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Everything posted by stardust

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]either he likes u or he's a little prick that likes to be annoying. a good slap upside the head shuld deter him (just make sure the teacher isnt lookin) [/B][/QUOTE] lol,I've repeately hit him over the head with whatever school supplies I found handy.....
  2. dude,I'm not that evil........don't wanna hurt him........
  3. anyways,I don't like him in that way
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]no reason u cant like more than 1 person. do u find him attractive, he may be a complete retard but if hes good looking just take him for the ride. [/B][/QUOTE] lady mechadoha(sry for mispelling) is missing the point,I kinda like him,but I like the ther guy better,therefore,I don't want to move away from him,see??
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]Evil!!!!!! (five '!'......thats worrying) may lucifers firey flames boil all those with lists!!!!! (and again....yup that proves it) Stardust i like the way your last post read, sounds like u like the guy. [/B][/QUOTE] :blush: Uh,actually,I don't like him,I like somebody else....
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]well, have you ever thought about just asking the teacher to let you change seats to get away from him? it seems like she wants the problem resolved almost as much as you do. if she says no, just explain that the guy is distracting you from her teaching & that you're concerned about your grades. that ought to do it. [/B][/QUOTE] It's not affecting my grades,and I like sitting there,you know,I don't wanna move....
  7. whatever peoples,I don't think he likes me though,I have no clue,but he just won't stop bugging me!!!!!!
  8. figures nobody likes my poems
  9. Geese!there's this one kid at school,and he sits in front of me in english class,so he always turns around and writes on my stuff,so the teacher always yells at him for it,and I tell him to stop,but he keeps on doing it,so today I was late for my next class because the teacher made me and him stay after class,so she was talking to us,and she's like "well Kenny,do you want to write Lauren a note?" and aI don't understand why she said that,trying to figure it out,anyways,he's always doing other stuff,like pulling my hair anybody out there got any ideas about any of this?
  10. [COLOR=darkblue]ok,stand back and be amazed!POETRY BY STARDUST[/COLOR] stardust [email]pixiesparkles822@mail.com[/email] aim:pixiesparkles822 [COLOR=limegreen]The things I like[/COLOR] [I]I like to watch the stars at night, when I'm all alone I like to daydream of worlds all my own I like the rainbows after rainy days I like to pick roses and I wish that they could stay I like to walk through fields, of colorful wildflowers I like mystical things unicorns and magic powers I like to walk along the seaside from time to time then for just a moment the whole world would be mine[/I] PHILOSOPHY [I]Lifes a one way street that teaches everything but what's the point of living? if you can't have everything People miss the point happens everytime it's not the life your living but the life you've lived Philosophy's another thing few people understand words that make no sense when first said but those few words can change everything You can see the stars shining in the sky but it doesn't mean you can see the light Courage comes from the soul love from the heart but people overlook the true experience of both To wrap up this tale Never forget things aren't what they appear to be and that's enough said [/I] the first one was written from my love of the world,everything I like sumed up in a poem the second one,comes from my love of philosophy,and some song lyrics also inspired it
  11. I'd name a girl Layla,Savannah,or Ginger I'd name a boy Tamerin,Sammy,or Skyler
  12. just wanted one more goodbye before I leave for a week,leavin in a few min when my mom gets back,so,see ya later!!
  13. hmmmmmmmm,backstinl boys or n'suck??hmmm,there's a toughie.....no offense,but I hate em both
  14. Well,this is my last day on otaku for a whole week!:(I'm goin camping for a week startin tommorow.I'll be here for most of the day still though,so if ya got sumthin to tell me,say it now!Also,daily otaku will not be printed for that week,sorry!Oh,and,don't miss me too much;) Bye!!!!! ~Lauren
  15. I have,own the video of it too!hehehe love that story;)
  16. nah,we'll do fine,it's open now, ok,here's the scoop on my ice cream parlor ice cream cone-1$ strawberry shortcake-3$ ice cream sundae-4$ bannana split-5$ extra toppings-50 cents each any takers??
  17. lemme see here....ok!Well,these adventure peoples are on a quest to stop this evil clan from making the sun explode, and save the earth
  18. Ok,well,Make up a character to be and include all the stuff in this post below!thanx!Then we'll see where we can take it. ok,here's my character name:stardust(u don't have to use your user name,I just want to) weapons:Starlight wand,sword location:One of saturns rings(where your from,make it up) that's it unless anybody could think up something we should add,if so,we'll just edit our posts;)
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Darkness Bu [/i] [B]The Darkness Bu VS. stardust 6 more contestints(sp?) uh.....boss pleez don fire mei f i beat you [/B][/QUOTE] don't worry,I won't;)
  20. sweet,here's the rules,oh,and I'm gonna have an ice cream stand 1.Everybody starts out with 1000 dollars 2.You must keep trck of how much you spend and make with your stand,and must put your updated tatals in each post,also,please keep track of your inventory of stuff you bought,and post it also 3.You must buy something! 4.Who ever has the most stuff they bought and/or the most money wins!!!!!
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Interesting....Its only them I swear!! Only them!! Yes only them noone else... [/B][/QUOTE] exactly,yup.........
  22. I come from somewhere I don't know,probably some dark place....
  23. I dunno if I can help ya,but it keeps sayin the page can't be displayed for me,anyways,don't by a gateway,I agree with that,my uncle called because his comp didn't work and they told him to take it apart......seriously......
  24. nice philosophy there.I always new they weren't normal
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