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Everything posted by Ryo
My Cuzin.....She stares at me all day long if she comes over...shes like five...and she stares at me and whenever I do something wrong she would tell my mom or someone.... One day she locked herself in my room and thrashed everything....I was so mad it took my dad, uncle, and my friend to hold me back from choking her.
Ryowa finished all of his classes and his last one was Transfiguration. He learned how to turn people in wolves. Proffesor Mcgonagal: A very good job today Mr. Davis. Girls Talking: Im going to be Mrs.Davis Girl: No I am. Girl#2: No me. Ryowa: Quiddich Practice next. Ryowa ran down to the Quiddich field with his equipment. He had the brand newbroom ThunderPhoenixs10000. Ryowa: Hmmmm..15 minutes early. When Ryowa ran down to the Quiddich field he could see no one. And in the stands he could see other Slythering players. He ran up to them. Ryowa: Lets play Quiddich!
In space. The ship's computer that Ryowa was in started beeping. That ment he was only another 30 min away from Crousent. Ryowa: Finaly we are getting closer. Ryowa waited patiently as he watched Crousent get bigger and bigger ahead of him. Ryowa: Time to land. Ryowa landed near the Jedi Counsil. He quickly went into the main building in the Counsil to see Master Yoda. He quickly see's another Jedi. Ryowa: Errmmm..exuse me but would you know where Master Yoda would be. Jedi: He is central tower. Ryowa: You mean the fighting arena. Jedi: Yes. Ryowa: Ok thanks. Ryowe took the elevator on which the fighting arena was on then he ran down a long hall way and went through a doorway. He then saw Master Yoda and another Jedi standing aside him. But before he even spoke... Yoda: Ahhhh...Ryowa so good to see you again. Ryowa: Hello master. But who is that in the battle arena? Yoda: The one standing aside is Craig a astonishing Jedi. The one on the left is his apprentice Andrew. And the one on the right would be Li also a Jedi. Ryowa: This must be a magnificent fight. Yoda: Indeed. And I would like you to meet Xander beside me. Ryowa: Im Ryowa. Pleasure to meet you. Xander: Xander. Nice to meet you too. All three of them stood watching the fight.
In charms class Ryowa learned a charm in which you can turn invisible for 5 min. He was the only one who got it. An at the end of his class. Prof: Ryowa, you did a spectacular job today. I will be pleased to see you tommorow. Ryowa: Ok! I will see you tomorrow again. Ryowa ran off to his next lesson, Transfiguration. As Ryowa was running towards the common's he see's Abob. Ryowa: Hey Abob! Abob: Oh hey. Man guess what I have to do a two page essay on Grindylows. Ryowa: Ah the good old days. Abob: What do you mean. Ryowa: You'll see when you get to your 3rd year. Abob: We'll we got 10 min. before our next class. Wanna go get a snack or something. Ryowa: Ok...sure.
Good luck dude. Like everybody says be yourself. And dont try to make her do anything crazy. Dont be boring only talking about yourself and boring stuff. And be sweet girls always fall for that stuff.
In the night. Major: Ryowa!!!! Ryowa!!! Ryowa suddenly wakes up. Ryowa: Huh? Whaaa? Major: Your turn! Ryowa: Oh ok! Major: Nowww..let..me.j-j-ust *yawn*...nap. Ryowa: Ok. Steps outside. Ryowa: Ahhhh...great outdoors. Zarr. How you doin? How come you are not asleep? Zarr: RRRRrrrrrrraaaaaarrrrrrooooaaaaarrrrr. Ryowa: Oh I see. You want to keep your eyes open. Then Ryowa hears a faraway roar. Ryowa: What was that? Zarr: Raarrrararrra! Ryowa: Oh just a Broncosaurus. Zarr: Rararaaaaaaaarrrr. Ryowa and Zarr had a nice chat untill it was Major's turn again.
