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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. Ryowa walks in with his monkey on his shoulder. Ryowa: Hey...FAJHA! Hotsume: Yea, hi...about that FAJHA! thing...do you have to say it all the time? Ryowa: Yea...Im from a different planet..I only have to say it when Im high! Hotsume: Getting high is illegal here...especially on a T.V show...and you dont look any different from humans. Ryowa: High? Illegal?.... Majha: Eee! Majha runs around jumping on people while Ryowa faints...
  2. [I]Ryowa kept shooting the beast not giving up until it was dead.[/I] Axel: Ryowa stop wasing your arrows. Ryowa: Shut up, human. Like you know anything about elf arrows. [I]Ryowa shot the ogre into the eyeball so it was blind. Next, he shot it into its groin. Finally, he shot the monster into the neck, killing it instantly. The group kept fighting until they killed the whole army. But, something didn't feel right. It was, too easy. They hear a shriek in the sky. It was a griffyn with an elf riding on its back.[/I] Elf: Sire, I have a letter for you. Ryowa: A letter? What about? Elf: I do not know... [I]Ryowa read the letter to himself.[/I] Axel: What does it say,Ryowa?
  3. Can I still join... Name: Ryowa FAJHA Age: 16 years of FAJHA Where u r from: FAJHA Luxury item: A monkey of FAJHA named MAJHA......FAJHA Any other info you deem neccessary: FAJHA FAJHA FAJHA FAJHA...DOT Ryowa: Im, uh from Europe. I call it FAJHA. Because FAJHA is FAJHA. Im uh....16. And I have a monkey. I call her MAJHA. I also like pie....any kind of pie. I will not sic MAJHA on you. She can have 5 ft long very sharp nails on her. So, dont worry about her when you are asleep. Especialy if you have pie....
  4. Im sorry I havent posted in a long time. Rhis has been a very long week for me. I had my Christmas on Tuesday..which was fun but lets get back to the story. [I]Ryowa rode on back of Lightning aiming arrows at the back of Axels's head with Nepenthe keeping one eye and one ear on him, staring. He stared back. It was as thou they wanted to jump up any second and beat the living hell out of each other.[/I] Axel: We are approaching the end of the tunnel soon. Everybody, be on your best guard. [I]Ryowa pulled his arrow back but did not let go. Keeping one eye on the tunnel ahead of him and one on Nepenthe. As light came of the sun came nearer and nearer, everybody tightened the grip on their weapons[/I]
  5. Axel: I say..we should get going right now. Ryowa: To where, human. We do not even know where to go. Axel: I do. Nepenthe: I agree. We should get going. We will be safer in the dark. Evil humans as you say canno't see in the dark. That should give us and advantage. Ryowa: I do not care which side humans are on. I just want to slaughter some like they slaughtered my-. [I]Ryowa stops.[/I] Nepenthe: Who did the kill of yours, Ryowa? Ryowa: Mind your buisness, she-elf! Now, if we should get going lets go. I will no longer wait. Axel*half wispering mad*: For once, the mad elf is right. Lets go. [I]The group set off into the woods on ther long and hard quest for peace.[/I]
  6. Hotsuma: Your mother needs to teach you some manners, elf! [I]Ryowa draws his bow and points the arrow straight at Hotsumas face[/I] Axel: Settle down, Ryowa. Ryowa: No human tells me to settle down. Nepenthe: No. But and elf will. Ryowa: Close your mouth, you halfling. Nepenthe: I've had enough of you outrage. [I]Nepenthe draws her sword[/I] Hotsuma: Remove the bow now. [I]Ryowa draws it even further then removes it[/I] Ryowa: As I said, I will not attack an opponent when he is not ready. [I]Nepenthe put's her sword away[/I] [I]As Ryowa walks off into the forest he saw some thing that he had never seen before.[/I] Ryowa: So, they finally arrived at the castle. Axel: What is it? Ryowa: Something even worse looking that a human, is you believe me.
  7. [I]Ryowa couldn't believe it. He put his sword away[/I] Ryowa: Scared?! Axel: Yes... Ryowa: How could you be scared?!? Those are the lives of innocent dwarves. [I]Suddenly and elf landed from the sky with his griffin[/I] Ryowa: What is it?!? Warrior: We have seen and felt something terrible coming! We can not feel it. All we can feel, is evil dwelling from it's heart. Ryowa: For once, you were right....human. Axel: Let's go....inside the castle, everyone!
