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Everything posted by stardust

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]This is a good site that lets you see that stick figures can do a lot of things 3-D figures that could. I hope you guys have macromedia. [url=http://games.sohu.com/fightgame/fight3.swf]stick figure fighting[/url] Once its done, what do you think of it?? Post up your opinions here. [/B][/QUOTE] hmmmmm......well,that's interesting......
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i] [B]Stardust, you look older than your age, but you look cute. Kuja, I just saw your pic. I'm not surprise. [/B][/QUOTE] everybody says I look older then my age,gets kinda annoying,but hey,doesn't bother me a bit
  3. me gots pic too [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=98415[/url] hehehehe,I know I'm ugly,no need to tell me oh,and DeathKnight,You're very very cute:blush:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] ................No [/B][/QUOTE] whatever,anyway,if u put the stone in the box,u put it in the box,which means it's in the box,so,yeah,it's still in the box
  5. Maybe it's not the stone you can't see,but the box,I know it doesn't make much sense,but you see what I mean?
  6. Ok,if u put the stone in,then it's there,but,the box could be closed so u can't see it,and the rock makes it to heavy to move,see??
  7. I go w/ my mom to the grocery store and they give us one free,then my daddy makes it,but usually our grandma comes along,and she makes us turkey too,so we get two turkeys
  8. yeah,sports game never really got me either,I go for adventure and RPG,Kirby and Donkey Kong are my faves though
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]i would post a pic too, but my scanner and i have a few problems. i won the last fight, and it has been in 4 peices on the floor since then. i might get another pic up as soon as we work out our problems. *glares at his scanner* "stupid hp scanner, should have known better than to go hp." [/B][/QUOTE] lololololol,I have an hp scanner too,I tried to scan a pic using it,and then my computer like,shut itself down,so screw that,I went for the digital camera,so much easier!
  10. lol,I took it myself in the bathroom cause I didn't have enough light anywhere else,ok,so I'm 12,mistyped
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]This may be a kind of stupid question... but why do have baseball posters hanging in your room? Or are you in your brothers room or something? And you look great, even better than the last one I saw of you ;)[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] oh,I was in the bathroom,my dad decorated it,lol
  12. sounds like it's gonna be cool,i'm definately visiting when it's done!I can't draw either,but Ive got a friend who can do wonders with a pencil,so I'll see if I can get her to draw sumthin for ya
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]How old are you? Just wondering. You're cute stardust. [/B][/QUOTE] thanx,I'm 13
  14. Ok,the other post got messed up,and the picture wasn't working,so I hope it works this time
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Ive got one, I have an 8 inch talliwacker....... psh...no one ever believes me, only the girls ive dated believe me. [/B][/QUOTE] well,that was definately more then I wanted to know......
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Quatre's_gurl [/i] [B][COLOR=seagreen]I'm totally obsessed w/ this guy who's one of my best friends now! (Obsessed as in "in love") :blush: :angel: :blush: :angel: :blush: :angel: :blush: :angel:[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] lol,welcome to the club,check my sig lately?lol,I asked him out yesterday,give you three guesses to what he told me,you'll get this one if you read my old sig:blush:
  17. hey,anybody got any secrets they haven't been telling us?Just curious,I love that kind of stuff
  18. hehehe,I sit at a table of 6 hyper active girls!man,we're yelling out eachother's secrets and making fun of people,and talking talking talking,it's so confusing!
  19. PEOPLE!How hard is it to write a report?I can't make any daily otaku's at the moment cause I don't have any reports for it!Ok,right now,my whole staff is fired except for krillin,so I can restaff,not because you people are bad reporters,but I need to get this in order,now listen,if you were already a reporter,pm me to get your job back,if u wannna be one,reply here then send me a pm,thanx!
  20. this is a cool topic,can i put it in the daily otaku?u can be a reporter
  21. well,I've been extremely busy with school lately,sry
  22. I bet your wondering,but this had quite a twist ending anyways,I'm in seventh grade,I had no idea what he's doing,and he doesn't like me he's going out with another girl and the teacher made him write me a patetic apology letter,but I saved it for my scrapbook:) anyway,my crush bugs me now,he's always watching what I'm writing in science class,seriously,we were doing this future survey thing,like how many kids we want and carrers,and he must have been interested cause he kept on reading mine
  23. not to mention I don't want him to hate me
  24. well,I don't want to sound like a retard
  25. lol,I've tried to talk to him,asked him why he does that,the teacher even asked him,the only answer he gave was "I don't know"
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