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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. Ryowa: Yea we should get going before it gets dark. Suddenly Strider began to growl at Axel. Ravin: Strider...whats wrong. Ryowa: Maybe he just......went rabid. Ravin: No.....dragons dont go rabid.....Strider never growled at Ax. Ryowa: Whats wrong then. Suddenly Axel launces at Ryowa and the two of them start to fight. Ryowa: Get of off me. Ravin: You two stop. Axel: Must kill Ryowa! They continue beatin the....crap out of each other.
  2. MegaInfernamon: You think you can defeat me that fast. Hehehe. A Demon: Yea..hehehe..Titanum Tacks. MegaInfernomon: Mega BlazeBomber. The two attacks launch at Metalseadramon. First A Demon launches with his Titanium tackle taking MetalSeadramon by suprise but while A Demon did that MegaInfernomon fired his mighty Mega Blazebomber blasting MetalSeadramon into the sky. Metalseadramon: AARRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. MegaInfernamon De digivolves back to enamon and Guilmon.
  3. Ryowa was in Spain fishing with a spear. Ryowa: Stupid fish. Stay calm. *UGGGHHH* Stop moving. Ryowa sees a huge fish. Ryowa: Must get the big fish. Ryowa quickly throws the spear. Then a cloud of sand in the water appears. Ryowa: Come on. Let me get that one at least. Then a cloud of red blood. Ryowa: YESSSS.. FINALY. Ryowa runs up to the fish and puts it in a net. Ryowa: Desent dinner here I come. Ryowa goes to the hotel he was staying at. Ryowa: Time to cut it up. Ryowa cuts the fish in half andtakes all the guts and stuff out. But, then he feels somethis hard inside the guts. Ryowa: What?!?! Ryowa cuts upen the guts over a sink and finds a strange looking ring. Ryowa: Awesome! Ryowa puts the ring on and then suddenly everything seemed to freeze around him. Ryowa: Hmm...weird. Now time for a shower. Ryowa goes into the shower and turns the water on but nothing comes out. Ryowa: What the-. Ryowa gets dressed and goes out of his room and down to the lobbly. But he stoped in horror at what he saw. Everybody was staying still without moving. Ryowa: Whats going on here?!?! But then he saw somebody with the same ring on their hand. Ryowa: It must be the ring????????!?!!? Uhh....how do I do this...TIME UNFREEZE. Suddenly everybody goes back at what they were doing. Ryowa runs up to the person with the same ring and greets them. Ryowa: Hi uhhh...Whats up?!?!
  4. Ryo

    Forgein Music.

    Does anybody here like to listen to Foreign Music and if you do what kind? Mostly I listen to music From Europe. For example, Irish, French, Italian. Also I like Jamaican. Its cool :smirk: . :D
  5. Ryo: The dragons can fly across. Ax: Oh yea. Ravin: Now lets walk across. Ax: Ryowa you go first. Ryo: Do I have to. Both: Yes. Ryowa walks to the middle of the bridge. Ryo: Its safe... The dragons fly across with Kiro on their back. Ax and Ravin walk to the middle of the bridge. And all three of them walk across the bridge. But just when they stepped of off it it broke and fell down.
