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Everything posted by stardust
grrrr!:flaming: Well, to make a long story short, I like this girls boyfriend, and don't think she doesn't know it either. Well, now her and her retarded friends just won't stop buggin me!One more time and I'll sware I'll........;) uh,nevermind. Any ways I can get them to stop?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i] [B] Hmmmmmmm...I dunno 'bout that legal stuff...but, America has telephone number now?:cross: [/B][/QUOTE] I want that number!I wanna call america!ggggaaaaaah! hehe,that's pretty stupid......the letter I mean........
hehehe!I made the school spelling bee!didn't miss a single word on the try out!My next goal is cheerleading,darn,I'll never make it,anyways,wish me luck!
grr........... as far as my day went today,here are the highlights, well,had to stand out in the cold cause the bus was pretty late sent my crush a crush can,wite I love you which I wrote at the bottom,and what did he do/went round tellin every1!
What is poka-man??my friend asked me that,I corrected her lie 60 times,still 2 this day she says poka-man,not pokemon!
heh,funny u should mention it really,my friend came 2 school today sayin that movie was an hour and a half of worthless garbage
what!?Harry Potter turns people into devil worshipping freaks.... ha,just kidding,I'm so against those lunatics who think that,anyways,love the books,love the movie,hey!I even have a cool lightning shaped pen that lights up when u write w/ it!whoo!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]Who is yours? My latest one is Nelly Furtado! She is awesome! ~
hmm...my current plan now see,my school sells crush cans (cans of orange crush soda),and they give it to your crush,u write their name,your name,and they get this pink slip,and at lunch on the 14 they show it to sum1 and they get a can of orange crush so,I'm gonna give 1 to logan,yes,every1 will be on my case about it,I don't care
sweet,well,my name's lauren,I was born in august my hobbies include flute and video games and my friends say I'm a really good friend I have a crush on guy,Logan,check my sig 4 my friends,we're ur classic loser group(lol)
i've been told I'm already insane cuz of my obsession w/ logan,but that's wut my friends say,wut do they know:rolleyes: personally,that's not wut I think is why I'm insane,I think it's cuz I was born that way......:freak:
heh,rule numero uno,DON'T LIE TO HER!Me and my ex were supposed to be friends,k?and we get along pretty well,but I wuz mad at him 4 months.cause he told me he dumped me cuz his room wasn;t clean(priceless,these guys are idiots,I asked logan out on the phone and he said "why?" of all things......),anywayz,it was really cuz peeps were amkin fun of him,so don't lie!
just wonderin,would be fun to see wut it's like.......[URL=http://www.ofcs.k12.oh.us/middle/index.html]My school(click here)[/URL] ,yup,it's big,if ur wonderin,I'm 7th grade in [URL=http://www.ofcs.k12.oh.us/middle/team7_page.html]JAGUAR[/URL] ,yup,u can find my teachers there,hehehe,welcome to my life,but wut are ur schools like? [URL=http://www.ofcs.k12.oh.us/middle/team7_page.html]JAGUAR[/URL]
heh,I would if teher wasb't the fear sum1 would see me
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hot head [/i] [B]Happy birthday 2 me happy birthday 2 me happy birthday to hot head happy birthday to me hehehehe im 12 yes im young but itz my birthday YAY:) :D :excited: :bellylol: :bellylol: :bellylol: [/B][/QUOTE] I'm 12,and my b-days in august,school started on my b-day,I'm younger then mopst people in the 7th grade-my grade
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B]You did exactly what I woul've done!! of course I'd probably hit the guy around a bit... [/B][/QUOTE] heh,a good slap across the face always does it 4 me!:toothy: Just ask the guys at my school:blackeye:
YAY!U showed him.that's so stupid,u know that's illegal.descrimination.yup,u could sue:cool:
yup,we say that since kindergarden,every morning,everyday,actually,I wuz thikin bout it today,it's kinda weird really,how we all get up and say it routinly and never stop to think wut the words mean
I'm not that shallow,I would still be their friend,wouldn't bother me:)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by velvet paws [/i] [B] haha ey! you properly skanked my name and age lol. soooo weird! (yes my proper name and age ;)) [/B][/QUOTE] heh,I'm obsessed w/ the name layla!it's soooooooo pretty!I'm gonna name my kid that one day
heh,I've had a supscripyion 2 nintendo power since.err...a few years....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr [/i] [B] What do u mean chalk one up for stardust and y do u always have to pick on me :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] HEH,I said chalk 1 up 4 stardust cause no1 ever takes my advice,and I pick on you cause it's fun!duh!:rolleyes:
just wonderin,I did once,in 4th grade I had a couple of friends over,and one of them went outside w/ me,and he decided to throw a rock on the driveway,and I like in a condo development,so the driveways connect 4 condos together,unfortunately,mine's connected w/ the mean neighbors,so,when we threw it they called the police on us and told then we were throwing the rocks at his house!@#!$ Those jerks!A month later he was sayin sum jibberish bout how if I walked on the sidewalk in front of his house he had a tape of the rock throw thing,and was gonna sue:rolleyes: just wonderin,wut ever happened 2 u?anything?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr [/i] [B] OH really i didn't know that thanx for the tip maby i won't fall asleep this time around :D Really i didn't know that!!! [/B][/QUOTE] whoo!chalk one up for stardust!