As they were going. Ryowa: We will be going to The Dark forest of Nitaro. Major: Nit....Nit....Nitaro. That is carzy. Nitaro is the breeding ground fo the T-Rex. We cant go there. If they see us near their nests they wont stop rampaging until they kill us. Jack: That is crazy. Ryowa: C'mon Major. Do you want to find out how the T-Rex got hear the Sunstones or not. Major: Fine. Im not a chicken. *mumbling* Hope: Lucky you. Hhahhahahahah! Ryowa: Im so sorry Hope. You and Jack are the lucky one's. Because you will be going to "The Valley of the Raptor's". Hope: Lord have mercy!!! Ryowa: Abob and John you will be going to the Kabu. The Mountain of wild Skybax. Abob: Heh...Do you have anything harder? Ryowa: Wel if you- John: That will be fine. Thank you. Ryowa: Ok....Everybody will meet back here in a month and see what you found out. All: Okay..cool. Ryowa: Now! Lets go to our destinations. Everybody set out in different directions to explore.
Has anyone seen the commercial that has the Star Wars Life game. I want that game soooooooooo bad. I played the original Life and its was ok. But Star Wars life that looks awesome.
Fear my new computer with broadband internet!
Ryo replied to Sephiroth's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B][size=1] Sephiroth, I hate you -.-;; I have a 56k and Dial Up, can't worse then that You know how slow that is? Even without any games on it...[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Sniff :bawl: ....me too. I install games and thats allright they play fine but they stop and go sometimes.......I clear the extra memory like every two weeks -
Ryowa: Im glad all of you are up to this....I hope you all have you partners because you are going to need them. Now are you ready to get set? All: Yea!!! Ryowa: All right lets get going! They set out on their long and hard adventure.
In the morning. Ryowa: Ahhhhhhhhhhh..good sleep. Look's at the clock. Ryowa: 12:00!!!!!!!! I gotta go. Ryowa gets his stuff and runs toward "Aboo's Spaceship Parts" Man: Ahhhh...I see you came back. Look at you spaceship now. Ryowa: That looks brand new. How much will that be? Aboo: 200,000 credits. Ryowa: How expensive!!!!!! Ryowa hands the man the money and get on his ship. He turns it on and it worked like he just bought it. Ryowa: This is amazing. Time to go to Crousent. Ryowa sets the course for the planet Crousent and relaxes as he watches the stars ahead of him.
In the hallway. Ryowa: That class was boring Keith: You can say that again Ryowa: My next class is Charms. My favorite. Keith: Yea woopty doo. Bye I got Transfiguration. Ryowa: Bye. Ryowa ran up the hallwway from the dungeons to a classroom on the second floor. Ryowa: Ahhhhhh....early as ever. Prof: Ryowa my favorite student. Ryowa: Hey Proffesor. Prof: Guess what todays charm will be. The Sleeping charm. Ryowa: Cool Prof: Yea. Now lets get started with this class.
At Ryowa's house. Ryowa: Hello all! Thank you for coming. Major: So whats this big plan of your's. Ryowa: Patient! Ryowa unrolled the roll and began speaking. Ryowa: Do you all see how the carnivores are getting closer and closer to the sun stone. Hope: The sun stone is failing. We just need to get another one from the vault. Ryowa: Hehheheh....you think that is the problem. We'll we just replaced the sun stone before the battle today. All: *gasp* Ryowa: My theory is that the Carnivores are over coming the Sun Stones. Jack: That's not possible. Ryowa: Im afraid it is. Major: But why? I mean How? Ryowa: That's why we need to go researching. We will go on a journey. Hope: All of us. Ryowa: Yes we will need the help. Meet at my house again tomorrow at 6:00. We will have to set out early. All of them went back to their house to get a good night sleep.
Ryowa quickly ran down the hallway to the dungeons for his potions lesson. Snape: Davis. 2 minutes late. I will forget about to this time. Then suddenly another kid showed up late. Snape: DINKO!!!!! 2 MINUTES AND 10 SECONDS LATE. I WILL WRITE YOU UP FOR THIS!!! KID: SORRY PROFESSOR. Snape: Now lets get started. The first potion you will learn is "The Shrinking Potion". Now you have the ingridients and the list how you make it. Okay get started. Keith: Ryowa over here. Ryowa: Hey Keith. Now why did you run off on me at breakfest. Keith: I wanted to get a book. Ryowa: Book? Keith: A book for Love Potions. Ryowa: Dude! Thats in the restricted part of the library. How did you get it? Keith: Easy when you are sneaky. Ryowa: Do you have it now. Keith: No I wrote down what I need and returned it. Ryowa: You dont think its actualy gonna work. Keith: You wanna help me? Ryowa: No I have enough girls on my tail...no thanks. Keith: Okay.. Snape: Keith! Ryowa! Get started. Ryowa and Keith: Yes proffesor.