  6. Renamon shakes Guilmon awake. Guilmon*Weakly*: What.. Renamon: There is a MetalSeadramon here. WE need YOU to HELP US. Guilmon: Say you got anymore of that food. Renamon: Yea a lot. Guilmon: Give me some. Guilmon eats the food gracefully. Guilmon: Ok. Time to Digivolve. Ready Blackagumon. Blackagumon: Whenever you are. Guilmon: Guilmon digivolve to.......GROWLMON. Blackagumon: Blackagumon digivolve to..........BLACKGREYMON. Growlmon: Growlmon digivolve to.........MegaloGrowlon. MegaloGrowlmon: Blackgreymon try to digivolve again. Blackgreymon: Blackgreymon digivolve to......Frttttttttttttttt. MetalSeadramon: You are wasting my time. And your friends will pay for that. MetalSeadramon hits Flandingomon with his tail. MetalSeadramon: Dumb useless rookie. BlackGreymon: You will pay for that.. BlackGreymon digivolve to.....BlackMetalGreymon. MegaloGrowlmon: Thats it you got it. Now lets make him pay for what he did to Flandingomon. Atomic Blaster!! BlackMetalGreymon: GIGA BLASTER. But sadly MetalSeadramon deflects both attack and the Rookies attacks with his tail. MegaloGrowlmon: It cant be. Our attacks were useless. Terriermon: Terriermon digivolve to Gargomon. Gargomon: You forgot about me. MegaloGrowlmon: We are still too weak. MetalSeadramon: Enough talk time to fight. RAAAAAA. MetalSeadramon fires a blast at Gargomon and makes it De-digivolve into Terriermon and Terriermon passes out. MetalGreymon: You hurt enough of our friends you will pasy for that.. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. MegaloGrowlmon: We wont let you do that anymore. RAAAAAAAAAAAA. MetalGreymon: GIGA BLASTER MegaloGrowlmon: ATOMIC BLASTER. MetalSeadramon Deflects those attacks again. MetalSeadramon: Now Renamon gets it. RAAAAAAAAAA. Renamon quickly sees Devimon in the bushes. Renamon: KOHENKYO. Renamon switched places with Devimon. Devimon: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh. The attacks quickly hit Devimon and destroys him. Bunniemon: Renamon get your data. Renamon jumps and absorbs her data. Renamon: Renamon degivolve to.......Kybimon. MegaloGrowlmon: Try it again...I got a plan. Kybimon: Right.. Kybimon digivolve to...Taomon. Taomon: Yes. MegaloGrowlmon: Now its time to......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....MegaloGrowlmon DNA digivolve toooo.... Taomon: Taomon DNA digivolve to..... MegaloGrowlmon: MegaInfernomon. Taomon: MegaInfernomon. MegaInfernomon: Time to do some MetalSeadramon butt kicking!!
  7. Guilmon: Guilmon digivolve to.. Blackagumon: Blackagumon digivolve to... Guilmon: Growlmon! Blackgreymon: Blackgreymon! Apocomon: COOL! Fladingomon: Fladingomon digivolve to Ardonimon. Growlmon: There are only 4 Garbagemon. Blackgreymon: I thought i saw 5. Ardonimon: 4 Garbagemon and 1 SKULLMERAMON. Apocomon: WHAT?!?! Renamon: Oh no. Growlmon: Ill take care of him. You take care of the Garbagemon. They will put up quite a fight. Blackgreymon: You sure you can take care of him. Growlmon: Yes now go. While Blackgreymon and the others fight the Garbagemon Growlmon struggles with Skullgreymon. Skullmeramon: Is this all I have to defeat. Growlmon: Heh...you sound cocky. Skullmeramon: Oh ill show you cocky. FLAME CHAINS. Skullmeramon knocks Growlmon out with his Flame Chains. Skullmeramon: Weakling. Growlmon: Ohhh....my head. Skullmeramon: Now I will take care of your friends. METAL FIREBALL. Skullmeramon shoots a giant fireball at Blackgreymon and the rookies. Growlmon: No not my friends..AAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhh....GROWLMON DIGIVOLVE TO...... Megalo Growlmon. MegaloGrowlmon uses his Atomic Blaster to change course of the fireball. MegaloGrowlmon: You will pay for what you did to me and tried to do to my friends. Skullmeramon: Am I supposed to be scared of that. Blackgreymon: We took care of the garbagemon. MegaloGrowlmon: Good. Now stay away from here. Blackgreymon: No we wanna help. Thats waht friends do. MegaloGrowlmon: You can help me by getting out of here. Skullmeramon: Looks like I will have to destroy you all. MegaloGrowlmon: Now you will pay. ATOMIC BLASTER. The Atomic Blaster fires right at SkullMeramon. Skullmeramon: Metal Fireball. The fireball collises with the Atomic Blaster and they blow up. MegaloGrowlmon: Looks like I will need your help. Lets fire all of our attacks at once. READY!!! NOW!!! All of the Rookies and Blackgreymon, Andiromon, and MegaloGrowlmon fired all their attack at Skullmeramon. Skullmeramon: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Renamon: YAYYYY. Bunniemon: Allright. MegaloGrowlmon: DEDIGIVOLVE. Guilmon: UHhhh...Guys. I dont feel so good. Guilmon passes out.
