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Everything posted by Ryo
I got one question. Can I change teams? If I cant its OK. I just want to add myself to another team.
Ryowa was sitting and waiting patiently at his grandfathers side. Ryowa: Dont worry grandpa. You'll be ok. Grandfather: Well, at least I can move now. Ryowa: Yeah thats a good thing Lou. Lou ( Grandfather ) : Well, when the hell is that darn nurse going to come back here. Ryowa: Well, she went to get you a glass of water. It should'nt take that long. Lou: I say we go see what's keeping her. Nurse: What's keeping who? Lou: Thank god. Lou takes the water and drinks it with his medicine. Ryowa: Now tell me again. Why is the hospital shut down? Nurse: I told you a thousand times. There is some disease in the hospital and we cant move from here until they say its fine to move. Ryowa: Well, I aint waiting no more. Nurse: Well, you arent going anywhere. Lou: Watch us. Ryowa: Im bringing something with me just to be safe. Ryowa see's a boy with a broken leg in a room across from him. Ryowa walks over there. Ryowa: Exuse me, would you mind if I borrowed this bat for just a little while. Boy: No I dont mind. You can have it if you want. Ryowa: Thank you. Ryowa walks back to his grandfather. Ryowa: Lets get the hell out of here. Its giving me the creeps. Lou: Lets go. Nurse: No! I wont let you. Ryowa and Lou get out of the room and walk down the hall. Nurse: Fine! Get yourselves killed. Lou: So where are we going. Ryowa: To find a exit. Ryowa and Lou walk for about 10 more minutes when they hear a noise. Ryowa: Shhhhh! Ryowa clutches his bat and is ready to swing it. When suddenly a a police officer appears from around the corner. Ryowa: Who are you?
I just saw the movie today. It was cool. But like someone else said. They needed to have more action in the beggining. But this one part confused me. Do the dragons eat ash or meat or do they just eat both?
MegaloGrowlmon comes to the Angelicmon and the other with Zack still on his back. MegaloGrowlmon: I thik we should help the others. Angelicmon: You mean Renamon and the others. Barriormon: Yea. MegaloGrowlmon and the other begin flying towards Memphismon when seddenly emerges a giant Blackwargreymon. Blackwargreymon: You arent going anywhere. Mega dark shot. Blackwargreymon shoots the Mega Dark Shots at Barriormon and MegaloGrowlmon. Barriormon: I feel evil emerging in me arrrggggggg....... MegaloGrowlmon: Arggggggggggg.....me too.....
Well, here's mine. Name: Ryowa Davis Age: 27 Weapon: A combat knife and broadsword he found. Bio: Ryowa had a good life before the Ignos came out. He was going to high school and hanging out with his friends. One day when he was coming back from a general store he saw a creature in the shadows of a alley. The creature stared at him and jumped at him with hundreds following. Ryowa pushed the creature of off him and ran. Ran like he had never run before. He left over the ocean like the rest of the people without the creatues knowing. He heard people talking about Nucliar weapons that the Arabians had hidden. He didn't care if there was or if there wasn't he was going to look for them. He gathered a group of friends and they set ot on a adventure of their lifetime... Appearance: Ryowa has blonde spiked up hair and hazel eyes. Ryowa wears a red shirt with some khakii tore up pants. He wears red and white tennis shoes.He has some scars on his face and on his hands. Race: Human
Name: Ryowa Davis Age: 21 Gender: Male Weapon: A Bat Occupation: None Bio: Ryowa went to the hospital to visit his grandfather who had a heart attack just the day before. He spent the night with him when everythig shut down during the night. He tried to find some way out but he couldnt. He asked the doctors why the section was shut down but they just said I don't know. Now he was getting impatient and wandered the hospital with the bat he borrowed from a boy.. Description: Blonde spiked up hair. Blue eyes. Wears a red shirt and black khakki shorts. About 6'1. White and red tennis shoes. Personality: . Sometimes can be annoying and cocky. But mostly patient.
