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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. Haha there is no way im gonna leave the stock body kit and the stock spoiler on it. I found an MR2 in my area. Its 2001 and passed only 19K. I was wondering if i should get that or the Celica. But the Celica is looking pretty nice about now lol no bad reviews
  2. I got my eye on the new 04 Toyota Celica. But I was wonderin if u guys had any suggestions for other new cars that are fast and reliable and look pretty nice that are at or under 20,000. Explain a lil bout it if i am not familiar wit it.
  3. Ryo


    This movie was funny sa hell, even funnier than Zoolander. If you haven't seen it go see it rite now because its that funny. My favorite quotes are: [spoiler]"Michelle how many times did i tell you to knock before you come in"...the scene was funny as hell. And I also like "****** Chuck Norris". "Blazor, Tazor, Lazor and Michelle". And "Thats a very interesting picture. "Oh your mean grabbing the bull by his horns, thats a saying. But it really happened tho". lol movie is pure genius.[/spoiler]
  4. * You finally won't be talking to yourself anymore, lol* I agree with you, the Nanna thing was sad. It was so funny to see Summer sucking up to Seth, again...lol. And in the nest episode I bet when Caleb asks Julie "Will you marry me?", Luke will stand up and say "No" or something like that, you know he has to screw something up again. I hope Marissa slaps him again.
  5. I have both NBA Live 2004 and Madden 2004. I am just wondering how does all the online play ordeal work. I really want to play with people that actually know how to play these games. All of the people in my neighborhood can not compare to my massive gaming skills....*cough*. But really people here can't play these games as well as I can. So how does this work, do you play it on your T.V, or what? And how much is it monthly?
  6. I agree with Charles, Madden 2004 is really annoying with all the interceptions. I mean I try to throw one deep pass to my WR on 3rd and 10 and out of nowhere there comes this player who jumps in your face and frickin' intercepts the ball....just thinking about it pisses me off. I mean the game is awesome and the graphics are stunning but its way too easy for the opposing team to intercept the ball.
  7. I just got Madden 2004 and the game is awesome. But one bad thing about it is that your opponent intercepts the ball too easily. Does anyone know how to deal with this?
  8. [COLOR=red][FONT=courier new][SIZE=1][I]Yea, it would of been nothing without Asuka and Shinji. Shinji adds the emotions and Asuka adds the cussing in german...lol. [Spoiler]But I don't get the ending I know they created the new world and everything but what happens now? And is Rei there with them? And did Shinji kill Asuka?[/Spoiler][/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][FONT=courier new] [SIZE=1][I]Did anybody see this? This has got to be one of the weirdest anime's I have ever seen. I am not going to say the best parts of it because I do not feel like doing those spoiler things right now. It was weird but it also has to be one of the best anime's I have ever seen. Only one word to describe it: Wowza!( And Im not talking about Rei!!!)[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. I heard that SSX 3 was like the best snowboarding game out there. Does anybody know anything about the .hack/ game or Xenosaga games? I've heard about them but never played them.
  11. My friend recently got Tony Hawks Underground and he says its awesome. And for Madden 2004, yeah, Im getting that game. I've had my mind set on that game as soon as it came out. Jak 2, I've never looked into that game or the first one. But it sounds cool. Ill probably rent it and see how it is. True Crime, I am not really sure about that game. Freedom Fighters, I've heard about it and Ill research it and see how it is. I've already got Devil May Cry and I loved it. Do you guys know any good RPG's that are out there? Oh, And I've been meaning to change my banner to Bam, his new show(Viva La Bam) kicks ***.
