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Everything posted by Ryo
I hope im not too late......heh Name: Ryowa Davis Age:14 Number of Cards in Deck: 50 Deck Theme: Warrior/Dragon 3 Most Powerful Cards in Deck: Blue Eyes White Dragon( of course) , Red Eyes Black Dragon, Summoned Skull Millenium Item: Glove
As the ship was sailing Ryowa stared into the group and said "good bye". He jumped into the rowboat and started going off. Ryowa: Tell craig and the others if you ever need me again I will be glad to help. He wrote his cellphone number on a piece of paper and he put the piece of paper into a coca cola bottle and threw it onboard the ship. Jubei: We'll call if your help is needed Ryowa. We...will be sure of that.... Warren: Yeah..... Ryowa rowed off into the sea not kn owing where he was going. ------------------------------------------------------- 12 hours later Ryowa landed in the nearest beach exploring and finding a city. He rented a car and drove to the nearest restaurant and then to the airport where he flew from there to Hawaii. He bought a house next to the beach and is living a good life.... OOC: See you in the sequel.......
Ryowa walks down to the dungeons to go to his potions class. Snape: Ryowa, so good of you not to be late. Snape: Now Ryowa I have a special job for you. I need you to get me something. Ryowa: Ok...I guess. Snape: I need you to go outside of Hogwarts and get me a fungie. Ryowa: You mean one on those furry worms. Snape: Exactly! Ryowa: Well thats almost IN the forest. We are not allowed to go there. Snape: Not without special permission. Snape hands Ryowa a not the Ryowa makes his way up to the commons room to go to the forest.
As RYowa was looking down upon the Tyrant he saw Craig sprinting towards the exit at a very fast rate right towards him. Craig: Get...the...hell...out of...here..very big..EXPLOSION!!! Ryowa: But.......Renee...Blaze.. Craig: Its too late now... RUN!!! Ryowa and the others ran as fast as they could away from the hospital....way behind the church....they hid. Hid, until they heard the explosion. About 15 minutes after the explosion they went back towards the hospital killing a few ignited zombies on their way. They looked for any signs of life only finding zombies. They wanted to look further but the fire was still at large. Craig: I....can't believe he is gone. _____________________________ OOC: Elven, you take it from here..however you want it.
OOC: Sorry I've been out for so long. Ryowa: I guess....we will...just have to wait till cody wakes up. Waren: Are you crazy man?!!?!? He will eat us alive!!!!! Ryowa: Not with what I have. *Ryowa quickly gined* Jubei: What is that? Ryowa: It is the Anti-Virus. Waren: Wh- where did you get that? Ryowa: Heh....you must be new to S.T.A.R.S . Waren: Whats that supposed to mean? Ryowa: Its a long story. Ryowa injected the Anti-Virus into Cody and they patiently waited until he woke up. 5 min later. Cody: Who-what. Ryowa: Cody...feeling...human? Cody: No time for talking...we have to get Blaze and Reene. We only have 20 min. They ran as fast as they could down to the basement of the hospital until the came to a large metal door with two large windows on them. Ryowa: Shhhhhhhh....I hear voices. Sid:....... its a new potion I develope. It should make BOTH of you mine. You will follow my orders. You will work for me. You will KILL for me. Hehehe.... Waren: We have to be careful and quiet. We have to sneak in tere and rescue them before he gives the potion to them. Ryowa: Why bother sneaking. Give me your gun. Waren handed to gun to Ryowa without saying a single word. Ryowa: Now watch and learn. Ryowa climbed up two steps on the stairs. He took aim very carefully. He took a shot purposly missing Sid. Waren: You missed him....how could you miss him. Ryowa: I dont think so... Suddenly the tank Blaze was in started to crack..
This movie look's hilarious. I am definetly going to see this. Remember, if it has Tom Green it HAS to be hilarious....hehe. What are your thoughts of this HILARIOUS :devil: movie? And are you going to see this HILARIOUS :devil: movie?
I live in NC and it's getting closer and closer to us. I used to live in Houston and thank god I don't live there anymore. But I do feel bad about the people that got infected and the people that are very close to the Virus.