The third Star Wars movie is called Star Wars: Bounty Hunter right. But thats not the question. But what interest's me the most is "Do you think Geroge Lucas might remake the old Star Wars movies?"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B] Are you sure that's what he meant? Heck it could have meant both things. And I got what you said the first time. I am not brain dead. [/B][/QUOTE] Yea I guess it could have been both. But he is probably hook up with her in Sm 2 or 3. Like Vegitto and Brolly said she probably knows he is Spider man.
In the morning Ryowa hear's noises. ????: Ryowa.....Dude....Wake up. Ryowa: Huh? Morning already. ????: Duhhhh? Ryowa: Keith..is that you. Keith: No...its you mom. Of couse its me. So, you coming to breakfest or not. Ryowa: Yea. Just let me get dressed. Ryowa runs to gte his robes. He goes to the closet and gets dressed quickly. Ryowa: Done. Keith: Faster than ussual. Ryowa: Cool. Keith: Now come on. They quickly run down to the main corrydor and get some breakfest. Ryowa: These eggs and sausages are better that ussual. Keith: Gotta go! Got some bussines to take care of. See ya dude. Ryowa: Ok cool. Bye. Ryowa sits there alone eating breakfest. Then he see's Abob. Ryowa: Abob! Over here. Abob: Hey Ryowa. So how's this breakfest. Ryowa: It good. Better than last year. Abob eats some breakfest. Then he shows Ryowa something. Abob: Hey check this out. Im trying to learn this. Ryowa: Level 7! Dude you are a first year there is no way you can learn this. Plus you need special training to be a Animagis. Abob: Yea it is pretty hard. ?????: Actually its fairly easy to learn. Both of them: Huh? ?????: Sorry I didnt introduce myself. My name is Anima. Abob: Ohh..Hi there. Anima: Sorry I didnt mean to interupt. Abob: Oh...no its okay. Now what were you saying. Anima: I was saying its is easy to learn that spell. Abob: You've done it before. Anima: Oh no. You will learn about it in your 5th year. Abob: Can you help me do it. Anima: I can give you tips but not help you learn it. Abob: Ok! That would awesome. Abob and Anima go off talking about the Animagis spell. Ryowa: Left alone again. Great! Then suddenly a group of girl get in the Main Corridor. Ryowa quickly gets under the table. Girl: He's not in here. Girl#2: Quick the hallway. They go off running towards the hallway on the first floor. Ryowa: Shoooooo..that was close. Lauren: Watcha doin'? Ryowa: Lauren! Didnt hear ya. Ryowa sit in his chair again. Arya: Believe we havent met. Names Arya Weasly. Ryowa: Nice to meet you. Arya: Nice to meet you too.
Ermmm...sorry about saying this but should'nt this be in the Otaku Lounge. Dude all you can make here is Games/RPG's. I know everyone was once a newbie. Heck, Im even a newbie. But dude you gotta keep strong and not give up. Just keep posting and you will suceed. So may the force be with you young one.
As they were walking back to Waterfall City. Ryowa: Glad we got thet over with. Major: Yea! It would of been a disaster if we didnt. Ryowa: But I wonder how they could get so close to our sunstones. Major: I fear they are going out again. Hope: But they havent blinked or gone out in years. How could they be going out. Major: Thats what confuses me. Ryowa: Hmmmm....I have a theory. Jack: What is it? Ryowa: I will tell you when we get to Waterall city. Meet at my house at 8:00 sharp. Got it? All: Yea! Major: Okay! But now lets hurry i have things to take care of before 8:00. Ryowa: Yeah me too. Major: Lets go Grey! They head towards Waterfall city.
