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Everything posted by stardust
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlueTrunks [/i] [B]I was woundering if someone could tell me the best way to make a relationship last a bit longer and if I should runnaway to go see her??? BLUEFLAME [/B][/QUOTE] uh,I need 2 know more boy,but I wouldn't run away 2 see her...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Thanks, guys. It means so much to have you say that.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] anytime,sum1 needs help and they never ask lauren:(oh well,glad to help
no problem,I've been there,I can relate,u know,well,I shall pray tonight 4 u and her,hope she gets better
yeah,I think it's very sad how the world is in such poor shape,it's not just people,but other animals,like we're cutting down rainforests,it makes me sad:(
you guys.......... seesh,how about an "I hope u feel better",cause that's wut I'm sayin,anyways,um........hmm...I've been there,sramps suck,jsut be thankful ur not a girl
logan logan logan logan logan logan logan logan and logan lol,j/k,I think bout lots of stuff,u know,I try to solve all my problems and sum up my day and usually it's random thoughts(yeah,mostly bout Logan) anyways,it's a nice chance 4 me to think things over
heh,my day gots better,well,kinda worse,in addition,I got in trouble thanx 2 sum kid I sit by in english who doesn't know how to shut up,I messed up a timeline for history in MARKER.......My friend won't leave me alone cause I'm no longer speaking to her,and my best bud almost got in a fight w/ me cause she was bein bratty and sayin all this mean stuff bout me cause I was upset he liked sum1 else(do u guys see anything wrong w/ that?),let's see,I got home,my sister is being the biggeswt pain in the world,my mom yelled at me cause I used her eyeliner(that didn't turn out so bad though,cause she but on the bright side,I had a study period today,and the teacher was really nice and cool and she knew I was upset bout sumthin,so she asked what was wrong and I told her it was kinda personal,so she asked if I wanted 2 go in the hallway and talk bout it,so I did,and she was really helpful and I feel alot better since I talked 2 her
well,after I finsh high school in 2007,me and best bud r headed off to collage 2 become teachers!Is that cool or what?We've been planning this,the only thing we don't know is which collage!;)
This day ain't goin so well,first of all,I found out my crush likes this awful girl who I hate,she's bratty and thinks she's perfect and err....I did the wrong homework assignment 4 a class,my flute broke,and this is the worst day of my life!Actually,I'm in tech-ed right now,hope I don't get caught writing this,not that that wouldn't make my day perfect,any of u have bad days like this? oh,and wish me luck,I'll need it today!
I noticed alot are too,I just think alot of people like those books,so hollywood figures if alot of peeps like the book,they'll prolly go see the movie,anyway,the book is always better,u just can't get the same feeling from a movie,not to mention they cut parts out
geese,my guy friend likes me,in that way,u know,but he hasn't asked me out,cause I like Logan,(don't ask how I know all this,long story),anyway,I have no clue whatsoever if I would go out w/ him or not,prolly,he's quite a cutie:love:
HAHAHAHAHAHA!Already took my math exam,81%!yeah!good luck thoguh dude
LOLOLOLOLOLOL,I was hysterics here
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I think I have just fallen in love :love2: You are going to be an awesome father, tetsuo...mesa can tell :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ditto,if only more guys thought like u did
I kno what u mean,the kids in my classes,most of them anyway,don't like the lp kids,but I sit by one in english,he's nice and sweet and funny,actually,he's cute too,but u know,I wouldn't give up a baby just cause of that,I'd help them b the best they can be:)
welcome to the club girlie...lol,I kno what u mean,I ask guys out,and they say,"uh,I dunno",and never plan to answer.......:sleep:
I've been to skating,all was well,got the hang of it,kinda funny 2 u guys though,I fell down 1ce and knocked my friend down and sum little kid kicked me in the shins OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]James [i]told[/i] her to use her old topic, so she has. Thanks stardust :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] no problem,I'm tryin to get better bout the rules,I 4-got this topic was ever even here
oh,I 4-got about this,it was awhile ago though....
my stuffed animal unicorn,I got it awhile ago,I name it after my crushes
u guys bite,I have to go beddie bye in 5 hours and wake up to a boring world of cranky teachers and reports:(darn,it's gonna b busy 4 me,we're starting a research project,and some classes will b twice as long(math*shutters*),although,that could be a plus for science class,cause I sit by Logan:toothy: hehehehehe
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tetsuo [/i] [B] so when you say second flute do you mean second chair flute or second flute part? [/B][/QUOTE] I mean second chair,only cause the first chair girl is the teachers favorite:mad: He calls on her for everything!:mad: I was originally 5th chair for some reason,but then we had another try out and I moved up to second:angel:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Hey There Stardust O.K here is all the advice I can give U re. Ice skating Keep your knees very slightly bent and always keep your back straight. If you think you are about to fall, bend your knees a little more. That may stop you from leaning too far forwards or backwards and would cause the least damage if you fall. You see...it would be much better to hurt your *** than to fall on your head ;) Better off you sticking close to someone. If you need to make the railing your best friend, then don't skate right near it coz the ice becomes uneven, thus making it hard to balance....you don't need that. Keep it half an arms length away, so that way you can still reach it. Hope all the above helps. Be careful, you definitely don't want any blades riding over ya...ooowwwch!!! GOOD LUCK, sweetie:D Lots-A-Luv [/B][/QUOTE] thanx del,ur an angel:angel:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]sheesh.. ;) how about a 'please'? .. lol j/p .. i want to see some more pictures cause your sexy :p [/B][/QUOTE] um.thanx....I think........hmmmm.......
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]*sends stardust a disposible camera* :D heh.. [/B][/QUOTE] why do u want my pic so bad?????Hmmm........I'd like 2 know,tell me!