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Everything posted by Ryo

  1. I like rap...I like Nelly, DMX , Outcast and like like a lot of other rappers but I cant remember their names right now...hehehe
  2. Yea...I think the cats name is Kitty. Im not totaly sure of it but...I think that is it.
  3. The Lakers are going to win the championship. I hate them. I hope the Nets beat them in Game 4.
  4. What annoys me...huh? 1. When people chew their food with their mouth open...Eww 2. When people ask the same question over and over... 3. My cousin.
  5. Ryowa: WHATATATA? Axel: Who? What?Where? Ravin: THERE IS SOMETHING IN THE SHADOWS!!! Kiro: Lets get out of here!!!! Ravin: Good idea!!! Run!!! They ran into the night but the creature was too fast for them. Ryowa: What is that thing?? Axel: Come on keep running and less talking! Then suddenly three figures swooped donw and picked the four of them up. Axel: More of them. We are dead. Ravin: We are not dead. These are our dragons. Axel: What? Strider is that you? Strider: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Ryowa: Cool! Our dragons. Zouk I missed you. I would like you to meet Kiro. Our new and old friend. Zouk: Roooooooaaaaaaaaarrrrr. Kiro: Nice to meet you too. The seven of them flew out into the night towards the tunnel.
  6. As Lir was using Reverse Hypnotism on the rest of the fallen leopards it was getting darker and darker. Ryowa: We are going to have to spend the night here. Lir: Fine with me. Ryowa: I will get firewood. Lir: Im finished with your friends they just have to rest. I will go get us some food. Ryowa got the firewood quickly and started the fire. Lir came back soon after. Ryowa: So...What did you get. Lir: Some rabits, and a whole bunch of birds and rats. It should be able to feed us all. They cooked the food and had a wonderful feats. Ryowa: Well. Im gonna hit the sack. Lir: *Laughs* What sack? Ryowa: Well....Usually I sleep with the leopards. On cold nights we just use body heat to keep us warm. Since we cant keep the fire on I will just do that. Lir: Not a bad idea. Lir puts the fire out and goes over to sleep with Ryowa and the leopards. All of them fall in a deep warm sleep.
  7. I broke my arm ttrying to do a grind with my bike. Heres how it happened. I did a grind and then tried to do a bunny hop of off the rail but then I fell of my bike and the bike landed on my arm and broke it. I had to carry my arm in my other hand all the way to my house. I walked in and I screamed " I BROKE MY ARM" adn my parents jumped out of their seats and took me to the hospital.
  8. In the morning. Ryowa: Sooo...Kiro is there a way out of here at the end of this valley. Kiro: Yea..if you hike about 5 miles you will see a tunnel. Axel: So where does that tunnel lead. Kiro: I dont know. I have never been there. Raven: Ok....So lets get hiking. As they hiked night fell again they were all pretty hungry. Axel: Kiro you have anything to eat here. Raven: I found some mushrooms near a river. I can make soup. Kiro: In what? Ryowa: You can use Axels head..... thats pretty hollow. Axel: Ha.......ha....ha Raven: I found a metal bucket. As Raven made mushroom soup everybody found a place where they will be sleeping. Raven: Soups ready. Everybody ate the soup quickly and fell asleep.....but something was watching them.
  9. Ryowa: Cute name.. Lir: Hmmmph....I still didnt get yours.. Ryowa: Ryowa Davis at you service.. Lir: And those are your friends.. * Points at the Leopards behind him* Ryowa: Uh-huh. Lir: Do you hear that?? Ryowa: Sounds like a... Lir: Helicopter.. Then suddenly a helicopter appears over them wiht a pack of hunters jumping from it with parachutes. Ryowa: Heh...Time for some action. Lir: Dont get too excited!! The hunters quickly land and pull out dart guns. Ryowa shouts to the leopards: GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!! The leopards stay where they are. And suddenly they start attacking the hunters. Ryowa: They never listen to me. Ryowa and Lir jump at the hunters killing them one by one.
  10. I cant wait to see Jackie Chan in tekken....I wonder who he is going to play....maybe Jin.
  11. I knew Lewis was going to win. Tyson is just a punk who thinks he is the best fighter in the whole planet. I didnt watch it I just went and read the story on yahoo. I laughed like he....ck.
  12. Ryowa was walking the streets of Brazil as a human. Then immediatly in a near by forrest he saw a leopard. Ryowa:...what are you doing here? Ryowa quickly ran to the forest and turned into a leopard. He followed the leopard deep into the forest until he heard people talking. Ryowa: Poachers!!!!!! He then saw two leopards in tow cages roaring at the poachers. Ryowa quickly turned into a wereleopard and ran in front of the two poachers. Poacher1: What the heck??!! Poacher2: Its the wereleopardo!!!! Ryowa: LET THE LEOPARDS GO!!!! Poacher1: Yes...of course im soo sorry!! * He pretends to unlock the cagee but then reaches for his rifle* Ryowa grabs the rifles and snaps it in two. Ryowa: Do you take me for a fool?!?!?! Poacher1: Nooo....im sorry..I dont know what I was thinking. Ryowa: Then better get the heck out of here before I change my mind about sparing you lives. The two poachers run away screaming. Ryowa tears the opens the cages and lets the leopards out. As they pass him by they roar a thank you. Ryowa: You are welcome but I sence something else....I cant believe it...but it might be a tiger....I better go check it out.... Ryowa runs deeper into the woods with the sence of a tiger getting closer...
  13. Oh, I get what you are saying now. Some of the books are before Episode 1 and some are after Episode 6. Thanks for the help Luminaire and Boba.
  14. The Lorm of the rings skit was pretty funny. But I liked the Star Wars skit from last year. Firstly, Lord of the Rings shoutld have NOT wont the bes movie award. there were a whole bunch of other movies that deserved it. Secondly, The White Stripes ruled. Kelly Osbourne was bad. Thirdly, The Spiderman skit was WAY funnier that the Lord of the rings but not funnier that the Star Wars Ep. 1 from last year....
  15. I havent read any of the Star Wars books. Just one question. do all these books continue from Episode 6?
  16. Ryo

