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Everything posted by stardust

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yuri [/i] [B]I have to pack when I get home:( :( :( :( :( [/B][/QUOTE] why do u have to pack????????????:confused:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i] [B]Do you believe in love first sight? [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah,I certainly do,but it's more fun to wait it out:babble:
  3. I'm starting a carnival,we'll have games and stuff,sign up here for your own booth,which you can sell stuff,ok??you can sell food,games,or other stuff,get how it works??everybody starts out with a certain amount of money and we'll see who could make and spend the most,get it??
  4. Fine then!If nobody wants to come!*sniff*:( :(
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yuri [/i] [B]I'm in school right now It sucks:mad: [/B][/QUOTE] HAHAHAHA!I DON'T HAVE SCHOOL FOR ANOTHER WEEK BECAUSE ON MONDAY,MY GRADE IS GOIN AWAY TO CAMP INSTEAD OF GOIN TO SCHOOL!!HOW FUN!!!!:p :p :p
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B]didja get caught stardust? [/B][/QUOTE] Nope,I didn't,I never do!LOL!!!!!!!!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B]I don't thats why im online right now if i did I would have been at school with Lectures all day long,lol. [/B][/QUOTE] LOL!I know what you mean........hehehehe.but one day I was in lifeskills at school and we were at the computer lab,so I posted on this board anyhow!!!
  8. I'm leaving for a week,so before I leave on monday,I wanna have a party on aim because they're fun!If you wanna come IM me at pixiesparkles822 or sign your aim sn here!!!EVERYBODY'S INVITED!!!!!!!!:angel:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B]Lubbock, Texas u?? [/B][/QUOTE] olmsted falls,ohio,it's rainin here!!:angel:
  10. haha.me neither!Where do u live??:flaming:
  11. I never throw anything away!I just cleaned out my school folder and had a 6 in high stack of papers to throw out!Not to mention my PM box here has 59 messages I don't need in there,man,I've got cleaning to do!LOL!Anybody out there like me??
  12. My real name is Lauren:smirk:,I like my name,it means crowned with laurel,which was a sign for victory in ancient greece,besides,I like this kid at school named Logan,so our names kinda match,isn't that cute??The only about my name I don't like is it's to darn common!I mean,I'm sitting there in class with 5 other peoples named lauren,then the teacher calls on "Lauren" and either we all answer,or everybody shuts up because we don't know which lauren,oh well!!!!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lil_hell4t [/i] [B]one question tho,how would spores go throuhg a computer!?!?!?!....i mean,emails travel in seconds they are very fast but how owuld you put a spore into memory!!?!?.. ok ive just confuddled myself again [/B][/QUOTE] people,I meant snail mail,u know,the kind you send in envelopes thriough the postal service??
  14. [SIZE=4]WANT YOUR POSTS TO LOOK BETTER??[/SIZE] We can publish you stories and whatever else you like in our paper,or a seperate topic in otaku colorful and full of pics and stuff Well,my otaku publishing company,makers of everybodys favoorite otaku news paper,the daily otsku,is offering lessons on how to make your posts look better and teach you some cool tips and stuff!So sign up here!I just wanna help ya if ya need it!! otaku publishings:tasty:
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]actually in this thread i am the only one that is new o.o [/B][/QUOTE] yeah,I've been here for awhile now:angel:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by No-Name [/i] [B]transatic, why do sum ppl have custom avatars when they dont 500 posts yet? like mystic pan, shes only got like 300-sumthing. whats up w/that? [/B][/QUOTE] dude,what is up your butt today??Man,ever since you came back you've been cranky and complaining!I'm not tryin to be mean,but really,sup with you??:confused:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]There should be a report on my new Avatar... it's created such a shock! :) [/B][/QUOTE] can do.........
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] Anthrax itself takes alot of time and money to make into a bio weapon..... so i wouldnt worry.... the only time anthrax was mass produced was in russia when they were communist, as soon as the iron curtain fell and the people around the world could see in russia (when it became a democracy) they found they had a 65,000 scientist team producing bio chemical weapons, and nuclear weapons. in the gulf war also, it was found some of the warheads that were being fired from the enemy had anthrax in them.... but it takes alot of time and money to make them.... and a few thousand scientists.... thats one of the reasons the USSR fell, because the ppl rebelled because the peoples money was being taken to mass produce nuclear, and bio nuclear weapons. and also it was being taken to help the other communist countries that were fighting the USA... (vietnam war, korean war) [/B][/QUOTE] uh..thanx for the history lesson there.....