Ermm....Gohan you will have to change your weapon. You cant have that weapon yet. But if you want to you can have a regular Katana. Without the charge particle cannon. Like I said, HUMANS DONT HAVE HIGH TECH WEAPONS YET. You will get them later in the RPG.
It was the year 2350. The Earth has fallen apart. There was no more America or any other continents. The continents were just a huge wasteland. What did this damage you ask? It was an unknown race. "Aliens people say". But no, it wasn't aliens. They did not come from space. They just waited patiently on earth. Planing their attack. They hid, and hid until the day when they should reveal themselves and put an end to the human race. But, the humans had advanced technology. It was WW3. It lasted about 10 years. But it ended. The unknown species won. They thought they killed the race of humans but no, they didn't. The Humans had secret forts. Underground. Now, the Humans must fight back. But, they have no chance. The humans called the unknown species the Ignos. Some Humans died trying to make peace with the Ignos. The Ignos dreaded Humans. In a dark fortress at what use to be called Japan. Several Humans were preparing themselves to win their planet back. They had no weapons of any kind. But they knew where to get some. The Arabians always had some weapons hidden. But first, they had to tell the other Humans about it. You are one of those surviving humans. Here's what you need to sign up: Name: Age: Weapon: ( You will get better weapons. So no need to put a Hig Tech weapon) Bio: Appearance: OK! Ignos are basicaly "Zombies" but not like the "Resident Evil" kind. They are just as fast , strong but more inteligent!!! They just hunt for flesh. They never sleep. Race: ( Hehe. You can be a Igno or a Human.)
Zack: Come on Guilmon we have to help them. Guilmon: Ok. But how. Zack: With this thingamagigha and this blue card. Guilmon: You got a BLUE CARD. Zack: Yea. Guilmon: SWIPE IT IN THE THINGAMAGIGHA. Zack swipes the card into the D-Power. Guilmon: Guilmon matrix digivolve toooo.........Megalo Growlmon. Megalo Growlmon: Lets do this. Megalo Growlmon gets Zack on his back and they fly over to Imperialmon and RoyalAngemon to help. RoyalAngemon: About time you got here. Megalo Growlmon: Let's kill this thing.
Ha....all of you have been over ruled. Mwhahahahahaha....I say: THE MASTER OF DISQUISE of course. That movie looks awesome. Also, I want to see Austin Powers in Goldmember.
Guilmon: Glad you could make it. Now, would you mind de-digivolving. We dont want to look scary. Suddenly Guilmon hears a boy screaming. Guilmon: That......voice.....i remember... ExVeemon: What scream. Apocomon: *Backs away* He gone mental. Renamon and the others land down near Guilmon and the others. Renamon: Whats his problem? Apocomon: He says he hears a scream. Lily: I dont hear anything. Danny: Is he a velicaraptor. Gyromon: A what?!?! Danny: I saw it on a movie called Jurrasic Park. Meanwhile in Guilmons head. Guilmon*thinking*: I remember now. Zack! FLASHBACK. Zack: Guilmon you are the greatest. Guilmon: Thanks. Zack: Whoa! Guilmon: Wat! Zack: Look at that digimon. Lampmon: I am Lampmon ruler of the digital world. Guilmon: Digitel wold. Zack: I dunno. Lampmon: And im taking guilmon with me. Zack: No you cant! Lampmon swoopes down and knocks Zack out. Guilmon tries to run away but Lampmon grabs him and goes through a large black hole back to the digital world. Lampmon to Apemon: Brainwash him. Apemon: Yes sir. PRESENT. Guilmon: So thats how it was. Apocomon: What? Guilmon: I have to rescue Zack. Renamon: Who is Zack? Guilmon: My partner. Apocomon: But- Guilmon: Guilmon digivolve to......................Growlmon. Growlmon runs down a street and goes into a dark alley. Gorillamon: Come here kid. My mastre wants you. Zack: Get away from me. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Growlmon: Get away from him. Gorillamon: Mwhahahahahahaha....Who is going to stop me. Growlmon: Hahahahahah.....Atomic Laser. The Atomic Laser hit Gorillamon destroying him. But the force of the blast made Zack fly high into the sky. Growlmon: Zack nooooooooo. Growlmon jumped after Zack grabing him in his arms in midair. Zack: Guilmon....I knew you would come back someday. Growlmon: You....you did. Zack: Yea. Its been 6 years. Growlmon: Zack. Hang on. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Growlmon landed on his backknocking him out. Zack: Guilmon........GUILMON!!!!!! Please.....I dont want to loose you again. Zacks hand starts glowing red. Zack: Huh... Growlmon: Ah.......I....feel more power than I ever felt before. Zack: Guilmon. Youre alive. Growlmon: Growlmon de-digivolve to........Guilmon. Zack: Guilmon! Look what appeared in my hand. Renamon and the other come into the alley. Renamon: Thats...a.....D-power. Zack: You mean... Guilmon: Yes you are my tamer.
