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Everything posted by stardust

  1. hmmm....we don't really have festivals,but we have a lot of carnivals and stuff.We also have heritage days where all these groups are performing,encluding my dance group,I look forward to that.
  2. lor:This is out of control!All of us, all of our friends,who's next? sakura:I was so freaked out this morning,good thing my mom duidn't see... tate:shouldn't have been a problem,we just told her it was the latest trend... sakura:she bought it? tate:I guess.....anyways,we have to do something!We have to stop who's behind this! Lor:EVVVVVVIIIIIIIIL!*runs around in circles until sakura slaps her,knocking her to the ground* Thanx,I needed that.... sakura:No problem-_-'
  3. I didn't have a choice cuz of the image restrictions, and I didn't want to leave so mnay people out,I think it's alright
  4. I hit show picture and now it loads everytime
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarK DeatH [/i] [B]The full quilt is not showing on your sig... At least not for me. [/B][/QUOTE] what do u mean the full quilt isn't showing?I can see it..the last patch belongs to booboo
  6. *pulls out I Quest* How handy it is to have a dictionary on hand.... Xenophobia:Fear of foreign people (thought it was kinda funny,lol) zebu-an ox in africa zeitgeist (who came up w/ this one?)-The general intellectual,moral,and cultural state of an era oh here we go zidovudine means azidothymidine,judging for the IDE,they must be compund chemicals...odd....wait....no,they're AIDS drugs,the things you learn from good old webster,lol.
  7. I come on OB more than once a day, the only time I'm not on is if I'm somewhere or it's early like 9 before I'm awake,but I'm on so late y'all are probably tired of seeing me here,lol. My favorite forum is Otaku Lounge,why?Well,they have some interesting disscussions and it's very active.Almost everytime I refresh the page there's a new post! Basically why, well the people are so nice and stuff. I've had a lot of problems solved here and people are really supportive and generous (well,most of them...) I think it's fun to come here. Been doin it for years...
  8. OK GUYS,we have our quilt!sry,can't take anymore~!Thanx for your patches y'all
  9. Do you guys just have books you ABSOLUTELY hate!?I do, because our school makes us read really dumb novels. I really hated this one called The Wave,and it was about this expiriment a teacher did to teach his students about holocaust,and they started like, hurting people. It was a dumb book in my opinion. I know it was based on a true story, but I hated it.I had to force myself to read it. Another one was My Brother Sam is Dead. Not only does the title give away what happens (which is rather clever,lol) in the end,it drives you crazy! Anyways,tell me about the books you hate.
  10. Why are you guys saying you can drink at 18?You have to be 21... Anyways,I'm very afraid of change.I try not to think that far ahead...I have trouble facing the fact I'm leaving my safe little middle school and being thrown into being the baby of the high school.I'm sure it does have advantages,but I'm too tired to think of them now.
  11. Name:Laylish Kitchsy Age:13 Gender:Female Appearance:5'3,Brown hair pulled up in 2 buns on top of her head,she wears a white shirt with a german phrase on it and jean shorts with a rhinestone belt. She has on a bracelet of metal with stars encrested inside of an unknown material.It was given to her at birth.Her shoes have green stars on them. Bio:Laylish is a German exchange student who hadn't spoken much english.One day,she got seperated from her host family when a lab truck stopped by her when she was roaming the bad part of town. When they asked her name,they heard her accent and realized she didn't speak english.Perfect they thought, as two large men stuffed her into the truck. The chip they implanted gave her the ability to speak several languages. When she gets angry,close to water,or next to electricity, a bolt runs along her bracelet and each star lites,but she doesn't know what power it may possess......
  12. Lor:Oh excuse me....tate!?HAHAHAHAHA....oh my...... Tate:have you seen yourself lately,Lorelei? Lor:Oh yes,I'm just as pretty as.....*opens locker and looks in mirror* AHHHHHH!Omg!What's going on tate?Why didn't I notice this! Tate:Oh relax, all you have is an unusually large ponytail and monkey paws,I look like sonic! Yoko,maria,:WE'RE ALL LIKE THIS! Lor:Well,did you guys have the cafeteria special too?Maybe that's it.... Yoko:Yea,but I kinda threw it up all over the principal,remember? Lor:Oh yea,that must not be it then.... Tate:THAT'S NOT THE POINT YOU MORON!WE WERE PLAYING GAMES!GAMES!WE'VE ESTABLISHED THAT!!!! Lor:Well sorrrrryyyyyyyy...wait.....that's.....no way,is that.....Metero?Oh my...... Tate:Guys,how many others are like us?We must try...this is awful...... Lor:Yea,but what can WE do?Now that we have special powers,there may just be a way...*bubble gum pop*
  13. Well, you control which way your thoughts go, like opinions. I mean, you can make your own thoughts, or ideas rather. I don't know how to explain it, but I know what I mean. Like, people don't just get thoughts, they develop. Grr, I dunno how to....grr...
  14. I have nightmares that have me cowering for months about killers. I once had a dream I got locked in this mansion with Hannibal Lecter (ok,that's dumb,but it was soooo freaky!) I would say something like that, where you're stuck in a big dark place with an insane murderer with a huge knife just stabbing you again and again. I couldn';t imagine drowing, that'd be awful, or being cut up and mutilated and ewww....I'm scaring myself......