Ryowa: Whaaaaaaaa? Lauren: Owwwwww...Why you? Lauren: Fonte Rialte. A blast of purple energy shot out of Laurens wand and went right towards Draca making her fly back a couple of feet. Draca: Owwww....Ill get you another time. Draca runs off. Lauren: Hehehehe..that showed her. Then they heard someone coming. ?????: Who is that. Ryowa: Come on we gotta go to out Dormatories. Lauren: Okay*gets under her invisibility cloak*...BYE! Ryowa: Shhhhhhhh... Ryowa and Lauren run back to their Dormatories. Ryowa gets on his bed and falls into a deep...deep...sleep.
As they aere talking. Ryowa: I do not like anybody. Draca: Oh...the why did you show up here. Ryowa: I just wanted to see what you wanted. Draca: Why did you call Potter then ? Ryowa: What is this...20 questions. Draca: Hope you dont mind Potter? He likes me. Ryowa: Once again I do not like anybody! Lauren: You heard him. Then suddenly Draca pulls out her wand and does a spell on Lauren.
Ryowa was in the hall ver near the library. Ryowa: Stupid hall.....stupid girls....- Bumps into a statue. Ryowa: Stupid statue....Stupid freezing cold. Finaly get to the library. Ryowa: Now where is that wretched girl. Then he feels someone tap him on the shoulder. Ryowa: Huh? Whaaaaa? Who? He quickly turns around and see's Draca. Draca: Hey cutie. Did'nt think oyu would show up. Ryowa: Dont ever scare me like that. Draca: Were you scared. Hehehehehe. Ryowa: I was not scared. You just suprised me. Ryowa was about to leave when he bumped into someone. Lauren: Owwww... Ryowa: Lauren...quickly come here. Draca: Who is that? Lauren: It's me. Draca: Potter, Get away from my boyfriend. Ryowa: I am not your boyfriend. Lauren: Draca why dont you just give up. He does not like oyu. Draca: Oh..and I suppose he likes you.
Zee also saw Lan and Ghost crawl out of the classroom. Zee: Better go with them. Zee sneaks under his desk and follows Lan and Ghost. All 3 of them go around the whole classroom because they sit in the way back. When they finally find the door. Lan: Come on ghost we are almost out. Ghost: OK....I right behind you. Lan: Zee...what are you doing here. Zee: Let me come with you....you need all the help you can get. Lan: Ok fine but you got to be quiet. Zee: Right. They crawl out of the class room and into the hallway. Zee: What now. Ghost: This way! They run off to the right.
In the Slytherin Dormatory. Ryowa: Ahhhhhhhhhhh...Bed..and no girls*Yawns* Ryowa: Sleep...Sleep...Sleep Ryowa runs up to his bed. And lays down. And falls asleep. Then something wakes him up. Some scratching sounds. Ryowa: Whaaaat..Huh? He stands up and see's something black at the window. Ryowa: What the heck is that thing. Ryowa runs up to the window and opens it up. Then suddenly a eagle owl jumps in the room with a letter tied to its leg. Ryowa: Who would send a letter at this time of night. The letter says: Dear Ryowa, Meet me in the library at 1:00. Please be there I have a little suprise for you. Your friend, Draca Ryowa: She's crazy. I better send one to Lauren too. Ryowa writes a letter to Lauren that states to meet him in the Library at 1:00. Then he calls his owl and sends it to her.
As they were talking. Ryowa: Thats Prof. Snape. He's the meanest ugliest son of a -. Ill stop right there. Lauren: Ooooooo...so that's Profesor Snape. My dad told me about him. Abob: God I have him for Potions. Ryowa: Lucky you! Lauren: Cool I have him too. We'll be together. Ryowa: Cool. Just then Draca and a group of girls come running. Draca: Ryowa, what did I tell you about hanging around with loosers. Ryowa: Ohh man, I gotta go see ya. Ryowa goes off running towards the Slytherin dormatory. Abob: Man, why does he get all the girls? Lauren: Because he's the cute one. Abob: Huh? Lauren: Gotta go bye. Abob: Bye...I guess. Everyone goes off running towards their Dormatory.