I found this Article on the web: WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two more people have died from the West Nile virus in Louisiana, and the virus has been detected in animals in two more states, Vermont and Kansas, health officials said Friday. So far, seven people -- all in Louisiana -- have died this year from West Nile. The total number of states where the virus has been found in animals -- horses, birds or mosquitoes -- is now 36, while humans have contracted the virus in six states and the District of Columbia. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported a total of 136 human infection cases: Louisiana (85), Mississippi (34), Texas (12), Illinois (2), Alabama (1), Indiana (1) and the District of Columbia (1). The latest victims in Louisiana were a 76-year-old woman in St. Tammany Parish who died August 2 and a 94-year-old woman in Tangipahoa Parish who died August 4, said Dr. Erin Brewer, regional medical director for the Louisiana Office of Public Health. EXTRA INFORMATION West Nile virus: Outbreaks in the U.S. from 2000 to 2002 ? Interactive: Understanding West Nile virus ? Map: Where infected birds have been found in 2002 She said another 85 people in the state have been sickened by the virus, 59 of them with the most serious symptoms: encephalitis or meningitis or both. They are potentially fatal swellings of the brain or of the membranes that cover it. Both conditions can be fatal. Nine of the 59 are hospitalized in intensive care units. In Indiana, a 46-year-old woman who was hospitalized for four days with flu-like symptoms turned out to be infected with West Nile virus, said Dr. William Dannacher, the health officer for Wabash County. She has since recovered and been discharged, he said. The positive result, which was confirmed Friday by the CDC, was not surprising, he said. "Twenty-some counties in the state have had birds tested positive for West Nile. There's no question that it's around." CDC officials said an infected horse had been discovered in Kansas, and the Vermont Department of Health reported an infected bird found there. At highest risk for becoming infected with the mosquito-borne virus are the elderly, those with compromised immune systems and young children. Most infections are mild, and symptoms, which don't always appear, include fever, headache, and body aches, occasionally with skin rashes. A more severe infection may be marked by headache, high fever, neck stiffness and disorientation. Dr. Lyle Petersen, a West Nile virus expert for the CDC, said the virus causes severe symptoms in one of every 150 people infected. Most people get either no symptoms, or milder expressions of the disease. The CDC recommends that people reduce the risk of being bitten and becoming infected by staying indoors at dawn, dusk, and in the early evening; wearing loose long-sleeved shirts and long pants whenever they are outdoors; and using insect repellent that contains the chemical DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) -- 20 percent to 30 percent DEET for adults, under 10 percent for children. The CDC also urges people to get rid of all outdoor standing water, where mosquitoes can breed. The CDC is also looking into the theory that the hot, dry weather may be a factor in the rise in West Nile activity because it affects mosquito breeding areas. Mosquitos breed in small, dense pools of water. In extremely hot weather, large pools of water get smaller and more dense. What are your thought's about this Virus? And are you worried about getting infected?
What I think for the next movies is that the games will all be "cramed" together in too two movies. So it will follow the games but they will not make a movie for every Resident Evil game.
Ryowa ran behind Blaze. Ryowa: Did you find her. Blaze: No....not..yet. Ryowa: Whoe!!! What happened here. Blaze: I met up with him....he had this. Blaze show's Ryowa the earing. Ryowa: Then she must not be far. Blaze: You are right.....Let's go and find Relee. Blaze and Ryowa ran after the dead blood.
Yea that's what I was saying. *********SPOILER******** Matt is going to be "Nemesis". I cant wait till the second one. ********END SPOILER******************** But what is the third one going to be about?
My friend from Europe came here for a vacation. He can speak english very well but when he can't pronounce words he says them slowly. One day he was looking at a map and he found the state Idaho. He couldn't pronounce it so he said it like this "I-da-ho" started to crack up. He still didn't get it. It took him a couple of minutes to get it but when he did he started to crack up too.
Ryowa ran up to Nemesis with his sword and tried to slice his head off. But, it didn't do a thing. The sword had no effect. Nemesis: Fool... Nemesis hit Ryowa making him fly back. Relee: No...Blaze...Ryowa.. Ryowa stood up and ordered Relee and the other to run. Ryowa: Run...me and Blaze will catch up. Ryowa ran over to Blaze and picked him up. Blaze: We...have no choice but to run. Ryowa: Then let's get the hell out of here. Ryowa and Blaze ran after the others but for some reason Nemesis and Craig didn't chase them. Ryowa: We have no choice but to go to the Umbrella Corp. base. That's the only place where they keep the Anti virus. It will help us.... a lot. Because if you have been bitten or even scratched.....you will become one of them. Blaze: Ok...now let's tell the others. And hope they haven't been infected.
OOC: Dude I just wanted to add some flavour to the story. I mean if you want me to edit its fine. But I just wanted to make the story cool. I'll edit if you want me to.
