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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. As Dumbledore was on the stage. Dumbledore: I want to welcome all of our first years to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Everyone cheered. Dumbledore: No you are not alowed to go too the forests or swim in the lake. Thats why we have Hagrid to stop all of the ones who wish to disobey me. Hagrid stands up and waves his arms. Everyone cheered even some of the Slytherins. Dumbledore: Now lets all "dig in" as you would say. Everyone starts to eat. Lauren: Ummmm this food is delicious. Arya: You said it!
  2. Name: Ryowa Davis Dryphon: RedOrange
  3. Every Gryffindor cheered when they heard that Lauren was selected for Gryffindor. Lauren: Yesss!!!! Allright!!! Abob: All Right Lauren!!! Lauren: Errrrrr...by the way where's Ryowa. Ryowa rubbing his head: Right here. Ryowa: Glad you got picked for Gryffindor. Lauren: Yea it's cool. Proffesor Mcgonagal: Time to feast!!! Everybody cheers. Then suddenly Food appears on every tray. Ryowa: Gotta go to my tables*mumbles something* Abob: Yeah I should go too. Lauren: Ok. See you guys later. As Ryowa sits down on the Slytherin table Draca and some other girls sit down next to and across of him staring at him wide eyed. Ryowa: Hehehehe. Draca: Hi Ryowa!!!!*giggles and twirls her hair* The Girls: Hi Ryowa!!!!! Ryowa Weakley: Hi!
  4. One time I had this dream that I was stranded on a desert island and Ken was there with Anti still doing their weird news thing. And Then SS Trunks suddenly came up and kept yelling at me. Im sorry to sat this Trunks but I put a corkscrew in you mouth. Then Ken came up to me and kept asking me if I wanted Cream Pie and Beer. Then I saw the Panty Prison and Ken and Anti were Zombies and kept eating James and Adam while filling themselves with beer. WeIrD Huh?
  5. Draca: RYOWA...I cant believe you hang out with these loosers...AND you are in Slytherin....O my God. Ryowa: They are not loosers. Draca: OOOO an attitude I love that....Now, now lets go to the Slytherin table or we will be late. Abob: Leave him alone he'll go when he wants to. Lauren: Yea bug off. Draca: Did I ask you? Now come on Ryowa!!!! Draca drag's Ryowa away from his friends and to the Slytherin table. Lauren: What nerve does she have? Abob: Well I guess I should be going? Wanna sit at the HufflePuff table? Lauren: Okay...sure.
  6. As they fight the raptors. Ryowa: Come on Zarr. Lets get these things out of here. But dont kill them. Zarr: Raaaaarrrrrarrrrrrrra. Ryowa: You are right....use your tail. Major: How you doin Ryowa. Ryowa: Fine thank you....just fine. John: These raptors wont give up. Then suddenly Abob flies Dave lower so he could talk to them. Abob: Would'nt it be easier if I had one of my Skybax pilots bring back. Ryowa: Do you think it would work? Abob: We can at least try. Major: Great idea!!! Abob: Ok!!! Hope: Watch out back there. Suddenly a Raptor jumps on Zarr's back. Ryowa: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Abob flies Dave down and pick the Raptor up by it's neck and toses it about 50 feet from the battle. Ryowa: Thanks Abob. Abob: No prob.
  7. While in prison. Zee: What are we gonna do now. Axel kick's the wall. Axel: D@mmit!!! Tom: Well as long as we loot like Struggle Corp. we are screwed. Prison Guard comes up. Prison Guard: Lunch time...Hehehehe*snork*hehe Zee: Heheheheh...Porky pig. Prizon Guard: Shut up you CRIMINAL!!! Tom runs up to the bars: WE ARE NOT CRIMINALS WE- Zee: TOMMMMM.....Its useless. Anima: Hahahahaha....everybody come here. Anima pulls her skirt up halfway. Axel: Cough...errrrr......Anima I dont think this is the right ti- Anima: Shut up and make a circle around me. All: Yes.....* Blushing* Anima rips half of her skirt apart and pull's out a small firecracker looking thing. Anima: This device is going to get us out of here. Zee: Errrrrr....Anima that is just a firecracker. Anima: It looks like a firecracker. Suddenly Anima pulls the string off of the firecracker and tosses it towards the back wall. Anima: Better get down!!! Everybody jumps down. Anima: 5..4..3..2..1..Boom. BOOOOOOOMMMM...the little firecracker looking bomb makes a huge explosion. Axel: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH... Anima: Now lets get out of here.
