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Everything posted by stardust

  1. well,me and my boyfriend broke up today,i couldn't stop crying,how pathetic I am,but I don't understand what happened.He said he's "afraid of commitment" it's crazyness,and all his friends sware he's just gonna come back to me again 0_o.*sigh* How to cope with this....
  2. I like to sing along to the radio or cds,so sometimes when I'm taking a bath I'll play a cd and sing,it helps relax me a lot.
  3. I absolutely hate missing school.At the high school now,if you miss a test you take a zero,they don't let you make it up.It's annoying.And if you miss a day,you ahve like 4 days worth of homework to do,it's insane.
  4. I'm in my first year of german,I like it very much,it's so hard tho. Guten tag.
  5. My mom put the NetNanny on once.It sucked so bad.It blocked toysrus.com,I don't know what it found bad on that site but oh well,lol.Everytime I clicked a link it had the gay netnanny picture. Too bad my mom was stupid and never logged out of her account before she let me on. It's not like I do anything bad, but I do like to chat every once in awhile if I'm bored.
  6. We have some foreign people,there's a girl from egypt and a german exchange student.they both have accents.I think it's kinda cool.
  7. What you should do when you like someone is flirt with them and she how they take it. See how they react to you. If you become friends with him,even better! Just don't get too close as far as being friends goes,I know that never ends well.Try to stand close to him and see if he moves away or sumthing. Also,did you know if somebody thinks you're attractive their pupils will dialate when they see you? I heard that somewhere awhile ago.Anyways,I hope things work out well with you and Raymond.
  8. I've always known where I'm headed. Really,I set things now for the future so I'm prepared.I known for years I wnat to teach a science class someday,maybe around here. I want to get married and have a decent house and a couple of kids and lots of pets. I have way too much time on my hands....
  9. I think evolution needs to be taught.It's one of the 7 major areas of biology. Around here,it's taught as "it could be true" but never has a teacher told me "this is how it is".
  10. I've never tried it,but it seems awesome. My boyfriend does it and loves it,he even got a new bow for his birthday ^_^ lol,I'd like to try sometime though,it seems kinda hard...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]I need help a girl at school likes me, but she's a Freshman and I'm a Senior. In my state its illegal to date someone that younger than you, but she was so cute and nice so I dated her anyway and she eventually became my girlfriend. We tried it for a while and it didn't work(I broke it off because me and my High School Sweet Heart made up and I still loved her). She was really sad and went crazy talking about taking her back. Now the girl is blabbing about our secret relationship and the teachers suspect that she was my girl, but don't have enough proof yet to bring me in. I asked her to stop talking but she's blackmailing me and says she won't stop until we are together again. How do I keep her from talking? [/B][/QUOTE] What do u mean it's illegal to date sumbody younger than you?How can that be,I'm going out with a sophomore. How can a law keep you apart?You've got to be kidding....explain this.
  12. Up until highschool we couldn't have them,but now we camn.It doesn't make any sense to me. Anyways,I hear it's nice to carry all your things with you,you never leave anything behind but y'know. I don't carry mine around just because it seems easier to carry my large pile of books than a full backpack. It's kinda stupid the middle school doesn't allow it,and the intermediate school won't even allow trappers.
  13. Once I was playing the Legend of Zelda and I ran into the little shop thingie with my pegasus boots and stole a bow and arrows and all kinds of nifty things. And then I walked back in and the old man killed me and everybody called me theif. Wasn't that enchanting?
  14. Yea,I was a peer mediator so I learned to give good advice in the area of relationships,lol. I've experienced a lot (ok,just about ALL of this stuff) before so I know what to do and what not to do.i just hope it all works out great for everybody. Also,anybody could IM or PM me anytime with a problem,I live to help,lol.
  15. Lol,last saturday, my marching band went to a fair and my bf was acting really stupid. They had this hot tub set up on display, and first he dunked his head in it and then he turned on all the bubbles and yelled "Behold!I AM NEPTUNE!" omg,it was halarious. And then he broke a bench,sheilded himself from the rain with random things he found on the ground (a wet newspaper and half a pair of sunglasses to name a couple),and then we all jumped into this pool they had set up and the state trooper got ticked and made us leave,lol,good times....
  16. I don't spend my time doing it,it's not like I avoid everything to think about death,it's like,lying in bed at 3am on a school night w/ nothing to do,u'll be surprised the things that get into your head 0_o
  17. I disapprove of any use of any weapon for any purpose at all. The thing about bombs is you kill millions of innocent people. People who had nothing to do with it. And the president can say sorry all he wants about that,but you kill just one person you touch the lives of hundreds more. It's just sad and patetic people have to turn to weapons to solve their problems,but it will never change.
  18. U should take breaks every couple of hours or so when your playing games. The problem I have is when I play my game boy the fingers I don't use to press buttons get folded back behind my gameboy and my hand falls asleep 0_o. It's so annoying. They tell you to take breaks every so often,it's not good for you to play for extended periods of time. It could also be how you're holding it.Try changing positions.
  19. well yea,I belive personally fate makes everything happen,everything happens for a reason,but I still ponder deep thngs every now and then.
  20. I have. I do a lot actually. It freaks me out sometimes,like how you can't live.Forever. I mean,infinity is unthinkable,unimaginable....I also think about how the universe stretches on forever.It must end somewhere. I always wonder what my funeral would be like,if anybody would bother showing up,or what they would say about me. It's strange.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sageofdeath1 [/i] [B]hey like im in luv with this girl, and she knows, so like wha would be a good way to ask her out [/B][/QUOTE] Just go up to her and ask her out,that's now I usually do it. Maybe a flower or something too? Just don't do it in a note or anything because it never works,trust me.
  22. I don't have a diverse school,there are mainly just white people. Of course,we have blacks and asians,the smartest kid in the school is asian. We also have a german exchange student.
  23. alright nezzy,there's no easy way to reject somebody,but sometimes it must be done..... Just explain that you just want to be friends,and say your sorry,and that he'll find somebody else. You could also say for the time being that him saying he loves you makes you feel uncomfortable and you don't like it. Maybe he'll get the hint and back off. Best of luck to ya,and be nice,I've been in that situation and it hurts like heck.
  24. I noticed somebody said the way to go is to become friends w/ the person,but I have to tell ya from experience, BE CAREFUL. I liked a lot of guys that were close friends of mine,and it always turned out bad.Not to say that it will be this way for you,but if you are interested in something romantic,you should take care of it up front. Otherwise you could get hurt. Peace out,just had to share.
  25. We play normal junk here,we play Sloopy hang on,Louie Louie,The star spangled banner,and some other marches,it's fun I hate the marching tho,and I can't play the piccolo well yet,I have a week and today to go *sigh* I have to leave in 15 minutes and no1's home to give me a ride
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