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Everything posted by Zephyrssj4

  1. This is awsome Gohan is going to train with the sword soon... the only other time he does that is in the Boo saga w/ supreme kia
  2. Listen to these guys...they are as close to right as it gets. (Trust me)
  3. I just heard of the movie, it'll be hard to get the right people.
  4. Don't ask me how, but I know for a fact that he is 17 against Freeza and 8 in the torniment.
  5. The action figuars are ok. I've got a few and I want to get the cards.
  6. The only ones I own are: Dragon Ball Z legends (for the sega saturn) Super Butoden 3 (for snes) and Hyper Dimention (also for snes)
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