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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. Name: Ryowa Age: 17 Weight: 118 Height: 6'1 Dinosaur: Triceratops Dinosaur Name: Zarr Background: Ryowa lived with both of his parents. One day they decided to take a trip to europe. But something went wrong with the planes engine. All of a sudden the engie started smoking and they were going down. When it crash landed into the ocean both of his parents died and he swam to shore with one of the planes wings. After that he walked all the way to Waterfall City and registered. When he finished school he found out that he was of the land. He waited for about a month for his partner to hatch and when it finaly did they became best friends. Apperence: Spikey blonde hair, Red baggy T-shirt, Black baggy pants, Blue and white tennis shoes.
  2. Ryowa heard the explosion. Ryowa: Liquid! Did you hear that. Liquid:....*Nodds his head once*.. Ryowa: Come on we got to get going. Ryowa turns into a eagle and flys towards the smoke caused by the explosion. While Liquid stays in his human form and follows Ryowa.
  3. Ryowa got to his ship. Turned it on, and put it into automatic. Then the ship blasted off into space heading for Naboo. The ship was in pretty bad condidtion. Ryowa had to get it fixed up. And the part he needed is only found on Naboo. Ryowa: Lets see....the store's name is " Aboo's Spaceship Parts". Naboo was a long way from the planet he got off of. It took 12 hours to get there with his ship in this condition. Ryowa: Just.....long...enough..toooo...*yawn*...take a nap.
  4. That movie is cool.......I've seen better. But that movie got on my good side.
  5. Ryo

    Fav Scary Movie!

    Dude he was like one of the main characters. That ending is crappy.
  6. Ryo

    a wish

    I would wish that there was not terrorizm, no drugs or alchohol, and no violance.
  7. Ryo


    How would Harry turn into the Green goblin if he doesent know that the first green goblin was his father.
  8. Ryo


    Have you seen that one commercial...I think it was a beer commercial where this relly hot girl sits next to this guy (They were in a bar) and that guys friend was next to him. And that guy was like "Dude there is a hot girl next to me help me out. Friend: Ok jus say what I tell you. Guy: OK. Friend: Tell her she has pretty hair and beatuful eyes. Guy: You have pretty hair and beatufull eyes. Girl: Why thank you. Friend: You are the most spectacular girl I saw. Guy: You are the most beatuful girl i have ever seen. Friend: So would you like to go out sometime. Guy: Would you like to go out sometime. Girl: Sure. Then the bartender comes up to the guys friend. Friend: OK How much? Guy: Ok How much. Then the girl stands up and slaps him. I think it was funny but some of you might not liked it
  9. Ryo

    Fav Scary Movie!

    I didnt see the ending to Jeepers Creepers. What happened?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gouf [/i] [B]i told cloudstrife00 this but all you'll might as well here this i got transferd and at my school we find condoms in use man our school's been going down sice i left man :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] Dude that is just nasty...where do you find them? In the bathroom?
  11. Im in the same school CS00 and Z11 are in. And Z11 is right they are just a group of stoopid people who dont give a $hit about school that hate almost everybody.
  12. Ryowa was running through a street as a wolf when he ended up at a cathredal. He saw two people up at the top. He quickly turned into a falcom and flew to the top. Liquid: Ryowa, Its been so long. Ryowa turned into his human form. Ryowa: Nice to see you too. Liquid: I would like you too meet someone. This is Yuugi. Yuugi: Nice to meet you Ryowa. Ryowa: My pleasure.
  13. Zee wakes up and findes himself in a hospital bed. Zee: Huh...aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Nurse: Dont move you got shot in your leg and it fractured your bone. Zee: Gee thanks. Jamie: Shut up mine is worse! Zee: Oh yeah. What happened to you. Jamie: You shot me in my arm and it blew a part of my bone in a thousand pieces. Zee: OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Stupid nurse what are you doing. Nurse: Im putting a cast on your leg now just stay still. Zee*mumbling*: Ill put a cast on your face if you hurt me one more time. Zee: Uh. Nurse where did my friends go after they droped me off at the hospital. Nurse: They ran out of here and left you this note. The Note Reads: Dear Zee, Me Blade, Tom , Anima are going after Struggle CORP. Do not try to come after us I repeat Do NOT COME AFTER US. I know you wish you could come but Im sorry. We wish you could come also, we need the extra help but u seem in pretty bad condition. Best wishes, Axel, Tom, Blade, Anima Zee: Mannnnn! Jamie: What? Zee: NONE OF YOU BUSSINES!
  14. Cloud Strife00 told me about the boards. At first I thought it was stoopid and did not join. But when I signed on It was awesome.
  15. Zee found Lan at lunch Zee: Hey Lan over here. Lan: There you are I was looking for you. Lan: I want you to meet someone. His name is ryan. Zee: Him my name is Zee. Ryan: Ryan. Nice to meet you. Suddenly Zee's laptop starts to beep. Zee: Whaaaaaa?? Zee opens up his laptop and jacks in Protoman. Protoman: Uhhohhh. Zee: What is it? Protoman: Its a major virus. I cant fight it by myself. I will need some help. Zee: Can you guys help me? Ryan & Lan: Sure.
  16. All of that is true exept Vegeta didnt cheat to become SSJ2. He just powered up and became SSJ2.
  17. Send some spiffy to me too. And I love number four. Shes hottttt.
  18. Ryo


    Bill Gates is a cool guy. I mean without him we would'nt be doing this right now. If I were him I would be doing the same.
  19. I wanna go to Japan. It is anime capital. They have all kinds of stuff. Man Omniroth you are lucky dude.
  20. I personaly like Windows. Macintosh are just not my thing. If I were you I would get Windows.
  21. My school has 2 computer labs. Its pretty cool. But we dont getp play time on the at all. We just go on the computer to do spreadsheets and all of that stuff. It sucks.
  22. Name: Ryowa Mutant Name: Age: 18 Sex: Male Mutant Ability: Change into any animal Bio: His parents didn't care that he was a mutant. They still loved him as he was. They were very sad when he decided to go to the mutant academy. Then he quickly learned to control his power. He was accepted into the X-Men and now is one of the best. Short Description: Spikey blond hair, red sort of baggy pants, short sleeve blue shirt, Blue and white shoes.
  23. Ryowa got out of the sewers when the Jedi didnt respond. He walked around the streets to see if anything was wrong on this miserable planet. But then he heard his stomach growl. Ryowa: I gotta get something to eat. He walked to the nearest restaurant. He saw a restaurant named "The Eating Hole" and sat at the nearest table and waited for some service. He wanted to contact his father to tell him everything looked fine. He got out his walkie talkie and turned it on. Just then a waiter came and handed him a menu. Ryowa quickly put up his walkie-talkie and turned it off. Waiter: What would you have sir? Ryowa: Uhh...I will have the roast kidala sub? Waiter: Your food will be here in a minute. Ryowa: Ok. Ryowa thinking to himself: After this Im gonna to to Naboo and see an old friend. Then waiter came back with his food. Ryowa: Thank you. Ryowa ate the food and paid the bill. The he ran to his ship.
  24. Ryowa was still in the sewers chasing after the two Jedis he saw. Suddenly he took a tur in the sewers and he was amased to see that this place looked nothing like the sewers. It looked cleaner than his bedroom!!!! Ryowa: Forget it. If they wanted me with them they ould of called back. Ryowa: Right now im getting the hell out of here!!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Gay men flirt with women more than anyone... [/B][/QUOTE] Really dude. I thought gay people like someone of the same sex.
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