  8. OCC: You need to delete one of those. lol Guilmon: *YAWN* Morning already. Apocomon: Its about time you woke up. Renamon: Yea I didnt know a rookie can sleep that long. Guilmon: Sorry. Lets eat breakfest and go. They sat down at a big table and had some delicious breakfest. Bunniemon: Yum. Good. Renamon: Yea whatever lets get going. Darkagumon: Ok yea. Waterbilomon: Didnt you feel like you were watched last night. Bunniemon: Yea. Darkagumon: Hehehehe. They said goodbye to everyone at town and went on their way again. About 30 minutes later. Guilmon: Hey whats that ahead! Guilmon:
  9. Can YOU START this thing already. Everybody is getting a little impatient.
  10. Guilmon: Would you just be quiet. Other digimon are staring at us. Darkagumon: Are you trying to pick a fight with me. Guilmon: What if I am. Apocomon: You two calm down. Biyomon: What are you digimon doing here? Bunniemon: We were walking down that path and we just ended up here. Waterbilomon: Yea we wanna kick some devimon but. Gomamon: It is not Devimon who you should fear. There is a higher power. Gilomon: What do you mean? Like Myotismon. Gomamon: Now it is beyond mega. Renamon: That is imposible. Tentomon: And how do you know that. Renamon: Well.... Guilmon: BEYOND MEGA. Patamon: Yea everyone who tried to defeat it failed. Leomon: If you want to you can stay here the rest of the day. We got a awesome spa. Guilmon: Count me in. The Rest: OK! The Digimon stayed at the town for the day and the night. In the boys spa... Guilmon: Ahhhhh.....this is the life. Apocomon: You can say that again. Guilmon: Darkagumon..what are you peeking at. Darkagumon: Uhhhhhhhhh....nuttin. Apocomon: Let me see that. Apocomon looks through the hole. Apocomon: I cant believe it he is peeking at the girls spa!!!! Darkagumon: Heheheheh....let me see that again!
  11. Guilmon: Yea now lets go! Renamon: Uhhhh...Ok...I guess. Apocomon: Thats the words I wants to hear. Lets go. Guilmon: One minute. Apocomon: What now. Guilmon: Im washing my feet. Apocomon throws a pie at Guilmon. Guilmon: What? A digimon has to keep clean. By the way do you have rasberrie flavored. Apocomon: Lets just go. Guilmon: Hey wait for me. They run back to the others. Bunniemon: What took you. Apocomon: Its a long story. Waterbilmon: Lets get on our way now. Darkagumon: Yea lets go. They kept walking until they ran into a small town.
  12. Guilmon: Maybe right behind us. Behind the group sat Tuskmon. Apocomon: Oh no. Tuskmon. Renamon: I can take him. Renamon jumps into the air right on Tuskmon. Tuskmon: Stupid rookie. Tuskmon shakes Renamon off and hits the rookie right in the stomach with its horns making it fly right into a tree. Guilmon: Re-na-mon. Guilmon's eyes begin to glow. Guilmon: GUILMON DIGIVOLVE TO.......GROWLMON. Apocomon: Wow....Growlmon. Tuskmon: Another stupid digimon. Tuskmon charges right at Growlmon knocking him back just a little. Growlmon: Its not that easy to defeat me. PLASMA BLADE!!!!! Growlmon slashes his Plasma Blade at Tuskmon making it fly off into the forest. Growlmon: See if Renamon is O.K . Growlmon de-digivolves back to Guilmon. Bunniemon: She needs some rest. Waterbilomon: Its getting pretty dark anyways. Apocomon: Yea we should turn in.
  13. I would probably be....DRAGON WARRIOR. Cuz he's cool. And he always makes me laugh. Especialy the Kobra and Lamb show.
  14. The only shows I like on Nick now are : Invader Zim, Kenan and Kel, and Rocket Power. Yea I guess you are right Shyguy. But, I mean look what they did to cartoon network. Not that I hate it or anything but now they got shows that have cuss words in them. I mean, would you have kids watching that. But, I love it. It has the best shows.
