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Everything posted by stardust
Why do people panic?Because it's really weird here to have a huge blackout.the first thing on everybody's mind was that it was a terrorist attack,even tho they said it wasn't...I don't know,it's just scary when you don't know what to do,we were told the power wouldn't be back for DAYS.
I leave near cleveland,and we got hit hard. No power for hours,and we JUST got our water back,it's still not safe to drink. They've been trucking in water. A radio station caught on radar a strange pulse like a bomb. Someone also called into this station and said at the time of the blackout,the digital clock connected to the CAR BATTERY went out. Why would that be unless there was some strange signal or something? Maybe a government conspiricy?All I know is that it wasn't a freakin bolt of lightning like the canadians are saying. I have no clue,all I know it's back.
YPU HATE SCIENCE!WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sry,that's my best and favorite subject,I loves it ^_^
You bring me back ALOT of memories....lol Once,we had a sub for english,this weird german lady,she didn't have an accent or anything,but one day she wore a black jumper and hot pink stockings 0_o. Her name was like,Ms.Rockeniwich or sumthing...if you ever have her RUN!She tried to get our class to like her and told us jokes like "what has four legs and can't walk......a chair!HAHAHAHAHAHA" oh brother.....Then she argued about what a word meant when we all had dictionarys on our desk,what a moron. And then we had this guy,Mr.Lickwinibitz (but I called him mr.lickinabit** to my friends,so funny,lol) He was just stupid,to prove this fact,We had a project in math and after he explained and they were turned in a few days later,everyone got an F cuz they did it wrong....*sigh*
Well,when I first get on.... I fractically push the MSN butterfly because it's slow on start-up and I have to wait forever just to get the internet connection box up,let alone connect to the internet *kicks stupid dialup* Then I sign on to AIM and Yahoo,check and reply to any new mail. Then I come to otaku,and I mostly hang on in the lounge so that's what I do.Hehe
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emme888 [/i] [B]Okay I must admit I have school spirit, but some people at my school are die hard supports. Come on folks, it's not that big of deal. Or is it, and I'm just one who doesn't think it's that important? [/B][/QUOTE] I think it's important to have pride in your school and be happy with it,but not like cheerleader "OMG-I'M-GONNA-DIE-FOR-MY-SCHOOL!" spirted,I mean,it's a huge part of your life,but it shouldn't BE your life,get what I'm saying?And they do stress it too much,at least here,every friday through football season all the students are told constantly to wear blue and gold...and not just the band or the team....everybody! It makes me sick seeing all those cheerleaders bouncing around in those stupid uniforms...ick.....I HATE spirit days! To take the oppurtunity to rant,our superintendent is for Alaska,therefore,we have no snowdays EVER,not it a blizzard,not in 3 feet of snow,not with icy roads,NOTHING!
I just got some of these astrojack things
stardust replied to Monkeys_revenge's topic in General Discussion
You've never been to my school,we have a new fad every day,lol.We had yo-yos,pokemon cards,gameboys,and benie babies,gigapets--you name it,it was banned. Lol,I once got yelled at for playing w/ a yo-yo at inside recess,I hated that teacher,and of course I got her the next year...anyways... I rather like those Astrojacks,my friend bought some over. After about 5 minutes I was throwing the thing all over the place and catching it with one hand,it's cake. -
I knew my school had popular colors,but at least you guys don't have to deal with little gay pawprints everywhere!AHHHHHHHHHH!The school newspaper is even called "The Pawprint".You should see our football games,all you see is blue and gold,the stands are even painted blue and gold,I'm surprised they didn't try to paint the grass.....oh wait,they did,there's pawprints on the grass,or at least there used to be... Here's a picture of my gym shirt,I hated this thing- [IMG]http://www.freewebs.com/neopianbeauties/MVC%2D017F.JPG[/IMG]
I was just wondering what everyone's school mascot and colors are.I bring this up because my friend recently moved to Texas where they're colors are green,black,and white and they're the spring lions or something.Those colors (well,green and black anyway) seemed to us like they kinda clashed,but I don't know. Here, we're the Bulldogs and our colors are blue and gold.Trust me,if you ever come here you will know, because there's blue and gold pawprints EVERYWHERE. They're even painted on the high school parking lot. And all the people on the sports teams,doesn't matter which,are called "dawgs" by the staff.Not very unique but nobody complains.
I never have to diet at all,my metabolism does it for me!hehe,my friends all hate me for it. I'm 5'3 and around 105,it goes up and down on and off. I eat like mad and never gain a pound,lol.