  8. The rest of the group arrives. Major: Is that everybody? Jack: Uhhhh....I think so. Major: Okay good. Because th- Then suddenly out of nowhere a T-Rex jumps out. Ryowa: They are here!!!!! Major: Come on people give them your best. Everybody charges at the T-Rex. Major: Remember we do not want to harm them. Ryowa: I wonder how they could get so close to the Sun Stones. Major: I hope its not what I think. Ryowa: You mean... Major: Yes but now we got bigger problems. Come on. Abob: Lets go Dave. Dave: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ryowa: Charge!!!!! A couple of more T-Rex come out of a dark forest. Major: Where are the Skybax. John: I think they are right on top of us. The Skybax suddenly dart down toward the T-Rex. It took a while but the T-Rex gave up. Jack: Yes!!!! We won once again. Everybody started to cheer. Ryowa: SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! John: What now. Ryowa: Dont you hear that. ??????: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Major: It sounds like- Ryowa: Yes Raptor's!!!
  9. When are we goin to start this RPG in the play section?
  10. Name: Ryowa Davis Age: 13 Year: 3rd House: Slytherin Quidditch Position: Seeker Appearnce: Blond Spikey hair, Hazel eyes Bio: He loves Hogwarts but doesent understand why he is assinged to Slytherin. He is also a good friend of Abob and Lauren. He is a pureblood. His parents also went to Hogwarts. His father was a Gryffindor and his mother was a Hufflepuff. Speciatly: Good at everything but best at Charms.
  11. OCC: Oooo...Im sorry Ill make it work out. Lauren: *cough* Cough*....Actually Zee you cant battle Ms.Killa. Zee: Huh? Lan: She just left dude. Protoman: Ohhhh man...I would of whipped that Death.exe Lan: Too bad dude. Lauren: Again, who should we look for first. Zee: I say Suzuki. Lan: Yeah, Suzuki. Koji: Then what are we waiting for...LETS GO!!
  12. Ryowa admires the castle for a bit and walks around the town to look for a place to sleep. Ryowa: Hmm....what place should I get. Ryowa: "King's Fit"..Looks expencive. Ryowa walks in the hotel. Man: Hello Sirrrrrr. Ryowa: Uhhh...hello. How much is this place for a one night stay? Man: 2.000 credits. Ryowa: Uhhh....pricey...pricey...pricey....Here. Ryowa gives the man 2.000 credits. Gets his key and goes to his room. Ryowa opens the door: WHOA!!!!! The room was fit for a king. Ryowa: This place is huge...Look at tha TV. The TV almost covered the whole wall. Ryowa: Gotta take a shower first. Ryowa took a shower. Then he watched the TV for a while. And fell into a deep...deep..sleep.
  13. Zee runs up to the others to see what was happening. Zee: Whoa!!! What happened. Lan: Suzuki betrayed us. Zee: You mean... Lauren*sad*: Yes!! Ohhhh...Elecman. Zee takes a look at the battle field. Zee: What is that*points to Death.exe* Lan: That's Death.exe. Protoman: Sure is ugly. Ms.Killa: WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY PET!!?? Protoman: Chill out lady all that I said was it was ugly. Ms.Killa: Ooo..and you think you can beat it. Protoman: With one hand tied behind my back. Zee: Okay then its official....I will battle Death.exe. Ms.Killa: Hhahahahahahah.....Okay. Lan: NO Zee...Dont....look what he did to Elecman. Zee: Dont worry...Protoman can beat it. Lauren: Zee, Please dont. Zee: No I will get revenge for Elecman. Lan: ZEE GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD!!!! YOU CANNOT BEATH DEATH.EXE. Protoman: No its not Zee's decision... Zee: Uhhhh...yeah it is. Ms.Killa: Hurry up..Im not waitiong all day. Zee: PROTOMAN.EXE!!!