  19. [SIZE=3]THE DAILY OTAKU[/SIZE] Seems my reporters got a bit lazy...... anyway..... we have fun and original stuff from you,the otaku public,today on the daily otaku!!!! [COLOR=crimson]OTAKU RADIO[/COLOR] ATTENTION OTAKU FANS!Get all of your favorite music on otaku radio!They even take requests...well,it's not ready yet,but soon enough!You can also sign up to help on the radio!So go to that topic![URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3639]Click For Otaku Radio!![/URL] [COLOR=darkblue]TODAYS OTAKU TIP[/COLOR] Put lots of smileys in your posts today!Make somebody happy with a cute smiley! [COLOR=deeppink]OTHER FORUM REPORTS:BY STARDUST[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]DBZ FORUM[/COLOR] Here's one you don't here everyday."Does anybody out there look like a dbz character?" well,If you do head on over to that post and say so!! [COLOR=teal]DAILY OTAKU NOW TAKING YOUR SUBMISSIONS!![/COLOR] We do ads for topics,websites,or anything else!!We also take articles and anything your heart desires!Pm stardust with your article or ad thing today!!!!!!!!!!!! [COLOR=darkblue]THAT'S ALL FOLKS!![/COLOR] That's all for today!Have a great night!Bye!!:angel: Copyright daily Otaku publishings 2001:cool: THIS JUST IN BY REQUEST! EVERBODY LOOK AT TRASTICS NEW AVATAR!IT'S WILD!IT'S UNIQUE!IT'S SHOCKING!WHAT PLANET IS IT FROM??WELL,WE DON'T EXACTLY KNOW RIGHT NOW.....
  20. Dude,that's creepy!People are talking about killer diseases sent through the mail by tarriorists.Man,I'm so tired of this whole thing!!Geese,I just want it to end!I don't wanna die!These people are stupid.....
  21. thanx,and fish,you can be a reporter,IM OR PM me:angel:
  22. [SIZE=3]THE DAILY OTAKU[/SIZE] Hello otakuers!Like always,we have a great issue!Why am I wasting time going on for!get readin! [COLOR=orangered]GAMES AND STORIES REPORT[/COLOR] By Krillin Not much has happened during games and stories, but i can tell you this..... There is a Resident Evil RPG coming out soon durng this week, emcew gave me word of it, I highly reccomend it that you join because it will be packed with suspense and horrifting monsters. Another exciting thing that many have been wandering....Pan, a serious membewr of Dating Game Extreme, exclaims to herself....."What happened to all my posts?!!"Well i'll tell you what happened guys, if you post alot in a single thread and that thread gets deleted,then all of your posts that you posted will be deleted also which deducts those from your post count, so I suggest that you should change your Avatar once you reach 500. Post Count Hallofame: Forte-1000 See you all tomarrow! [COLOR=darkblue]INTERVEIWS[/COLOR] We interveiwed a couple mods,very interesting! MY INTERVIEW WITH CLOUD... Forte: First Question.... Forte: How did you become a mod? Cloud: That's a tough one... well, Once, a long long time ago (like 8 months) they need a moderator for the dbz forum. The old one went away. Well i was a good person then and well, i never spammed or anything and just abbout everyone liked me. So adam just picked me and ever since i've moderated one forum or another... Forte: Next Question.... Forte: How long have you been on the boards? Cloud: 14 months, 3rd longest person [COLOR=blue]Forte: Next and Final Question.... Forte: How much time do you spend on the boards Cloud: roughly 2 and a half hours a day. Forte: thats all for today Forte: Thanx For You Time and Have a Great Day! interveiw with james We interveiwed James over IM to get an inside look at the life of an otaku mod.This is what he had to say: PixieSparkles822: this is stardust,I wanna interveiw you for the daily otaku,k?? James: ohh ok. I didn't expect you to interview me lol James: but you can interview who you want James: :-) James: btw, good job with your newspaper :-) PixieSparkles822: okie dokie,1st question: PixieSparkles822: what's it like being a mod? James: Being a mod can be tough, especially when you have a lot of spam to clean up! :-) And sometimes mods get blamed for things they don't have control over...but mostly it's a pretty rewarding job for people I think. PixieSparkles822: ok,do u like being a mod? James: Well I'm not really a mod as such...and sometimes I am a bit too busy to mod all the time. But mostly it's good because I can help people with their problems PixieSparkles822: how often would you say you're on otaku? James: Oh, I'm here at least once a day. PixieSparkles822: ok,would you say being a mod is hard?does it take lots of responsibility? James: ah sorry, I lost my connection for a moment. James: Being a mod can be difficult, yeah. It does take a lot of responsibility PixieSparkles822: great,what was your reaction when you found out you were picked as a mod? James: Well at that time I wasn't really active on the boards. So I wasn't really "chosen" to be a mod, I requested to Adam that I be given admin-level powers because at the time I was a senior staff member at theOtaku.com PixieSparkles822: how long have you been on otaku?? James: I'm not sure exactly how long, but I would say that I've been around in some form since the end of last year. PixieSparkles822: ok,thank you,you've been great!Any thing you'd like to close with? James: Hmm.. James:[COLOR=red]Adam and I have a surprise for everyone at Christmas this year. [/COLOR] James: :-) PixieSparkles822: ooooohhhhhhh........ok,thanx,look for our interview in tommorow daily otaku!! James: no problem that's very interseting huh? [COLOR=limegreen]GUNDAM REPORT[/COLOR] By,DuoGodofDeath Mainly polls are going on in the section right now. Here are some of the results. On "What is your Fsv. Gunam Series?" started by Yuri 08th Ms Team-3 Gundam Wing (including Endless Waltz)-2 Gundam-1 G-Gundam-1 Gundam X-1 Stardust Memmorie-0 G-Unit-0 Gundam F91-0 On "Best Gundam"-Single H and "fav. Gundam"-Dark Sephiroth combined. DeathScythe-14 Wing Zero-9 Epyone-2 Nataku/Altron-1 Master Gundam-1 Devil Gundam-1 God Gundam-1 Dragon Gundam-1 Bolt-1 Gouf-1 Heavy Arms-1 Tall Geese-1 Hydra Gundam-1 Sandrock-1 Amuro Ray's RX-93 Nu Gundam-1 And a big story going around is the new schedule on toonami. On how by popular demand Gundam is back at 5/4c w/ Gundam 08th Ms Team. :ball: [COLOR=darkblue]POKEMON REPORT[/COLOR] By,stardust:ball: Is pokemon dying?Will2x asks that.Go to the pokemon forunm and see what it's all about.Please also post your opinions :flaming: [SIZE=3]SPECIAL ANNONCEMENT[/SIZE] :flaming: ATTENTION!Just a reminder,this upcoming monday,I'll be going to Mohican.I will be there until 2:00 my time on the 19th.During which time,my co=creator forte will be taking over the daily otaku.So,all my reporters must mail their reports to forte,don't worry,I'll send my reporters special instructions on what to do during that week.That is all!