  8. Ryowa: No, elves are not like that. They put up a fair fight. They do not kill beigns from their back like you humans do. Elves wait until their opponents are ready.. Axel: Look, if you came here to kill me then you will have to wait. There is more important things to do. There is an army coming to conquer Galdion and to take over our lands. Ryowa: I care not for your lands human. I want to end your race and to let these lands be free and humanless. So draw you sword human, Im going to finish humans for once and for all. Axel: Why do you hate us? What do you have against us? Ryowa: That is of no importance to you. Like the lives of innocent elves..
  9. [COLOR=darkblue][I]Ryowa was sitting down in the woods with his father's army. Since his father was killed he was the next in line to "inherit" his fathers army.[/I] Ryowa: Do you hear that? Warrior: What is it, sir? Ryowa: Something is heading our way... [I]All of a sudden a dragon appeared in the sky.[/I] Warrior: My god, is that a dragon... Ryowa: I haven't seen one of those in a while. Warrior: It's carrying something in its claws. [I]All of a sudden the dragon landed in front of Ryowa. Ryowa grasped his sword. But, the dragon droped the piece of paper and flew away.[/I] [I]Ryowa picked up the piece of paper and read it out loud. [/I] [I]It said: Dear elves, we need you alliance with us, humans. Please join us. I appologize for the inconvinient things my people did to your kind. But, fortunatly not all humans are horrible as they are. WE want to fight and stop all beings like those. I am sorry to inform you that we are in war. Not against you...but evil. Please help us. I have sent out notes like these to other races. Please meet us at the castle Galdion. We will be there, to welcome you.[/I] Sincerely, King Leon. Ryowa: Heh...let's go. Warrior: But, sir I thought you hated humans... Ryowa: I do...thats why we are going. [I]Ryowa immediatly got on Lightning and flew towards Galdion with his army right behind him...[/I] [I]It took him not long to get there. But, when he did he found a human with a dragon behind him waiting to greet him and another one with a strange creature. Both of them looked like they already knew he was coming. Ryowa didn't want to attack right away. Instead, he was preparing for the right moment. He ordered his troops to look for any other armies coming to Galdion while he listened and prepared in the sky. He shot and arrow in between the humans signaling he was there.[/I][/COLOR]
  10. NUH-UH...who said i quit Ravin: I feel something breathing on my neck.... Axel: Mee...too Both of them turn around and they saw...a familiar dragon Ravin: It can't be.. Axel: I think it is... Both: ZEKE!!!!! On top of the dragon sat a warrior heavily armored in the Dragon Knight's armor. Axel: So...you've come back.. Ravin: Yea but how... Are you out of the dragon knights.. Axel: You have left the Dragon Knights. Ryowa: No! We are just heading north to our new fort where we have spotted something strange. Axel: Like what? Ryowa: Come see for your self! Come with me??
  11. [COLOR=darkblue][I][B][FONT=century]Name[/B]: Ryowa Dryth [B]Gender[/B] : Male [B]Age[/B]: 250 [B]Race[/B]: Wood/Water Elf....his father was a wood elf and his mother was a water elf. [B]Weapon[/B]: Bow and Arrows. His fathers sword that was hand-made by his grandfather. It is unusualy always strong and sharp. The bottom is metal and the blade is elvish steel with markings in elvish. It say's " One day the mighty will rise and end the worl of evil and treachery". [B]Armor[/B]: A pearl tunic [B]Character Background[/B]: Ryowa was raised by his father and mothers friends most of his life. A war broke out when he was 249. He mother was a nurse in the war and his father was a warrior. He was also a warrior under his fathers command. One night while his mother was nursing soldiers and his father was guarding the fort with other soldiers humans attacked them. They killed all of the elves in the fort including his parents with no mercy. While this was happening Ryowa under his fathers command went to search for the lost men that dissapeared mysteriosly. Then men were sent to gather some medicine herbs for the soldiers. He hates humans because of the grief and anger they caused him by killing his parents... [B]Appearence[/B]: About 5'11. Long gray and blue hair. Hazel eyes. Wears the same thing Legolas wears in LOTR. [B]Beast Name[/B]: Lightning [B]Beast Type[/B]: Gryffin [B]Description[/B]: Its black and gray with yellow and blue eyes. Very tame. It only listens to Ryowa and who Ryowa tells him to listen...its a male. He calls him Lightning because it can reach amazing speeds.[/FONT][/I][/COLOR] I changed my bio a little bit.