  15. Guilmon: Well that took a bunch out of our day. Apocomon: Yea. But where do you think Devimon is going. Ranamon: I dont know. Guilmon walks over to Blackagumon. His eyes start to glow. Apocomon: Guilmon! Dont! Guilmon: *Sighs* Fine! Terriermon: How much longer do we have to wait. Apocomon: As long as we have to. Raptormon: How long do you think that battle lasted. Guilmon: Less than 30 minutes. Terriermon: Devimon is strong. Hope he doesent digivolve any more or it will be almost impossible to beat him. Renamon: Hope he does. Then finaly he would put up a fair fight. Apocomon: RENAMON! You feeling better. Renamon: Yea but we should realy get going. Guilmon: Good. Now lets go.
  16. WHEN IS THIS THING GOING TO START? And about the enthralled part, its just that there is all these brand new newbies and im not sure if they can PRG lol.
  17. After a hour or two Terriormon came out of Fridgimons house looking better. Guilmon: Glad to see you. Terriermon: Heh. You too. Guilmon: * Scratches his head* What do you mean? Terriermon: *Sigh* Nevermind. Renamon: We should get going now. Bunniemon: Yea while its still daylight. Apocomon: One minute. Let me gather the rest of these berries. Ranamon: Just come on. Waterbilmon: Wait. We are missing someone. Blackagumon comes running out of the woods. Veemon: Where ya been. Blackagumon: Well there was this Be- Ranamon: LETS GOOO. Raptormon: Yea come on everybody. They continued down the path towards the darknes but the didnt know what was lurking beside them in the dark forest. As they were walking. Guilmon: Did you see that. Renamon: What?! Guilmon: In the forest. Renamon: Uhhh...no. Guilmon: Oh. Ok. Renamon: Did you see something? Guilmon: I thought I did.
  18. Sorry I posted sooooooo late..heheh. Guilmon: Terriermon. * Catches Terriormon* Apocomon: Does she need some food or drinks. Renamon: No. She just needs to rest. Guilmon: *Yawns* I think we all do. Bunneimon: Well, it IS getting dark. Renamon: Then its settled. We campout here for the night. They all find a place to sleep and fall into a deep slumber.
  19. Strider suddenly turned into a giant anaconda. Ryo: Nice job Raven. Ax: My Strider...look what you have done to him. Ryo begins digging in his backpack. Ryo: Lets see...dragonthilaosis. Ahhhh..there it is. Now, all i have to do is give strider this little shot. Ax: NO. As long as I know that could be spagetti sauce. Ryo: No its not. Ravin: How do you know all this Ryo. Ryo: Well' there is no time to discuss it now. Ryo injects the needle into strider. Strider suddenly starts forming into his normal dragon self. Kiro: ..... Ax: STRIDER....missed ya. Ryo injects the other two dragons with the same substance an they turn back into dragons too. Ryo: Now lets get going. Kiro: Yea. They all start going into the darkness of the tunnel.
  20. Ryo

    MIB II

    Hey, when does it come out again? I cant believe I forgot it.
  21. BRAZIL vs. GERMANY ......The game of all time. I cant wait to see it sunday. But, I allready know the winner...and of course BRAZILLL. But its going to be a hell of a game.
  22. Digimon: Guilmon Level: Rookie Attacks: Fireball & Rock Breaker Digivolve to: Growlmon _______________________________________________ DIGIVOLUTIONS: Digivolution: Growlmon Level: Champion Attacks: Exhaust Flame & Plasma Blade Digivolve to: Megalo Growlmon _______________________________________________ Digivolution: Megalo Growlmon Level: Ultimate Attacks: Atomic Blaster & Double Edge Digivolve to: Dukemon _______________________________________________ Digivolution: Dukemon Level: Mega Attacks: Final Elysian & Royal Saber
  23. Yea i saw it. That mavie was cool especialy the red car. I forgot what the called it. But the movie was cool.
  24. *sigh* Might as well. Name: Ryowa Age: 17 Gender: M Description: Blonde hair, Hazel eyes. Wears a Red T-shirt. Black baggy shorts. How you got your ring: Found it inside a fish once he cut it open. Psychic Ability: Ryowa is able to freeze time and move objects and himself during it. Also he has some psychokenesis. Weapon: A 6 foot double bladed spear with strange markings on t. If somebody other than Ryowa touches it it will immediately burn them. Ryowa can make the spear as big and as small as he wants to.
  25. That is a great idea....Cant wait till the RPG come out. But, I hope I make it through the cuts because this RPG is going to be awesome.
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