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Everything posted by stardust
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten then maybe it was underdog. [/QUOTE] No,underdog is way to busy savin that girl dog reporter he has a crush on to be writin in snow!duh:rolleyes:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]yeah, but if he is put back under the stairs, the dursley's are afriad the "magic folk" will come after them. my final vote is Harry Potter. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm tellin ya,Harry is way to busy doin whatever to be playin in the snow!now come on!:therock:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]yeah, but if he is put back under the stairs, the dursley's are afriad the "magic folk" will come after them. my final vote is Harry Potter. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm tellin ya,Harry is way to busy doin whatever to be playin in the snow!now come on!:therock:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlueTrunks [/i] [B]I do belive she still loves me in the way she always has. But she thinks that one of us has lost there love for one another and that person isn't me. yes she does live far away from me and no one will help me go and see my girlfriend. But sence some of you think I shouldn't runaway then I'll think about it. And if you hear about me in the next couple of days then you know I haven't run yet. So if you need more info ask for what you want to know. Blueflame [/B][/QUOTE] heh,look,don't run away!bad idea!if she said one of u lost love 4 the other,it prolly means she don't like u anymore:(and it's not gonna work out if ur so far apart,why don't u just move on?Yes,Lauren,me,the girl that never ever ever wants to get over logan,is tellin u to give up,doesn't seem worth the trouble
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]maybe it was harry potter!! :eek: [/B][/QUOTE] no,no,harry potter is way to busy killin evil things and livin in the cubord under the stairs.duh!:rolleyes:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]superman did it. he flew in and flew away. [/B][/QUOTE] like superman has time to spell out words in snow,he's way to busy bein taken for birds and airplanes!duh!:rolleyes:
whoa,it's a sign........no tracks?how??woha,the concept makes me head hurt:nervous:
lol,if we ever did that at my school we'd all get killed!(not to mention we'd have to clean it up after) I sware,no janitors work in that place!oh wait,I saw one,but he was on the stage playin the piano in the cafetorium,lol,me and my buds still laugh bout that one!But all the teachers make us pick up the scraps on the floor!They pay people to do that u know......
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]What is amazing is that if chimps didn't have a 2% difference in DNA level, they would be human. [/B][/QUOTE] woha!that is!
I actually don't like 2 lie,but sumtimes it's nessesscary
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]The fact in general just goes to show how petty and ignorant people can be. Being black and growing up in a pretty nice neighborhood has caused me to learn about racism firsthand. I used to get mad and fly off the handle, but now I pity them. I like to judge people off of how they act, not what they are or how they look. [/B][/QUOTE] god,I hate how racist people are!Some of my best buddies are black,and they're just as good as white people!but u know what really gets me?I've been to websites,and people are askin how they can get their parents to understand about their interacial relationship,it's stupid!they love the person to death,yet their parents say they can't!?it's awful,I hate that,one girl got GROUNDED and lost her parents TRUST and became a disgrace to her WHOLE family cause she had a black boyfriend!Why are people so stupid?this is a perfect example,but last year my friend and me were goin to a dance and my mom was driving,and there's this boy at school we call Brownie,he's white,but we call him brownie cause he's got brown hair + brown eyes,anyway,my sister said I like this kid,and my mom's like,"He better be white",and that got me so mad at her!Cause she's the one that tells me race doesn't matter,yet she's a racist herself,aw man,this is making me cry:bawl:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]What in the blue h-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with those people?!!! My mom is very religous and when she found out that my cousin was reading hp, she took the book from him and ripped every page!!!! She's so stupid!!! I beleive in witchcraft and i am friends of wiccans. i don't condone them on their situation but the fact is....hp books are lame!!! They suck to me! and i'm happy they are burning the book...but Star Wars is going too far! I love Star Wars. What's wrong with it? Stupid hypocritics!!! :mad: [/B][/QUOTE] AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!U KNOW HOW MUCH THAT BOOK MUST'VE COST!Lol,j/k,but first our parents tell kids to read,then when we finally find a book we like,particular;y a long one like harry potter,they tell us not to!?!?!?That drives me nuts,and I agree,since when was star wars pulled into this?I've been a die hard star wars fan 4 years!
call it mewthree,I mean there's mew,mewTWO,why not?might as well follow suit
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by King Penn [/i] [B]mewtwo is the beginners, and also the cheapest pokemon of them all [/B][/QUOTE] yes,I must agree,u catch the thing at level 70 and it can take down anything,there's no challage in it,I prefer catchin an houndour and buildin it up,houndoom is one of my faves,or better yet,a DRATINI!Those things take fiorever to raise,but once they're dragonites,they can beat alot of things!
yes,all living things evolve at some point,once the species die off,they evolve!Well,actually,not always cause sumtimes humans kill them off and they can't,that thought depresses me*sigh* what cool creatures we could have if we didn't have to kill them all.....:bawl:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] I get ya....You mean like no one should be made to feel inferior to another.....We are all alike????? [/B][/QUOTE] ok del,u seem confused,let me clear this up genetically,99.9% of us is the exact same,meaning the other .1% is what makes us look and act different,and about ur twin question,nobody is 100% the same,they would still have their differences
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [size=1]Yet another example of religion screwing with people's heads. :rolleyes: Burning books...could they get anymore middle ages? lol. What are they going to do next? Have witch trials? I don't think anymore needs to be said...if anyone can't find the sheer stupidity in this situation, then they're an idiot plain and simple. lol[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] lololololololololololololololololololol,yeah,that's how I see it,I mean,burn a book?it really is pointless,they belive the book turns people evil,I mean,I respect peoples beliefs,but it is quite sad
I understood that perfectly,I have a similar situation now,well,I'd just tell her nothin if u don't wanna be her friend (don't blame you,sounds like sum1 I'd hate too),that's my advice 2 u
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B] Ah, excellent...that was just our purpose with this topic...j/K [/B][/QUOTE] nah,my purpose of the topic was to share this amazing yet sad fact w/ all of uz
I kinda agree w/ deathknight,I also think evolution had a part in it,it's uncanny how much we're like apes to b a coincidence
yeah,it's true,my history teacher told my class that one day,we're like,'wow!":eek:
did u know,that genetically we're all 99.9% the same?I think it's so sad how that 1% makes everybody hate certain people,u know like racists,just cause people r different:blackeye:
aw yes,philosophy,I've taken great interest in it,I like by philosophy,yep anyway,let's see what I can come up with here..... as mad as I am at the moment,this should be quite simple...... nope,well,if I come up with sumthin,I shall post it
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlueTrunks [/i] [B]Ok what would you like to know??? I'll try and tell you everything I can tell you. [/B][/QUOTE] just gimme the details,how long u been w/ her?It seems like she lives far away,cause u want to runaway,explain that,why can't u get to her w/o runnin away,how old r u?
geese,if I hear another person say hp is devil possesed I'm gonna....... Now come on,I mean,they say whichcraft and junk is devil made,but it's not even real!This is a book,it's not gonna turn you into a devil worshipper...... My friend isn't aloud to read them,cause her parents think it's wrong now,how can a book,think for a minute,a BOOK, be evil??