*********SPOILER************* Aries is Mat going to be Nemesis. I think he is But Im not sure. Do you think? ************END SPOILER*****************
Ryowa: I swear on my grandfathers grave I will stop all of this. Blaze: And we will be right next to you to help. Jubei: first of all we have to get out of here and get help. Blaze: Right, Now lets go to that back door. They group continued through the hall as they killed some zombies and shadows as the went along. Blaze: So you guys knew all about this $hit and didn't even tell a soul about it. Ryowa: No they didn't want the police to panic. They thought they could handle it...but...it got out of hand. But still, they kept on testing. Like I said I tried to stop it but it was heavily guarded. So...I just ran away from it all. They still think Im a parts of the team. They said once you joined you can't quit. They said I know too much and I can't quit. Jubei: That's bull$hit. You can quit from anything. They can't stop you. Ryowa: You can quit from anything but Umbrella. Once you agreed to be be one of them you can't quit. Blaze: He's right. You.....can't. Ryowa: Yea. And that was the biggest mistake of my life. Relee: Look we almost at the back door. I can see it from here. Lets go. The group ran to the back door.
Ryowa kept walking with the group. Ryowa: I cant hold it in anymore... Jubei: Hold what in?. Blaze: Ryowa!!! Im sorry for Lou's death. Ryowa: Its not your fault..... its their fault. Jubei: He said he can't hold something in. He has to say something. Ryowa: I....Im....Im a ex-Umbrella . Blaze: A WHAT?!!? Relee: Oh my god..... Ryowa: I used to work for the Umbrella special ops team . I just quit about a week ago. I couldn't take it anymore. They knew all this $hit was going to happen. And when they told about it I quit. And I just tried to run away. I didn't want to be a part of them. I was going to try to stop it but i couldn't. It was heavily guarded. So I just tried to get away from it. Then I heard my grandfather had a heart attack. That's how I ended up here.
I watch it sometimes. Like Juu said when there is nothing better on. I thought most of their episodes are funny but some are just lame.
Yea I watched it with commentary. And I know they are comming out with a new one. What I was asking is do you know the names of the next ones. I know they are comming out with like 3 more but I just want to know the names of them.
Im afraid of : SPIDERS...small, big, medium....name it and im afraid of it! Damn those things. Teletubbies....damn those things. They are EVIL. EVIL I tell you.
Of course you can DOK. Finaly we get a Igno. lol
While Ryowa was running with the group next to his grandfather. Lou: Ryowa, we are going to make it through this? Ryowa: Yeah what did you think. We wouldn't? Just then something nasty and slimy grabbed Lou's leg and draged him back. Ryowa quickly looked back and saw a skinless monster with his tounge stuck out and tied around his grandfathers leg. Ryowa: GRANDPA!!!!!!! Ryowa tried to run back but Blaze and Jubei held him back. Ryowa: LET GO OF ME!!!! Blaze: IT'S TOO LATE!!!! Ryowa: No it's not!!!!!! Lou: RYOWA!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!! Ryowa: No... I will save you. Ryowa tried to run to his grandfather but Blaze and Jubei had a strong grip. The monster dragged Lou right into his mouth and devoured him. Ryowa: No...this can't be... Then suddenly Ryowa fainted...
Relee: Oh my god. The Zombie is still walking. Ryowa ran up to the zombie and sliced it in half. Ryowa: The bi**h ain't walking now. Lou: Blaze you alright. Blaze: Do I look alright. James tied some fabric around Blaze's wound to keep him from bleeding. James: That should help. Blaze: Thanks doc. Jubei: Yea, Blaze you should be ablo to walk now. We must continue to go to the bottom of this hospital. The group headed of to find another staircase so they could get out of the hospital.
lol Flash the laser scene was awesome. *****SPOILER****** At the end they say take that guy Matt to the Nemesis program does that mean he is gonna be "Nemesis". And by the way, the "Licker" was awesome. ************END SPOILER************
Ryowa was walking down the dark and damp tunnel when he saw something moving in the shadows. Ryowa: Exuse me. Is anybody there? Hiro ran up following Ryowa. Hiro: What is it? Ryowa: I have no idea. Hiro: Maybe we should go near it. Ryowa: It might be a Igno. Dont go near it without your weapons. Hiro: Im way ahead of you! Hiro pulls out his magnums with Ryowa following with his broadsword. Immediatly the figure took off running. Ryowa: WHAAA??? Hiro and Ryowa sprinted to catch up with the figure. The figure looked back to see if they were following not noticing the pipe ahead of it. The figure tripped on the pipe revealing itself in the light. Hiro: Who are you??? ????: Why do you care? Ryowa: What is your name?