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue][FONT=courier new][I]I am still debating on which three PS2 games I should buy. And I want to get one from each category including Sports, Action/Adventure, and other. Can you guys help me out here? And telling me a bit about them would really help me out because I might be unfamiliar with some of them.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. Ryowa went "home" straight after school, only to find his foster parents making him a cake, and wishing him a happy seventeeth birthday. Ryowa sighed, he thought of his parents and when they used to take him to his favorite arcade "Gamezone" and gave him enough coins so he could play his favorite game "Battle of the Gods" all day long. Ryowa went upstairs and turned of his stereo so he could listen to Slipknot. He fell asleep listening to it and had the weirdest dream of his life. In his dream, there was a field. He saw this beatiful girl sitting there picking flowers. But out of nowhere the ground ripped open and out flew two black stallions carrying a carriage with a man standing in it going to the girl. He picked the girl up and carried her into the hole that ripped open. The ground combined back together and everything seemed normal again. Ryowa knew what this was. That man was Hades and the girl was Persephone. All of a sudden the ground split open under Ryowa and he fell deep into the hole. He hit the ground hard. He looked around but he saw nothing but darkness and a ring of light from the hole. He stoop up. "...what the hell. Im supposed to be dead after a fall like that" Ryowa said. " Ah, my sons first word after eight years." a voice out of nowhere said. " Who is that?!?" Ryowa shouted Suddenly Ryowas father walked out of the darkness followed by his mother. "It..can't...be! Mom! Dad! It's really you!" Ryowas said with tears forming in his eyes. "I don't think so, Ryowa! But I can help you get them back!" said Ryowas father. Suddenly a fire started to rise brightening the darkness. Ryowas father started to change as did his mother. Then man he saw in the carriage started to morhp from his father and his mother changed into the girl he saw in the fields only now she was wearing a black toga with a sharp looking black throne. Slaves with burn marks and scars started to apear from the walls two form behind Ryowa walked passed him giving the man a throne and a staff. " Ryowa, I am Hades, God of the Underworld" said the man. "And, what the hell do you want with me?"said Ryowa "I want to aid me, and I will make sure that you will be with your parents forever"said Hades Ryowa though for a moment. "This is one hell of a dream" he tought. "I will help you"said Ryowa "Splendid"said Hades"Now Farewell" he shouted out as he walked into the darkness. "Wait what do you want me to do?!?!"shouted Ryowa. "You will know as soon as I need your aid"said Hades disappearing into the darkness. Ryowa woke up, sweating. He saw it was morning and time for school.
  14. [FONT=courier new][SIZE=1][COLOR=red][I]Name: Ryowa Daivs Mentor: Hades, God of the Underworld (we all know who that is) Appearance: Ryowa usually wears a a black T-Shirt with black baggy pants. And he wears a black overcoat. He has brown (usually spiked up), short hair, and hazel eyes. He is about 6'3 and has an average muscular body. Background: Ryowa has been a loner ever since his parents died when he was 9. He hates the world. He blames everybody for their death. He has been in and out out of orphanges until a family adopted him. His (new) family tries everything, including sending him to a psychologist to see how they can help him. But, its useless, there is no way of communicating with Ryowa, he speaks to no one. He hasen't spoken in 8 years, until the one night when he mysteriosly started speaking in his sleep... [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/I]
  15. The movie was awesome. It was the best of the three. The part I like throughout the battle scenes at the end is that Legolas and Gimli kept counting how many orcs they killed...lol. And I can't believe no one has said anything about this but [spoiler]the army of the dead was awesome...they kicked some major ***. They just swooped through there and every orc was dead... And the other funny part is when Sam hit Gollum (or Smeagol if you wish) in the head with that pan. But I agree that Frodo getting half of his finger bitten off by Gollum/Smeagol was disturbing. Another thing is that when Frodo was about to drop the ring into the lava he turned around and said "The ring is mine" I was like "NO, what the hell?" but then Smeagol/Gollum shows up and knocks some sense into him by bitting half of his finger off, that works. And, I never tought that Legolas and Aragorn were gonna kiss or Sam and Frodo or Merry and Pippen. I mean if you went through all that with your friends you would be that close too, right.[/spoiler] Anyways, the movie was awesome. If you didn't see it, go, NOW!!!