  14. Yea I also play MTG....its cool. But I never get enough manas to use all my good cards.
  15. As they walk into the Black Bird. Ryowa: Pretty amasing how they fixed it up. Siren: Yeah..I thought this thing was history. Ryowa: Yea..me too. Ohhhh...I never told you my powers didnt I? Siren: Guess not. Ryowa: I can turn into any animal you want me too. Siren: Even a inchworm. Ryowa suddenly changes into a inchworn and chages back quickly. Siren: Thats pretty amasing. Ryowa: Thanks. The X-Men climb aboard the Black Bird with Siren following. Yuugi: Are you all ready!! Yuugi opens a giant metal doorway with a waterfall at the end. Then he launches the Jet forward and suddely flies into the sunny sky heading toward South City.
  16. I watch the playoff's. My favorite team is Sacremento. I think they are the best. And I personaly think they are going to win.
  17. What is your favorite movie and why? My personal favorite movie is " The Fast and the Furrious". I just like it because I like cars. They have some really nice cars in there. Also I like all the little gagets in there. Like when they push buttons to make them go faster. And I like that one part when that dude plays his PS in the car.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B] This is gonna sounds cruel probably but oh well. GET OVeR IT! We Americans need to get over this! God one of my friends died there but you don't see me feeling sorry for myself. We already got our revenge yet we still attack! We Americans think we are sooo safe off in our own little corner of the world, well guess what we arn't and you know that now! America used to stand for resiliance and a new life, what happened to that dream I don't know. NOw the government are cowards and afraid to do anything! 6 people out of millions....BILlIONS....of people and you stop the rest from coming?! You are a freaking immigrant your self! Everyone in America is except for the Native Americans who I might add the Government treats like crap! So lets see if this makes sense...no immigrants even tho we are, and treat the real Americans like crap. Makes alot of sense to me! Look yes it was a tragedy but it does not justify us from stopping people to come over here! I say he should be alowed! He has nothing in his record that would hint of anything, hell we don't even have the slightest anger/suspistion/fear against New Zealand! Why should he not be accepted?! NOT eveRYONE IS A TERRIOST!!! And besides there are places with terriosim is a daily thing and yet people still go there, we have one terriost attack and noonoe can come over here..... AMEriCA GEt IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS AND LETS STOP FEELING SORRY FOR OURSELVES! [/B][/QUOTE] I tottaly agree.... I mean 9/11 did have a terrible effect on us but we do need to keep going on with our lives. I mean we cant just stand there feeling sad for ourselves. We need to put all that behind us now.
  19. The alarm woke Ryowa up from his nice sleep. Ryowa: Huh?...We are there already. Ryowa landed his spaceship right next to Aboo's Spaceship Parts. He got off of it and took a look at it. Ryowa: It looks like apiece of junk right now. But when I get it fixed up it will look brand new. Ryowa quickly ran inside. There he saw a person there just standing around. Ryowa: Uhhh..Hello do you work here. Man: Why yes of course. Ryowa: Ok good. Look I need a completes fix up on my ship. Man: Of course can I see the ship please. Ryowa: Right this way. Ryowa led the man towards his ship. Man: WHAT A PIECE OF JUNK!!!! Ryowa: Ermm...Yes can you fix it. Man: Yes we could but it will take a while. Why dont you come back tomorrow. I think it will be done by then. Ryowa: Ok..thank you so much. And one more thing. Can you fix the speed on it . It goes pretty slow. Thats why I want it as fast as it can go. Man: Yes We can do that. Ryowa: Ok...that will be all then. Man: Yes that will be all. Ok. See you tomorrow. Ryowa: Ok see you. As Ryowa was heading out he noticed the palace. Ryowa: WOW!! Much bigger that I remember. Might as well take a tour. Ryowa runs off to the castle.