  23. [SIZE=3]THE DAILY OTAKU[/SIZE] Hello all in otaku land today!We have lots of fun stuff to report!With our brand new reporting staff and we have a co-creator now too!Intrducing Forte!Daily Otaku's first co-creator!He is also the ff reporter! [COLOR=darkblue]AN INSIDE LOOK AT THE DAILY OTAKU[/COLOR] Where exactly did this idea come from?Well,I got tired of searching through boring topics,and I thought you might too,so I picked a few worth the time to read!I also hated coming to the board sometimes,seeing it "spammed" or attacked,so this is also to get the goods on what's goin on in the world of otaku.How is it made you ask?Here is a step-by-step guide to the making of each issue of the Daily Otaku. 1.Each day I make a new general disscussion topic then type THE DAILY OTAKU and a greeting at the top. 2.I go to my pm box and check for reports from my reporting team,then I copy and paste them in to the text box 3.while at my pm box,I check for ad request or articles from daily otaku readers like you and copy and paste them as well. 4.I end with a closing,and the submit the new topic for you to read!That's all!It takes around 10-20 min. to publish it,it takes long between all the typing and so on. [COLOR=limegreen]AN INSIDE LOOK AT OTAKU BOARD HISTORY[/COLOR] IN THE BEGINNING...........otaku was a wonderful place!People were called cool newbies,and the mods wouldn't tolerate foul language or being mean.People were nice then. BUT SINCE THEN otaku has certainly improved!Even though members come and go,it's a great place to hang out on the net.Nothing more than a registration and a love for anime or video games is required. Spammers-YEP,SOME OF US HAVE SEEN IT ALL!Between spamgetta and some others,it has caused lots of destruction.Ever since shinji and some others not to be mentioned destroyed the board,there has been little or none.Of course,technically they failed,see it as we got a new pretty board,that was the result of Adams hard work and determination to make the board the best it can be! Screennames-Lots of us had over gone name changes over the years.I used to be pokeprincess and sailor~stardust,but those days are over.Everybody called me stardust anyway,so it works!Others of us,had stood strong with our original names,no matter what happened. Hope you enjoyed our look back at otaku history!!!!!!!!!!!! [COLOR=darkblue]NINTENDO REPORT-By Cecil[/COLOR] Nintendo Report Gamecube Countdown According to Defcon5 there is 37 days left as of today 10/7/01. If you want to go there you self go herehere Megaman X Theory A thread started by yours turly, this is for Megaman fan's if you happen to be one check it out by clicking here. Also if you want to have a Megaman forum go to the suggestions or just clickhere That is all for the Nintendo Report today. [COLOR=orangered]DBZ REPORT-By DeathKnight[/COLOR] DBZ Report: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3383]Topic One:[/URL] the arguement's abouts other and the Females in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, And GT.... it started as a question about Goku's Mom and why it never showed her, the question was answered that she died after giving birth to goku... then it started about the Saiyen Women in dbz and how its kinda weird that there is nothing about them..... if there are no pure blooded saiyen women, where did the pure blooded saiyens come from? (goku vegeta) [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3373]Topic Two:[/URL] Dubbed? the differences in it and why the hell are FunI making trunks seem so rude? (the fight between trunks and goten in the junior divison at the tournament) Shadow Gohan has come up with a great theory on why super saiyens hair stay up on some levels of ssj and stays down on others That's it for today!Laterz! TOMMOROWS FEATURES: Common otaku games Other forums-worth looking at?? copyright Otaku Publishing Company :cool:
  24. people,any1 wanna be reporters?I need more!!!!!:love: :love:
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