  16. [COLOR=Teal][I][SIZE=1]If you live anywhere near North Carolina it comes on at 8:00 PM Sundays on TNN. Oh yea, I love Kennys top ten. And the Taco Bell impact replay is awesome, how hey keep going back and forth on those wheel things....lol[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=teal][I][SIZE=1]Name: Ryowa Davis Age: 17 Race: Human Sex: Male Height: 6'1 Weight: 70 Kg Occupation Mercenary Allegiance: Empire Rank: Seargent Weapon: Sniper Rifle, and a .22 mm Appearance: Short spiked blonde hair, blue eyes. Wears a dark green vest with a black shirt and army pants. Personality: Cocky, doesen't take crap from nobody Personal History: Grew up in Guygalos for most of his life. He was been fascinated by Zoids sine he opened his eyes. His father bought him the Shadow Fox on his sixteenth birthday and they have been friends since then. He found his organoid, Sith, half destroyed in the desert and he and his dad repeared him themselves. Organoid Sign Up Name: Sith Type: Fox Height: 4'5 Appearance: A dark red Fox with red eyes Special Ability: Power increase in weaponry and speed. Zoid Sign Up Name: Shadow Fox Zoid Type: Fox Appearance: [URL]http://www.zoidsunofficial.coolfreepages.com/sf-4.htm[/URL] Height: 11.9 meters Length: 23.7 meters Weight: 108 tons Max Speed: 320 mph Weapons: AZ-70mm Laser Vulcan Gun, AZ-90mm Electromagnetic net gun, Strike Laser Claw, A Smoke screen discharger, and a Multi-Censor Array Support Systems: Shield, Long Range Rifle Extra Custom Modifications: Camouflage to match its surroundings. A temporary system jammer.[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE]
  18. [I]In a facility just outside of Racoon City a scientist was creating a new kind of medcine that heals any kinds of wounds instantly for an unknown boss. Dr.Grimes was a brilliant man. He worked day and night....for 10 years to finish his work. Untill, it was finally finished. Not knowing the horror he creates he tests it on a person, a volunteer in need of the money. He injects the "medicine" after cutting his arm. The medicine seems to work, his wound healed, the scientist payed the volunteer and sent him home, back to Racoon City. The volunteer caught a bus and headed back. But, on his way he started feeling nauseous and collapsed on the floor. Then he started feeling the pain, horrible pain, like a thousand spears going through his body until he died. Or, did he? He rised from the floor, smarter, faster, more powerful than anyone or anything. His body mutated into a horrible bloody creature. A hungry creature. Hungry for blood. Hungry for flesh. People started jumping out of the bus, running for their lives. But there was no escape for any of them. The creature bit into their flesh feeling even more hunger, decapitating them. Turning them into mindless zombies. Searching for their nearest target, they went back to the facility. The zombies pounded the door of the facility open searching for food. The doctor heard the noise and went to see what it was. When he saw the undead horror he ran back to the lab and contacted the Police:[/I] Police: Racoon City Police Department. Doctor: Please...they are breaking in HELP!! Police: Who is breaking in? Where are you?! Doctor: Facility on Oakridge Road....HELP!!!!AHHH!!!!NOOO!!!--------------------- Police: Hello! Are you there!Hello! We are sending someone over to help you! Stay where you are! [I]They killed the doctor and made him one of their own. The Police sent a officer over by the name of Ryowa Davis. The zombies attacked him while he was driving on the road. He barely escaped and went back to warn the people of Racoon City...[/I] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- State the following: Name: Age: Occupation: Bio: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Ryowa Davis Age: 20 Occupation: Racoon City Police Officer Bio: As a boy Ryowa always wanted to be a police officer. After he finished High School Ryowa immediatly entered a police academy and passed it with ease. His mother died of an unknown disease and his father worked for an private boss just outside of Racoon City.
  19. [I][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]The movie was awesome. I was enjoying every minute of it. It's truly a great piece of work. I loved Jack Sparrow, he's your ordinary rude, drunk, comedic pirate. When I heard of this movie I thought it was going to be awfull, but it proved me wrong.[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [I][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]Yea...the surfboards are funny but not funnier than "The Obstacle Course". I think they only had it it like two episodes. Anyways, I think its hilarious when they swing acrosse the pit and fall...just thinking about it cracks me up..lol...good times[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]
  21. Everybody pretty much said the most disturbing Anime's that I have seen. The end of Evangelion was boring in desturbing in a freaky way. And Perfect Blue...whoever likes that movie and does not find it desturbing has some serious issues.
  22. I really can't believe I watched this movie but I "sort of"(to be more manly) cried watching "A Walk to Remember". It was just so sad..
  23. [I][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson] I love watching this show. The voiceovers are hilarious. And the challenges are really hard. Does anyones else watch this show? If you do what do you think of it?[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]
  24. Dat Phan is awesome. Its not just that he is funny on stage but he was funny preparing for his jokes and training. But I think that he sometimes wanted to make people feel sorry for him by saying that he was poor and all that other stuff he said about his family. Anyways, Im happy he won and he truly was the funniest.
  25. I just recently passed Driver's Ed with flying colors. My teacher really didnt care where we were going. I mean, she took us to grocery stores and places like that. It was really easy. I didn't know that driving a car would be that easy.
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