Heres mine if I can still join. Name: Ryowa Davis Age: 16 Height: 5'7 Weight: 130 Eyes: hazel Hair: Spikey red Personality: Usualy acts calm. But he can get annoying. TEAM INFO Team Name: The Blazers Emblem: A shield with a double eagle head on top of it. In the front it is crossed in four sections with a "C" in every section with blue and red background and white outlining. :Zoid Info: Zoid Name: Shadow Fox Weapons: 1. Long range Shell Cannon 2. Multi Missle Launcher 3. Multi Missle Launcher 4. Shrapnel Cannon 5. Shrapnel Cannon 6. Shock Cannon 7. Snock Cannon 8. Gatling Gun Armor: Diamond Financial Information: Current Balance: 30,900 Money Spent On Parts: 19,100
Guilmon: I...dont..have...a partner. Apocomon: You dont. Guilmon: You see dark elemental masters dont usualy have partners. Apocomon: Oh I see. Well cant you get one now. Guilmon: See thats the problem. I dont think I want one.
Suddely Guilmon walks through the door of the counsel. Apocomon stood up ready to fight. but then he saw Guilmons army behind him. So, he just sat down again. Gyromon: Guilmon, uhhhh....u all right. Guilmon: I've decided who I want to join....I was next in line for the dark throne. Renamon: *GASP* Guilmon: And...I refused. There was a big smile on everybodys face. Gyromon: Welcome back to the team man. Guilmon: Thanks. Renamon: But, what about your army. Guilmon: If we are in trouble in the real world they will come when I call them. Egnamon: But how will you call them? Guilmon: Dont worry about it. Renamon: Ok then. I guess we are ready to go.
When suddenly Raven lands in the middle of the two warriors. Ax: Get out of the way. Ravin: NO! Ax what happened to you. Ax: I will repeat myself one more time. Ryo: Ravin whats with the golden armor? Ravin: I have no idea. I woke up with it on. Ryo: Looks cool. Ravin: I know. Ax: I dont mean to interupt but GET OUT OF MY WAY. Ravin: NO! Suddenly Axel launched over Ravin stabing Ryowa right in his chest.
Geez dude why dont you read for a chance. MasterDukemon: Hpmhh....Where did Apollomon go. MasterDukemon begins flying over the forest when he sees Apocomon and the others. MasterDukemon: Should I? NO! I will have mercy on them this time. MasterDukemon flys some more until he reaches the swamp. MasterDukemon: Now if I remembered correctly this is where we hung out. MasterDukemon walks until he reaches a large door. He opens it and walkes throught it. Once he did all the arguing stoped and everybody looked at him. Apollomon: Dukemon, You dont want to fight me anymore. Help us stop the darkness. DarkDigimon: NO!!! Dont turn you armies against us. HELP US!!! Apollomon: Dont do that. Help us. We realy need the help of your armies.
