he flirts in stupid ways,lol). So he starts licking my hand trying to get me to let go....so I told him he could play it but he wouldn't stop....-_-. It was weird,and then I grabbed his wrist to make him let go of me so he took my hand and laced it in his,and it was just weird....so as u did....I started talking to the girl in front of me thinking the guy would get bored and talk to his friend in the next seat over...but instead he reached down and grabbed my butt....yea....I can't say things weren't weird after that. I KNOW you're not overreacting. It is kinda hard to be friends with the person after that. If it's really bothering you,I think you should call him or write him a note saying that made you feel distrustful of him and whatnot. Things will be ok between you two someday. It's ok to be upset over it. I think you should talk to his ex that is ur friend and see what's up w/ him and stuff. BTW-I sent you a PM if you wnat to talk I'm here
  11. I live in the tiny hick-like town known as olmsted falls on the outskirts of cleveland....it's bizarre,this little town being next to the hug ghetto known as cleveland. But man,it's fun. Grown up with everyone here my whole life. It's pretty too. Not too big,not too small,it grows on you...never wanna leave.
  12. Well,i don't like it either, but sometimes you just gotta vent, y'know? Like if my friend said something stupid or annoying, I'll probably tell somebody else how much I hated it to let out the rage. It's not bad, it's just I don't wnat to start world war 3 over something stupid.
  13. I wouldn't mind all these dances if I ever had dates for any of them.I don't wnat to sound like one of those girls who thinks you can't have fun without a date, but seriously, it's so depressing to be alone....*sigh*.....and my friends say it's my fault due to my refusal to ask somebody
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Cloricus is from Austrailia(sp?). Homecoming is the fall formal for most highschools. It is supposed to be a celebration for college freshman to return home to see old friends. It has gotten way out of hand, so now it's not even for that anymore. There is typically a homecoming football game the night before, and it is supposed to be against a team that that school would beat. This is not always the case however. Such as My game. That's pretty much it Understand it now cloricus? [/B][/QUOTE] wow,I live here and attend homecoming and I never knew why they called it homecoming...lol...yea,I didn't see any of our alumni there. We won the game though.
  15. My homecoming was alright. Let's see. I got up at 9, spent 3 hours doing my hair, one of my friends called to see if we could get her sister into the dance (middle schoolers weren't allowed,so thier dates usually snuck em in,but her date messed up and couldn't go so I felt bad for her),and then I was all dressed up,had my mom run me into drug mart for a camera,lol,then I wnet to my friend's house,did her hair,got picked up to go to dinner at my friend's grandma's house, picked everyone else up,drove 30 minutes to dinner, ate dinner, went to the dance,didn't have a date so the night sucked, watched my EX who I still kinda liked then practically attack this poor girl that was his date,felt bad and depressed w/ a friend of mine,was in sum1's formal picture,got picked up to go sleepover my friend's house,cried when I got there,didn't bother to take my hair down,hung my dress up,changed and cried myself to sleep....it sucked....
  16. Yea,German is fun but there are a lot of random huge words. L;ike the number 365 is like dreihundreisechsundzwanzigfunf,and I'm NOT kidding-they're written on the pages of my german book. The word for classmate is Klassekomrade (class comrade...lol) and we were watching a movie and it said the german word for restroom was "pissor" hahahaha,good times...
  17. idk,I hate diets of any kind. It's all my friends talk about,seriously. I ahve a friend who is normal weight,on the skinny side to,on this diet and she's lost 10 pounds already...grrrr...*kicks diets*
  18. o i don't sing in the chior,but I'll sing along to a cd or radio.I'm a bando myself. How it works at our school basically is fund raisers. the band and chior and any sports get a lot of their funding from fund raisers. Right now we're selling pizzas for the band and the multi-cultural club is selling little bags of candy to be given out tommarow on halloween.I think it's a fair way,depends how much effort you wnat to put up. Funds are never an issue here, if we really wnat something, nothing stands in our way.
  19. I never want much-I'm not very superficial. Basically, all I wnat at the moment anyways is a new piccolo because I don't own one and play in the band and i've fallen in love with the little baby flute and would like to keep playing it when I'm not marching ^_^ (I play flute in concert band,but I already own one of those,hehe)
  20. Yea,I know how you feel. I can't let go of anything. Or anyone. Like my boyfriend that broke up with me about a month ago-I can't let go of him. Of course maybe it's different,but I miss his company more than I miss him because I like him. I know one day you're gonna look back and not care, but I stopped living for "someday" awhile ago...just because no matter what it's still going to hurt you. But I have a friend I was close to last year, and we don't really talk anymore,but now it doesn't hurt because I met knew people and got busy with other things.
  21. I think about it a lot, I want to: 1.)Finish school,go to college 2.)I wnat to be a science teacher,and I wnat to teach here,where I live now. 3.)I want to fall in love and get married and start a family 4.)I wnat to visit Australia and Germany and all kinds of other places 5.)I want to see a kangaroo
  22. that's awful actually. My teachers swear,but not in a yelling fashion. For example, my history teacher during a lesson will call someone in the book a jackass or sumthing similar for a poor decision. If it bothers you that much,try talking to your principal. That's mean....
  23. lmao,no what happened at my school? We got names of candidates,no speechs or anything, circled who we wanted,turned em in and that was it. It was basically a popularity contest,but hey,all of high school is a popularity contest. No matter what you tell them if you're not that popular and someone is running who is you're probably not gonna get picked. It sucks,but hey,that's life...
  24. The good thing about life is the element of surprise. I'm only human; we all have our quaint little fantasies and things we'd kill to change...but once we have them it's not as great as we thought. I wouldn't want to control my entire life. I mean,it'd be a thrill for awhile, but without some goal with a glittering prize to try to reach,what do you have to live for? What's your motivation?There really wouldn't be any....
  25. I'm very stressed now too. I find hobbies help. Like I feel relaxed if i play my instrument.I also like to sit outside,get alone and think,or talk on the phone. I also walk around for a long time with my cd player and just listen to music,it helps relax me.I'll sing if i'm alone,just whatever you like to do. It might help to try not to think baout your problems,take things one step at a time,and just relax.
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