  20. Zee woke up and suddenly ended up in field. Zee: Huh....*yaaaaaawn*...where am I? Voice: GREETINGS!!!! Zee: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Voice: No...dont be scared...I just wanna welcome you to the digital world. Zee: D-D-Ddddddd..igital...W-world. Voice: Yes your were one of the few that got picked to protect the digital world from evil. Zee: O-o-ok. Voice: Now do you want to meet your partner digimon. Zee: Yeah. I guess. Suddenly a little kitten like creature walks up to him. But he was sure it wasnt a kitten. Voice: Meet Kittymon. Your new partner. Zee: Cool. But it doesent look so tough. Voice: Thats because its only in its In- Training form. Zee: Ohhhhhh....Whaaaaaa? Voice: Look there are 5 forms to Digimon. In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, Mega. Zee: Ohhhh..ok...I get it. Voice: Ok I think you are ready to meet the others. Here take this. A Digivice and a Crest tag float down to Zee. Zee takes them looking confused. Voice: Now go find the others they will expain the rest to you. Zee: Ok you ready Kittymon. Kittymon: Sure am. Now lets go already. Zee: Right. Zee and Kittymon run off to find the others.
  21. Ryo


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]But if he hooked up with her then he would risk people going after her again just like the Green Goblin did. He couldn't afford to take that risk. [/B][/QUOTE] Ermmmm.....No thats not what he meant.....What he meant was he couldnt be there for her if he was Spider-Man.. Here let me make it simpler for you......She would dump him if he kept disappering when there was trouble.
  22. I dont think the world is gonna end in millions no billions years after us. I mean people cant blow the whole planet up. But there is a possubility we can polute it sooooooo bad that the ozone layer will dissapear and the whole panet will burn and people will get skin cancer and all die...........well maybe too harsh but the thing about the ozone layer is happening.
  23. Ryowa landed and turned into a human again meeting Yuugi and Abob. Also Craig was right behind him. Yuugi: What took you. Ryowa: Heh... Craig:... Abob:I believe we havent met yet. Ryowa: Ohhh....My name is Ryowa. Nice to meet you. Craig:....Craig. Abob: My name is Abob...Nice to meet you to Ryowa staring at Siren: Who is that? Yuugi: Dont know..We havent met. Abob: Lets go see then.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]It looks like a big sappy movie. The only thing good that I can say about it is that the animation is good.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree it looks like a sappy movie.....but I also agree that the animation looks awesome.
  25. 7 years have passed since the incident in Atlantica. A few scientist were sent to see if any of the sharks survived but they never returned. Now, a few people volunteered to go check out what hapened to those scientist. And also there was a word that the 1st generation shark was pregnant. The volunteers were packed with the supplies that they needed and set off to Atlantica. Also workers came with them to fix up the place a little bit for the newcommers. All the workers ever said was " Dont go to the 3rd sublevel" and left. Now the volunteers are all alone to investigate Atlantica. You are one of those volunteers. Heres what I need for your info: Name: Age: Occupation: Bio: Apperance: ( It doesent really matter what clothes you wear because we are gonna put on swiming gear anyways, but you can before we do) Personality: _________________________________ Heres mine: Name: Ryowa Age: 22 Occupation: Sharkwrangler Bio: Ryowa always likes a good challenge. When he heard that people were actually going back to Atlantica he volunteered automaticly. He had be wrangaling sharks since he was 14. He had a couple of jobs but never likes to stick to one. He knows what kind of terror he is going against. He had been to Atlantica before but then they didnt have the test sharks. He knows what kind of terror but he just hasnt seen it yet. Apperance: Spikey blonde hair, average height, muscular(not too much), hazel eyes, Blue baggy T-shirt, Red sort of baggy pants, Blue and white tennis shoes. Personality: Quiet, Brave
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