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Everything posted by stardust

  1. ohhh....I hate black outs,but I have a battery thing the comps hooked up to,so I can stay onlne approximently 1 hour after power's lost before the battery gives out,but I have a great fear of the dark,I mean,really,I get really scared:nervous:
  2. hmm......I usually hang out at good old Otkau,got friends here,keep me company,when it's nice out,I usually go outside and walk around w/ friends and talk,in the summer,I hang out at the pool in a skimpy bikini and let all the guys stare at me lol,seriously,I like to swim
  3. lolololol,sry,I feel ur pain,that must've been embarressing,but smart thinking,a stick?lol
  4. stardust


    yeah,that's why I don't resort to violence,but,I do know karate,so I'm prepared,just in case:naughty:
  5. hmmm......dunno,but I do know coke has a ph level of 2.8,which could dissolve a finger nail in 4 days
  6. yeah,that's serious,u need to tell him and get to a doctor,how long has this been goin on?I get swimmers ear alot,and have trouble hearing,so it could b that,in that case,u'll have to take pennicilin and eardrops,but U NEED TO TELL HIM SOON!LIKE NOW!Every second counts,waiting's only gonna make it worse note:If it's perminent,I'm sorry,and just b thankful it's not both ears:angel:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B][COLOR=red]Probbaly just the wrong address [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] lol,nope,it had my name at the top,to:lauren,yup,and then it was signed thommy
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B] [color=indigo]That is a pretty pathetic reason to break up with someone, and his excuse is really really lame. By the way I'm a 10+ ladies::sigh:: no i'm not, I'm ugly, so very, very ugly :bawl: actually, to be honest, I am pretty good looking I guess...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] tell me about it,he even says we were never goin out at all,but his friends don't belive him,they belive me
  9. I was checking my old e-mail,and I got a yahoo greeting from someone: I want to wish you a merry merry Christmas, and tons of presents :) I wish I could give you something too but well...One of the biggest presents I've got this year was you stepping in my life...You're really important to me and I hope you know that...I miss you... now,ur thinkin,what's weird bout that?But...............................:nervous: ............................................................................................I DON'T KNOW WHO THIS PERSON IS!I HAVE NO IDEA!AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!Ok,well,has this kinda thing ever happened 2 u?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]OOC: hehe,...I remember Duck Hunt..I think I've still got the gun somewhere..in London :D (I moved house at 2) IC: This might sound weird,...for me,...but my books, and a few floppys that my mosque'll have trouble running without..[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] duck hunt?I've got that one still,all neatly packed away in my overstuffed video game cubby,lol:freak:
  11. It seems like it could b reversed so they age slower,makes sense to me
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=rainbow] You're quite pretty. Your eyes have little sparkles in them I notice. Is that just natural or did you do that with your computer?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] no,that's natural,people say that all the time,they love my eyes,they're a pretty green color too up close,u can't tell in the pic though
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]:( id like to officially change mine to -1 ive just been blown off by the person i love......i just want to be friends blah blah blah..........:bawl: im gonna go break something. [/B][/QUOTE] aw,I'm sorry,I've been there before,but he dumped me cause his room wasn't clean.....err......that was his excuse,but the real reason was people were making fun of him,but life goes on,I hope u feel better
  14. I got a better pic of me,anyways,no matter how hard I try I can't get the camera to stop makin my skin look all pale like it does there,I'm darker then that:sleep:
  15. I don't know,he's not on these boards anyway,he's probably at home,even though I do know everything about him,I kno where he lives,and his phone number,and his siblings names.....I could go on forever.......
  16. I've played a few times,it's fun,but I never really got the hang of it
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lavy [/i] [B] logan *smiles looking arond* well now *puts her nose into the ground getting on all fours her tail straight up in the air as she sniffs around walking in circles at first slowly making her way out trying to find this... logan*.... [/B][/QUOTE] um,ok,whatever......
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lavy [/i] [B]*pats stardust* what is it? ^.^ maybe I can help *giggles* I have friends in high places *waves to james* [/B][/QUOTE] *sigh* read the sig 5 letter word in pretty colors......
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lavy [/i] [B]O.O I was joking. v.v I wanted to see his reaction I'm taken *points to the ring around her necklace* *pouts* v.v take my thread will you... *eyes water up* [/B][/QUOTE] I'm gonna go crazy in 10 seconds........ ERR!well,I've only got one wish,but it'll never happen,I'm so close,but no *sigh*...... what's the wish.... *Points to sig*Take a guess.......
  20. stardust


    I HOLD IN MY HAND [COLOR=blue]I hold in my hand a seashell, I found along the shore As I walk along the beach, I find many more I hold in my hand some water I collected from the ocean The sun shines on the waves More beautiful with every motion I hold in my hand a starfish The tide has brought to me I set it back down in the sand And the tide has swept it out to sea I hold in my hand a grain of sand It covers the beach It holds a million memories All within my reach I stood there for a moment As the sun fades into night I stay a little longer And the stars shine forever bright [/COLOR]
  21. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6214 [/url] my pic,judge 4 urself,I know I'm ugly though-----------:smooch:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=rainbow] I wish that you could make a selfish wish.;) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I want a selfish wish too,and it wouldn't even b that selfish,I only really want one thing in the whole world,then I'd really b happy
  23. hmmm....that's cool~:)I still really really want my wish though:bawl:
  24. uh....I know a sequal to Harvest Moon!!(PS)*everybody looks at him funny* I like that wish,Harvest moon is like,the most underated game in the world people hear the word "farming" and say "how could could a farm game be.....?"
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