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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. Ryo


    Gouf if you dont like this thread why did you even join in the first place.
  2. Ryo


    There is going to be a tournement in here. Ok lets RPG from now on. All of the duelist enter a tournement on a huge island ( sorta like on Y-gi-oh but bigger) . I need all of you to sinn up for the tournement. Heres the sign up sheet. Name: Age: Deck Name: Bio: Deck: ( You can use the one you said before ) Ok the rules. The winner of a duel gets a star chip( Like on Yu-Gi-Oh ). But also get to choose the card out of the loosers hand. And you can have one turn per post. Everybody starts off with 2 starchips. The 2 winners of the tournement get to duel me and gouf. Also you have to be realistic . And if you have a real Yu-Gi-Oh deck that will be counted also. And also if you dont have a clue how to duel please dont join this tournement. Now lets get ready to DUEL. * No Exodia or fusion cards.* And also if you post on this tournement dont post short posts like 3-4 sentences post long ones.
  3. Ryo

    Super Anti-Terrorists

    Zee: HAHAHAHA...you think your cheap ferrari is faster than a Mclaren...where did you get it at goodwill!!! Lance: We will see about that Lance speeds of at about 250mph Zee: Is that all Zee speeds out 300 mph Lance: Damn how could a car be that fast guess i have to do this Lance pushes a button like in Fast and the Furrious that makes his car go faster than Zee's Zee: Huh? He already did it!!! Zee keeps going without pushing the button and Lances car slows down..Zee speeds past him making him go off road. Zee: See Yaaaaa. Lance over the Walkie - Talkie: I wanna race you again after we catch Bin-Laden. Zee: Yea...Sure but you know you are going to loose again. Lance::mad:
  4. Ryo


    Chibiterriermon OK....lets just pretend you did..cuz we went to the sucine cave and found you!!
  5. Ryo

    Dragonball: X

    Zeke was walking throught a forest when a huge wind of ashes blew hard against him. Zeke: What the hell was that. He looked around to see if anybody was watching him and then flew high up in the air to see three people flying towards a huge hole in the earth. Zeke: Hmmmm....what are they up to? Then Zeke quickly flew towards them. Zeke: What is that thing? Andrew: First of all who are you? Zeke: Oh sorry...My name is Zeke. Craig: Are you by any chance a Saiyan. Zeke Suprised: How do you know about Sayins. Craig: Because all three of us are Saiyan or Part-Saiyan. Zeke: Well then prove it. Craig quickly shot a KI blast right into a Mountain and seconds later it blew up. Craig: Does that prove that im a Saiyan. Zeke: Hmmmph... Yes Andrew: Back to the giant thing that just crashed into our planet. Zeke: What do you think it is? Craig: I dont know......lets find out Then all four of them flew towards the giant hole.
  6. Ryo


    OOC: We've been on Mt. Raikou...and yes we found you its not that hard to find..
  7. Zee: What are you doing here? Axel: Hey dont scare me like that and by the way who are you? Zee: My name is Zee and who are you? Axel: We're just here to get something. We mean no harm. And what are you doing here...there is a volcano here how can you be so close? Zee: I like the warmth and I live here Feather: Oh poor thing it doesent have a home. Zee: Im not a it im a he. Axel: Where did you come from? Zee: I come from a kingdom in Ancient Europe All: Ancient Europe!!!!???!! Zee: Yes..I have Eternal Life...and Im the prince of the Alpha Amazons. My parents take people to be their slaves to work for them and I was next to the throne but I didnt want to do that so I've been hiding out for a long time.
  8. Ryo

    Super Anti-Terrorists

    OK!!!...This is cool..... will start first and more people can join if you like... Zee was joy-riding in his McLaren when he got a call from the base.. Base: Zee Bin Laden is on the hit again I will call the others but report to the coast he is traveling by the sea. Zee: Got it! Base: And remember Zee...ABSOLUTLY NO FOOLING AROUND. Zee: What are you talking-*Spots a hot lady* -hey baby-anyways I do not fool around. Base: Ill tell the others to keep and eye out for you just in case Zee: I do not need a babysiter Base: You better get going you only have 2hr to get there Zee: Ok..Ok..Im on it He speeds towards the coast at least 160 MPH.
  9. Ryo


    Zee: We better be carefull on Entei Mt they say its a Volcano Ron: Hmmm..Let me research *Pulls out his com... Ron: Ahhha...They say the legendary pokemon Entei lives at the bottom of the volcano Zee: So that must be where the chrystal is Rondell: Just one problem....HOW THE HECK DO WE GET TO THE BOTTOM OF A VOLCANO?!?!?! Zee: Umm I could use Lugias Barrier to protect us from the lava All: COOL Seto: Well I guess we have everything planed out Zee: Yea...Lets get the **** out of this cave its giving me the creeps And they said goodbye to their friend sucine and started to head towards Entei Mountain
  10. Ryo


    Zee: Goes around the battle through a passageway that shines bright. Zee: There it is. Tani: There is what Zee Suprised: Dont scare me like that. Tani: sorry Zee: And I found the Suicine Chrystal Tani: Cool! Zee: Allright we got what we came for hope Suicine doesent mind Just then they come out to see Team Rocket running. Ron: Take that you couple of chickens Mewtwo: Yea but you forgot about me: Zee: Ill handle him you guys run ahead Ill catch up!
  11. Ryo