    Super Anti-Terrorists

    Zee: All right everybody find a partner. Riro: Me and Rob. Axel: Me and Tom. 00k: Me and Dustin. Lance: Me and Thrasher. Zee: That leaves me and Rondell. Piro: We should get going. Zee: Right. Everybody went in different directions.
  17. Name: Ryowa Davis Age: 14, looks 14 Race: Wereleopard Sire or Birth: Born a wereleopard Attacks Ferocious slash: Slash but with great power. Multyplication: Makes multiple forms of himself and attacks. Lasts 20 min. Leopard Form: turns into a normal leopard. Camouflage: Turns color of his surroundings. Lasts for about 15 min. Looks: Wereleopard Form: Color of a normal leopard. Hazel cat eyes. Wears Ripped up to knees Khakee pants. No shirt. Big muscules. About 6'4. Scar over his left eye. Human Form: About 5'10. Spikey blonde hair. Hazel eyes. Scar over his left eye. Blue shirt. Grey baggy Khakee pants. Leopard Form: Just a plain ol' Leopard with unusual hazel cat eyes. Bio: Ryowa was born a wereleopard. He lived with his parents till the age of 10. Then he finaly wished to live alone. He went on a adventure just because he felt like it. He found a place in the woods where it was very peaceful. He hunts by himself and sometimes his parents come by. He doesent like visitors. But he lets his friends the leopards come by and he has fun with them. When he turns human he just goes aroud cities exploring and buying goods.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]I'D USE ALL THAT MONEY TO BUY THE WORLD'S BIGGEST PENNY! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [/B][/QUOTE] MY PENNY....ITS MY PENNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.....LEAVE my PENNY alone.... :demon: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NOFX_21212 [/i] [B]I WOULD BY MYSELF 100 SKATEBOARDS, AND USE THE REST TO BUILD A GIGANTIC SKATEPARK IN MY BACK YARD.... THEN, I'D BEEF UF MY '72 NOVA, AND BUY A HOUSE.. [/B][/QUOTE] Ermmmmm...I dont think you could buy a house with 10 grand.. :D
  19. Its very simmilar to yours. Basically its about aliens from another planet who came down to explore earth and they got a job on a T.V talk show called " Weird Earth" and they have no idea what they are doing. See. Do you think I can still post it up?
  20. Ryo

    Family Guy

    I think Sunday....not sure....but Im pretty sure it was Saturday or sunday...just check on fox on these two day like after 7PM.
  21. Did anyone watch Germany and Ireland. Ireland was lucky...Germany led by 1....it was 2-1 I think then in Overtime Ireland got lucky and scored a goal to tie the game. W00t w00t go Ireland....KICK GERMANY OUT!!!!!
  22. This is awesome. Where do you get your ideas from? I was thinking of making stuff like this but you beat me to it. Guess I will just have to wait. But I got to tell you this stuff is hillarious. Its way funnier than mine.
  23. Ryo

    Family Guy

    Family guy rules!!!!! Its the third funniest comedy on FOX for me. 1st is Simpsons and 2nd is Futerama(SP?). But that show is awesome. I like the one when he becomes a president of his own made up country..blah blah blah...you know the rest. Also, I like the one where they all get super powers. * See's every one staring at him* * Runs to a dark corner and sticks his tounge out*
  24. I watch that show when there isnt a cool movie or better stuff to watch. The show is funny. Its probably the funniest shor on CN. I like when Ed says " Yes I am" and when he acs really stoopid.
  25. Hmmmmmm....I think I have one. Are they going to make episode 8 , 9.....etc. ? Just wondering.
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