  12. OCC: Sorry I havent posted for so long I just got in my house today. The Snipers took out about 5 or 6 soviets and when the soviets finaly spotted them it was too late for them. The ground crew took out the rest of them. Luitendant Karac: That was easy, sir. Ogi: Too easy. Luitendant Karac: What do you- Ogi: Luitendant!!! The Luitendant fell into Ogi's arms...dead Ogi: Those bastards!!!! TAKE COVER!!! Private: Sir, look at the radar! Ogi took a look at the radar and he couldnt believe what he saw. There were about 20 tanks heading their way with about 50 men in front and behind them. Ogi: We have no choice but to retreat. RETREAT!!!! Private: Yes, sir. It was too late the Serbian forces tried to retreat but most of them got capture or died. Only Ogi and about 5 men survived heading North by their men respecting them and giving their life for them. They didnt know where they were heading they just wanted to escape the soviets. It took them hours. But they finaly escaped them. They werent in Carolina anymore...they were in Virginia.
  13. Sorry Im posting a little late...had a field trip today.. Flash, why would Yugoslavia be defected...I mean I will still change it but I would realy like to be my country in this.. The Yugoslavian base is set up in Charlotte, N.C. Camps were put up. In a slightly bigger camp was a General reading the reports from the other Allied Nations. Ogi: My god, they are already invading 1/2 of America. Damn it... How? Just how can we stop this? Suddenly a Luitendant jumps into the camp. Ogi: What's the matter Luitendant? Luitendant:...We...We...We have sight of the Soviet approaching. Ogi: WHAT???!?!?!...Tell everybody to prepare for combat!!! And keep it quiet! Luitendant: Yes..Yes, sir. The Luitendant saluts and runs off to warn everyone to prepare themselves while the general sends out a warning to the other Allied countries up north. Ogi: "North Pole"...come in.."North Pole" ,over. "North Pole": We read you "South Pole" ,over. Ogi: "North Pole", I have soviets coming in and it looks like they are heading North ,over. "North Pole": Copy that "South Pole" , I want you to back off, do not try to fight them yourself, I repeat DO NOT try to fight them yourself, over. Ogi:..sigh..."North Pole" the last transmission was interrupted...I did not recieve it ,over. "North Pole": "South Pole" I repeat do no-. Ogi shoots the radio with his 9mm hand gun. Ogi: I didn't hear that one either... Ogi arms himself and goes outside. Ogi: How long do you think it will take them to find us, Luitendant. Luitendant: I dont know, sir...maybe 15 to 20 minutes. Ogi: ...Are our snipers ready? Luitendant: Yes, sir. Ogi: Ok, then put the first and second squad in the West building and the other two squads into the East tower. Luitendant: Yes, sir. The Luitendant puts the squads in their places while Ogi orders the rest of his army to get ready for combat. Ogi signals the snipers to fire.