    Super Anti-Terrorists

    OK??!! But why dont you just sign up like the rest of us?
  12. Ok that will be cool
  13. Hey this sounds cool Ill join Name: Zeke Race: Saiyin Age: 15 Height: 5'9 Weapon: A Powerfull sword that mysticly lights up whenever he uses it. Bio: Everybody always said that Goku and the others are just a myth. But he didnt believe them. He believes they were real and wanted to be just like them. He also loves to listen about their adventures. Description: Wears a black T-shirt, And white baggy shorts Personality: He is a friendly and a brave guy. He always helps people out.
  14. Ryo


    ok this is getting out of hand.....just finish this duel and no more duels unless you really know how to...no more arguing
  15. Ryo

    Super Anti-Terrorists

    Yea i guess youre fight gouf And gouf congradulations...And dont make it seem bad being a newbie :therock:
  16. Beat him with a golf club that bastard deserves it them sic the cops on him saying he sliped and fell
  17. Am I too Late Name: Zeke Personality: Brave and Playfull Apperance: Looks like Gohan from cell saga exept for the cape Bio: The son of Goten. They always play together and also train>
  18. Ryo


    On Raikos Mountain Zee: Come on lets go to that Raiko statue They walk in the statue Ron: Its so shiny in here Tani: *GASP* ZEE: what Tani: Something just touched me Rondell: It wasnt me Zee: Better not be Tani: *Rolles her Eyes*No it was something furry The they heard a roar All: AAAAAAAHHHHHH Zee: Its Raiko Raiko: Roarrrrrrr Zee: Dont worry we're not here to capture you we just want the crystal to stop Mewtwo Raiko: Roar..rrr..Roar Zee: Turns to seto..What did he say seto: Turns to mew.. Mew: Mew..ww.MEWWWW seto: He says to follow him Zee: Come on As they reach the end of a passage way they can see the chrystal Raiko; Roarrrrrrr Seto: He says to take it and leave before you get spotted by other trainers Zee takes to chrystal and quickly leaves the statue with everybody following him Ron: Come on lets go to Suicines Mouth
  19. Ryo


    AS Mewtwo appears Zee: There you are you bastard(cool music starts playing) Zee: Lugia goooooooo Lugia: Mewtwo you shall be defeated Zee: Lugia Aeroblast All: NOOOOOO DONT Zee: HUH Lugia was about to do Aeroblast when Zee stoped it Mewtwo: Why dont all of you take my psychic Zee: Oh no everybody get on my Lugia lets get outta here Everybody calls their Pokemon back and gets on Lugia Zee: Bye Bye you :cussing: Tani: whew Thanks Zee *and flashes her Eyebrows* Everybody: OOOOOOOOOOOO Zee: OKKKK...Come on we gotta get going to Raikos Mountain
  20. Ryo


    OOC: Chibiterriermon you are Not the only one who can defeat Mewtwo...all of us can..you are not the main character we all are As they were walking into the house Zee: I knew she was a crazy ***** woman Zee: Hmmph trapdoor...Ron can you use zubat to find it Ron: Sure can..Zubat supersonic Zubat: Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ron: ITs in the right corner of the house Tani: EWWWWWWWW..its the bathroom Rondell: Allright...i gotta use it Everybody else: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Zee: Allright lets go get Lauren Rondell: Dude Zee sorry about what I said back there Zee: Its ok but now lets go get your girlfriend....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROMEO!!!!!!!!!
  21. Ryo


    As they were waiting Zee: CRAZY-but then suddenly everybody puts their hand over Zees mouth Ron: Dude Zee be quiet Zee: Hmphh...But she is Woman: Who is what Zee starts to open his mouth but Lauren interupts him Lauren: The flower is beatufull Rondell: Isnt that right Zee Staring at Tani while he said that Zee: Dude seariosly shut up Tani: I know Rondell: Owwww..you two agree isnt that sweet Everybody start laughing exept Zee and Tani Zee: Emberased starts running towards the woods
  22. Ryo


    Zee: Crazy woma Woman: WHAT DID YOU SAY BOY Zee: BOY!! IM NOT A BOY Woman: TO ME YOU ARE Zee: THATS BECAUSE UR OLD Woman: OLD!!! WHY I OUGHTA ZEE: YOU OUGHTA WHAT Lauren: STOP FIGHTNING Everyone shuts up. Ron: OK...Lets just go Rondell: Is that right HONEY Tani: SHUT UP!!!!!
  23. Ryo


    In the Cave.. Rondell: What has begun? Zee: The Ancient Prophercy Rondell: Whaaaaaaaaa? Zee: Ill tell you later Tani: We better get going to the first mountain Rondell looking confused: The first mountain Zee: Yea..Raikous mountain Lauren: What about my Umbreon Just them they see Umbreon Falling from the sky and hear Mewtwo Saying "Worthless creature..I Wanted the girl" Abob: Come on we better get going. Lauren: So glad to have you back Umbreon Umbreon: Umbreon...Umreee Zee:Come on we gotta get going its far away. Lauren: UGhh OKKK.. muttering*always gotta ruin everything* While Walking Seon: so Mewtwo began taking over peoples minds..Just like that Umbreon thief dude...When i get my hands on him hes gonna pay Zee: Same here
  24. Ryo


    Zee: Hey wait for me. Zee runs off after Seto. Tani: UGhh GUYS!!! Lauren: Tell me about it. Tani: So what do u think about this ancient prophacy? Lauren: I dont know it might be true and it might not Just them Zee and Seto come running back. Zee: We found a book about it. Seto: It says we have to find the three diamonds of the three legendary dogs then the diamond of the three legendary dogs shall drain the powers of the Evil Pokemon. Tani: Looks like we got a long adventure up ahead of us. But we are all up to it. Right. All: Right!!!!
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