Guilmon: Too much evolution making me....argggggggghhhhhhhhhhh.. Apocomon: Guilmon. You ok? Guilmon: Guilmon warp digivolve to DUKEMON. Apollomon: Now I remember Dukemon was the...dark...lord...of fire. Dukemon: Hehhehehehe. Apocomon: GUILMON IS A DARK LORD. Phoenixmon: Hahahahahah...now you should all realy die.
I cant wait for it to come out. I am certanly going to see it. I saw the previews couple of times and I all ready know that I am going to like it. As far as it goes I liked the 2nd one the most. But you will never know. The third one might takes its place.
Ayeeeeeeee hate you. Ryowa: Ermm....I cant pronounce this. Ravin: It looks like its from ancient greece. Kiro: I can read greek. Ryo: Uhh...Realy. Kiro: Yea. Ryowa showed Kiro the letter and he read aloud...
Guilmon: Raaaaaaaaaaaaa.... Everybody start screeming and run to the other side. Blackagumon: Raaaaaaaaaa.. Terriermon: Ahhhhhhh....help..aaaaaaaaa Guilmon: Hahahahahahha....You should of seen the look on your faces. Blackagumon: Yeah....aahahahhahahaha Terriermon: But, Its not funny. Renamon: Guilmon. I cannot believed you agreed to something like this. Guilmon: Lighten up Renamon. We need some fun before we spil up. Renamon: That was not funny. Guilmon: Ok.Ok. I admit it it was a bad joke. Apocomon: Bad but funny. Hahahahahhha. Renamon: Come on lets go make our final decisions. Guomon and Renamon go inside a tent to make their final decisions. Blackagumon: Oh boy. Here go the decisions. Meenwhile, inside the tent. Renamon: Ok, lets decide. And hour later they come out. Apocomon: Took you long enough. Guilmon: Ill say. Renamon: Ok. Here it goes. My group: Blackagumon. Blackagumon: Yes. Renamon: Veemon. Veemon: Cool. Waterbilmon: Awesome. Renamon: Raptormon. Raptormon: Great. Renamon: Hawkmon. Hawkmon: Yay. Renamon: Egnamon. Egnamon: All right. Guilmon: My group: Apocomon. Apocomon: Whoopi. Guilmon: Terriermon. Terriermon: Good by me. Bunniemon: Koool. Guilmon: Ranamon. Ranamon: like I have a choice. Guilmon: Fladingomon. Fladingomon: Boom. Guilmon: Ryromon. Ryromon: Awesome. Guilmon: There we have our groups.
Uhhh...Probably Eight Legged Freaks. I hate spiders and I thought it just might scare the sh--- crap out of me. Also, I want to see Austin Powers- Goldmember. I still havent seen MIIB and I want to see that. But, Im not sure about Lilo and Stitch.
Renamon: Well, Guilmon and me seem to be the most powerfull digimon of this group. So, thats why I think we sould be the group leaders. Apocomon: Fine with me. Renamon: Me and Guilmon need to pick our digimon now. Thats why I think we should camp out here for the night. And I think we will make this funner. Whichever group finds the darkness first and defeats it wins to be the " Ultimate digimon". And live like kings. Apocomon: Sounds good to me. Blackagumon: Me too. Renamon: So good luck on who picks you. Because, he will be your leader.
Guilmon: Wonder how we did that. Renamon: We might never know. Apocomon: At least he is gone. Bunniemon: Yea and thank goodness. Veemon: You said it. Waterbilomon: Yea but we got company. Blackagumon: Is he good or evil. Endomon: Well he helped us. Apocomon walks over to the new digimon. Apocomon: What is your name? And why did you help us?
I like Europian music because im from Europe. I mostly like the present time music. But I also like classical. It helps me relax. And I've never heard Japanese music or Korean. But from the looks of it most of you do. I will look it up and see if I like it.