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Everything posted by stardust

  1. I'd wish nobody suffered from anything,and everybody could just be nice to oneanother
  2. hey,what kinda things did u get?I got a cd player,game boy advance,two games,nailpolish,hairclips,other girl stuff,u know,still hopin 4 my christmas wish 2 come true
  3. man,ur very pretty,I wish I could b that pretty,I'm ugly though:bawl:
  4. well,I would have to say my flut,the stuffed animal unicorn I've had for like evver!I can't sleep w/out it!:toothy:
  5. lol,new pic of me!whatcha think?
  6. OMG,I'm a major Harvest Moon fan!hehehehe(Look at my sig,I'm saving for gbc 3),I only play the Game boy ones though,but I'm real good at it,I currently have 4 cows,4 chickens,maxed out money,full house expansion,and it's my 4th year on the game,so I have all those harvest master tools
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]I hate those... [b]click[/b] [i]Ad pops up[/i] I dont want low APR on a new credit card... [b]click[/b] [i]ad pops up[/i] I dont want a cell phone... [b]click[/b] [i]Ad pops up[/i] I DONT WANT A NEW FRIGGING WEB CAM! [b]click[/b] [i]Ad pops up[/i] I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!! DIE!!! [b]click... boom....[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] geese,u and your bombs,you already blew me up yesterday....
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]o_O That makes no sense...whatsoever...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] alright,I'll explain,well,he really dumped me cause somebody made fun of him after he told them he was going out with me,and then I called him and asked him why he dumped me,cause when he did it,all he told me was he had too,so then I called and asked and he's like "my room isn't clean,my parents are devorced and I'm getting bad grades"
  9. lol,nope,not me,tryin as best I can to get Logan though,I'm making progress!!!!!yay!anyways,I used to have one,but he dumped me because his room wasn't clean,(long story)
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B] Heres a solution: Get a pop up killer. [/B][/QUOTE] dude,no offense,but you sound like an ad!lolololol!
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I'm glad we don't have lots of ads like that... We have pointless ones... like the NSPCC (not pointless) but it get's be down about kids being abused and stuff Another one I don't like its like the Oxfam ones... with the african people... And when a life insurance ad comes on I change channel quick. I FRIGGIN' HATE the ads which sell stuff and then you think "god damnnit, yes it's finished!" And then they say... "But wait, there's more!" DAMN THEM, DAMN THOSE ADS! PS. stardust, I thought you were leaving, bye :D [EDIT]What?! You mean internet ads? Why didn't you say... geeze...[/EDIT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] lol,decided not to leave,I belong here with my buds;)
  12. geese,I mean,they're all bad,but this one takes the cake I was playing on a game site,and I saw this ad for gun control,it started out like a little kids drawing of a little girl,and it's like this is my baby sister celsey,and then it said I found a gun in the drawer and showed that little girl with a big blood spot on her chest(still crayon drawing),and it's like,I made celsey go away,I hate me I'm like,that's real nice,I know gun control's important,but is tht neccessiary?:nervous:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]Ok now that we're on the subject i would like to wish all americans a happy thanksgiving. I was worried i would get the day wrong and offend you all so i was waiting for someone to say something. Sorry[/B] :nervous: [/B][/QUOTE] lololol,it's ok,I wasn't sure I had the right day myself!that's sad isn't it??
  14. Who's your favorite sailor scout?I like Pluto
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]So you aren't leaving Stardust? Happy Thanksgiving![/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] nah,I'm not letting one set back stop me,I belong here,I've been w/ otaku for a loooooooooonnnnnnnggggggggg time,very long time
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B]I would hate that! How old is she? To tell you the truth,I'm very glad that I don't have a sister,I've never wanted one.. I've always looked at them as brats,I don't know why. [/B][/QUOTE] my sister's 10,but she acts like she's 2,anyways,my uncle and me got her back,and went through her purse,and found this note about a kid named mike,and teased her bout that
  17. I can't stand my sister,I really do hate hetr,she's such a brat,begging for attention,she has middle child syndrome I guess,she's an embarressment,today at dinner,she yelled out about Logan and they kept teasing me all night -_- I'm sick of that-_- ruins my dinner......
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]If you do, please tell me whta your belt is and what type of Martial Arts you do. I am a second-degree brown belt in Tae Kwon Do. [/B][/QUOTE] I used to do karate,made it to green belt w/ 2 blue stripes,then I quit-_-
  19. I know it's a little late,but I just got home,so happy thanksgiving everybody!!!!!!
  20. this is rediculous!Almost every thread in this forum is closed!!
  21. You know,I've had it with these boards,time to move on,people seem to hate me,I put up with the constent arguments and everything like that,nobody can seem to get along with me,I didn't mind,but taking my paper away was the last straw.Why you people hated it,I never knew,I spent my good time typing it for you people,didn't have to read it,didn't have to click on the link,but you did and chose to complain Anyways,for my friends,DeathKnight,undyingangel,pan,and a few others,this is bye for now and people,if u need to talk to me,you know where to find me -~~Lauren~~_
  22. Man,they locked my Daily Otaku,when I went to write this weeks paper,well,that's just peachy!Punshish all those people arguing in my post by taking it out on me,that sure solves things
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]*looks at stardust's pic* Wow... you're pretty.... very pretty.... [/color]:) [/B][/QUOTE] hmmmm......thanx,I'm seriously blushing now,oh geese.... Deathknight,if you have AIM,IM me at MidnightDreams89,if not,pm me and we can talk,I'm bored
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson]:D Thanks.... *blushes*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] really,you are,I meant that,too bad I don't really know you
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