  15. wow, I've changed a lot I think. I've really learned. It's so cool to grow up into this, I've been here since that time long ago *flashback* when the boards were hacked or whatever and went down,it was wild! And they ahd to rebuild them. I've met so many people and stuff. Back in the day, I was rather immature and stuff, or people thought i wuz,cuz i had this guy who was spamming (there wuz a time u could do that~shocking ain't it??) he kept IMing me and crap.....ahh.....the memories......
  16. the only time I ever really zoned out was in 4th period history (hey,my crush sat in front of me ^^,wait,he made me zone out in every class,carry on.....) or when I'm w/ my friends doing nothing,I tend to think about stupid things,like what if the sky fell or sumthing,lol.
  17. hmmm.....there's nothing like waking up to a big box of Krispy Kremes in the morning~!I like lemon filled donuts
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XeEmO [/i] [B]Well I wasn't really saying that anyone was controlling us. I was trying to say that everything we do doesn't happen because we make it happen but because our mind makes it happen. Maybe i'm thinking a bit too deep for my own good, I don't know. [/B][/QUOTE] I know what you were saying, but my point was we control OUR MIND,it doesn't control us. We have the ability to control our thouhgts,actions,feelings.I mean,think about it. You do everything that pops into your mind? Cuz I sure don't!
  19. man,I hate that people think they're kids just cuz they watch cartoons or play video games~!I mean,you're not sitting there watching the Wiggles (THAT BAD BAD GOD AWFUL LITTLE KID SHOW!horrible!BADBAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!BADBADBAD!) *clears throat* tis my opinion
  20. [I]You can choose a ready guide In some celestial voice If you choose not to decide You still have made a choice You can choose from phantom fears And kindness that can kill I will choose a path that's clear I will choose free will --RUSH,Freewill [/I] Hmmmm....that's an odd question.I think there is such a thing though. Freewill could be demonstartaed by everything we think. People don't totally control what WE think. Yes, maybe the media has SOME control on our thoughts,and many things in life can be[I]influenced[/I]...but think...if we aren't controlling ourselves,who is? Our thoughts come on heir own freewill?Woah,you make my head hurt...I need tot hink about this more...
  21. let's see,we have 28 patches right now,I would stop at 30,but they're so cool ^_^ you've got till I get home at 5 saturday,have fun!
  22. My band director was telling us about how the CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA had a problem w/ cell phones. They play long,elegant pieces of music, and rude people just kept having their cell phones go off in the middle of their piece of music! They even developed a piece where they take out their cell phones and make them ring at the same time so people get the message....it's sad to ruin good music like that...
  23. Is it too late to sign up? This sounds mucho awesome! Name: Lorelei Age: 14 Character: Dixie Kong (DKC2 AND 3) Powers: Pony tail twirl,ability to lift people,ohh,bubble gum pop!haha Description: Long blonde ponytail,chewing gum all the time,um,monkey paws Bio: Lorelei is an avid player of video games.Her favorites include the donkey kong country series, which she was playing during the time of the flash. Awaking shortly after fainting from the bright light, she found she sported a long pony tail and had the ability to use it to fly. She also discovered she wasn't in Kansas.......I mean,her room.....anymore.....C.H.A.O.S.....*scream*
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zeh [/i] [B][color=9999cc]That'd be Renee.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] YES!thanks!I couldn't remember her name
  25. Member Name: Stardust Former Member Names: Sailor_Stardust Member Since: It says aug. 2001, but I was here awhile before that, when the boards got hacked or went down or whatever happened to them and they had to rebuild... Current Status: Junior member *mumbles* Nicknames: it used to be SS,i acn't think of anymore Favorite Forums: Otaku Lounge, Art and Design, Picture forum is fun too Favorite RPG: N/A Favorite Threads: Otaku Family Quilt,uh,dran it....what's that 1 called.....shoot....... Favorite Smiley: :mrt: --cuz i dunno what it is!! Most Memorable Moment: When that guy Imed me askin if I'd go out with Killermon Quotable Quote: Words of Wisdom: "Change your password" lol Wish to be remembered for: my creative ideas,hehehe Desired Epitaph: huh? Favorites: the color red,roses,getting private messages,crushes I will....post more.....I dunno...... MOST AND BEST Most likely to succeed: James Most likely to secede: hmm...that's a toughie....who breaks the rules all the time? Worst spelling: I've seen ALOT of bad ones.... Best poster: dunno Cutest couple: I don't even know who the couples are,ain't that sad?? Best writer: dunno Best artist: Ginny Best...spar-er?: don't tread into that territory... Craziest: not sure,we're all crazy!MUAHAHAHA Funniest / wittiest: hmmmm Interesting-er-ist: yeah, ok Random award: uh....uh.....piro.....yea..... Nerd-tastic Power Rangers Award: Nerdsy Digimon...something....award.: Is that girl that loves the tea still here?it's definatly her..... Most Incredibly Patient Person-ness Award: James Teh Silly Bucket Award: Whoever wrote this,geese that's bad,,,, Other Disappeared Cool People: ulitma,killermon,that mystic buu guy that used to work for my DAILY OTAKU SIGNATURES DeathKnight-stay cool,u even remember me?lol Girl who likes the tea....darn i wish I could remember your name....
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