I can't wait til september to get my SP,*sigh* seems so far away... I found this place online that make vinyl skins for GBA and SP,it seems kind of cool.They have one that looks like an old old game boy,and an x box *shudder* die xbox die!!! But you might like it...you poor soul....And you can even make your own with whatever you want and they'll make it for you,kinda neat. Skeptical it looks good tho,lol. And I want Harvest Moon,either they need to release the games earlier or all I'll have to move my birthday,lol.
I believe in it somewhat. Sometimes I have dreams and then the next day it happens.I'm not talking about a coincedence,it happens EXACTLY like I saw it in my dream.People say the same things,wear the same outfits,talk in certain voices.It's rather strange. No,I don't really believe in talking to the dead,it just doesn't seem realistic to me.But maybe I'm wrong...
I've had a cookie be right on occasion.When I was on vacation we got chinese and the fortune said "A new encounter will open doors to friendship".The next day,I met a guy on the beach and we've been emailing eachother ever since,crazyness.
Any one here ever liked a girls so much that ..........
stardust replied to Crazy Ace's topic in General Discussion
Once upon a time there was a girl named stardust.She liked her best friend a lot. Her didn't,but wouldn't tell her so he pretended to go out with another girl to get rid of stardust and she ended up crying in the guidence office at school after lunch. He didn't care. Stardust learned not to like her friends,it never works out.....i'm sorry. -
Lol,I hope I don't get burned.I hope I like marching band.I hate football,why do i want to go to every single game?CRAZYNESSSSSSS!And like I'm gonna remember ALL that music!?I'm like,the ONLY freashman in my section,but the girls are real sweet.(Oh,and Kyle's alright too ^_~)
I couldn't tell you how it was because I haven't gone yet!I start band camp the 11th,I look very forward to it. I still have to get used to my new piccolo,and memorizing music,what a hassle!
Awww,my name is once again absent.....I've been here forever and it's like I'm invisible.....yay....
Gaming Is anybody still addicted to Animal Crossing?
stardust replied to SS5 Gogeta's topic in Noosphere
I actually ran into wisp on accident,yes accident.Yes,you heard me,I was roaming my dead village at 1am watching Winnie and Jambette sleep. I used to play it non stop when I got it and long after that,but it does get hold.Smae people,same Nook,same stupid resetti mole I can't stand asjasasasdj.....anyways..... -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Boys: Kennan and Laurence. Why? They're just....different. I don't meet many Kennan people and I have met only one Laurence in my lifetime. Girls: Trance and Iris. Why? I love Trance music in general, and think it's a cool name to boot. Iris because it's my absolutely favorite flower.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I go to school with a Kennan,a ver annoying obnoxious kid,never name any of your kids Kennan,ok?lol My friend has a baby brother named Laurence,and there's always the old dude that works at Giant Eagle...
I realy like the name Dexter,I don't know why,it just sticks out in my mind,hmmmm
I really hate that. Whever you buy a new gameboy,they either come out w/ better colors or a better model and then u can't buy it.Lol.IT'S A CONSPIRICY!IT'S THEIR MASTER PLAN!I SEE IT NOW!It annoys me.Right after I bough my game boy color they come out with all the cool new ones.Right after I get my Pocket,better colors!grrrrrrrrr
Did anyone see the new colors in this month's nintendo power for the GBA SP?It now comes in a black color and a metallic dark red.I want a red one so bad.They're awesome!
Great job,I love em all!hehehe
I took Karate classes for about a year,it was fun,but I started to get bored of it..like most things I took up.I took it up cuz I had sum twin friends whose uncle and his dad taught a class.It was cool for awhile.I was almost a blue belt,we had to do all these tests to get stripes on our belts,but I sware they treated the girls worse cause my sis and I (and they wouldn't advance us seperate,which I was so mad at because my sis never tried) got a stripe while the new boy got a whole belt!What's with that?He wasn't all that great...We had to do a lot of crunches and butterfly streches before class.One time,we were doing this scenario where it was like you were walking up the street,and they had another student come up and say "Do u have the time?" and the idea was to take this person down.And you know,we had on the loose fitting karate outfits and stuff,so when it was this kids turn to take him down,he got him down...but his pants came off!HAHAHAHAHAHA,it was the funniest thing ever!And the sensei also once sent his head through a wall,got stuck under the buching bag,and went to kick a bag,missed and fell over.It was great!