  14. Name - Ogi Davidovic (its my real name) Pronounced: Augee-Davidovich Allegiance - Allies.. Military - Yugoslavia ( Ill change it if it's not allowed) Age - 29 Description - About 6'2 , short brownish golden hair, muscular, wears a army jacket and army pants with some army boots (who would of guessed) and also wears a barrete(sp?) with Yugoslavian flag in the middle. Bio/History - Ogi always wanted to be in the army. When he was about 13 his dad died in combat training when his dads best friend turned on him. Nobody understood why his dads friend would do anything like that. Ogi was devistated with his loss. He swore he would find out what happened because he knew that his dads friend would never do that. When he finished College he went signed up for the Yugoslavian Army...the same Army his dad went to. He trained as hard as he could and became a General. Supplemental - Hates Americans...(no offence...not realy)
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GundamGohan [/i] [B] well... okey.. the masturbation thing is true... i do do it too much... i should slow down before I go blind... [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm....go blind? There is just one secret that I have and a few other that are crushes...not that big of a deal....but where I use to live me and my friends were playing truth or dare....i know i know...you are thinking a "kiddy" game but we were playing it because we were bored. I've never told anyone about it. One of my friends dared me to stick my hands down my other girl-friend's pants. And I did it...not that big of a secret but...we never told anyone else. And everybody else forgot about it. Andddddd...I TRIED TO KILL MY SELF 500 times............I BEAT all of you...mwhahahahahahahhahahahahaha....(joking)
  16. I heard about that. Our teacher made us watch the news and read a brochour(sp?) about it. Most people thought it was intersting but others just fell asleep and threw the brouchours away. I used to live in Houston about 3 years ago and I wish the best of luck to those who are caught up in Lili.
  17. Im in... Age: 14 Favorite Monster: Gaia The Firece Night, Curse of Dragon Favorite Character: Seto Kaiba Favorite Card(s): Dark Hole, Trap Hole, Reverse Trap (if one) Card you Relate to: Celtic Gurarian Favorite Episode: Lets just say I have a lot..
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]yeah and well its pam...oh yes! [/B][/QUOTE] I second that... And I love the angry beavers...hehe....Norm is cool. And yes I loved the Spanish episode as well. I wish they would make a animated series with Trish Stratus from WWE...grrrrrr
  19. I got a Serpent Night Dragon and i still dont know how much he is worth...
  20. Ryowa wakes up in a desert near some Pyramid..... Ryowa(thinking): What the heck am I doing here....was I just in my bedroom....how did I get here Ryowa was looking around when he sees a kid with a saber attached to his belt. Ryowa: Hey! You with the saber! Fox: Huh? Me? Ryowa: Yea....My name is Ryowa....where am I? Fox: You are in Egypt Ryowa: EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Fox: Stop yelling....what up with you? Ryowa: I was just in my bedroom....and now im here. Fox: Thats just plain weird....come on lets see my father he might be able to help us.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B][size=1][color=indigo]Celtic Guardian. You don't here that very often.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I also like my almighty Serpent Night Dragon....mwhahahahaha....I also like Celtic Guardian for its art...But I just got my Serpent Night Dragon yesturday....and my Kazejin...I need the other two thought
  22. You forgot one more reason he promised Kaibas little brother that he would save him.
  23. Name: RYowa Davis Age: 17 Power: Wind Gender: Male Abilatys: Ryowa has a double bladed sabre which he can spin very fast and make dark tornadoes. Although, that's his most powerfull move. He can cause small windstorms. And small but powerfull gusts with the help of his sabre of course. Inside his sabre is a dark wind crystal like Hiros but dark. Bio: Ran away as a child Ryowa lived alone in a forest he eventualy started to steal and rob. For some reason the government was looking for him. He doesent know why( I will reveal in the story).Eventualy he was captured by evil scientist . He was kept in captivity to be studied. They druged him and erased his memory. They tought them that they were his leaders. They told him what to do.....and eventualy he got realy pissed off and caused much destruction....but then Hiro tried to stop him.....he knocked Hiro out but a gust of wind picked Hiro up and caried him somewhere....now his life long dream is to destroy Hiro and all who wish to stand in his way..... Clothes: Black tore up baggy pants and a tore up red shirt with a black overcoat he "borrowed" from a person Side: Evil
  24. Ryowa was sleeping when a strange sound awoke him. Ryowa: What....the? He got up to see what this sound was when he saw a shining glove on the floor. It was a bright golden color.... Ryowa: A glove......where is the other one? Ryowa picked the glove up and put it on his right hand which was the correct one.... when he put it on he felt strange and renewed....shining light surrounded him....he heard voices... Voices:Ryowa...wa...wa....wa.....duels.....uels...uels....must...ust..st.....go.....o....to...o..o...island...land...land... Ryowa: Which island? The voices started to fade away.. Voices: You...ou....will...l...l....find....nd.....nd...out....ut....
  25. My favorite card is the Celtic Guardian....I use him A LOT whenever im in trouble when I duel...hes just there.
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