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~Lenia Jurai~

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Everything posted by ~Lenia Jurai~

  1. YUKI SOUMA from Fruits Basket, and Kyo, and Trunks they're my men. But if I had to choose one I would have to be with YUKI kami I love him...
  2. Mirai Trunks Vegeta Gohan Bit ....its too early I can't think of any more
  3. Name Erika Ardel Age 16 Race 1/4 Sayian Apperance Most of the time I'm in Dark blue tight shirt, with white shorts,and a baby blue jacket, I have black hair that goes to my shoulders, tennis shoes. Biography A common girl that as far as she knows she is just a normal human, she goes to the local highschool
  4. Name Naomi Age 22 Species humanoid Weight 122 Weapon Katana, magic, hand to hand Magic type dark Inventory A flute(item from childhood)2 elixers a potion a picture of her home world and 2 smoke bombs Short Bio Not much is known , but she was rasied to be a high monarch on her home planet, when it was attacked and now she runs for her life trained in the art of silence like an assain, shes very optimistic, and tries her best to keep eveyone else that way too
  5. character: Tifa Lockheart! age: 22 I think weapon: premium heart Summons: kinghts of the round, pheinox Where I come in: Tifa's 7th Heaven Spell: Cure 3( is this okay I figured someone needed to have a cure)
  6. name: Fiona Skye age: 14 Homeplanet: Tera Weapon: Magic and a Kantana Magic: Protective Dark Secret: Identity: Fiona Skye Other forms: a shadow personality: I am a optimistic person that basicly keeps to herself. Whenever she can she keeps quiet, her strenght lies basicly in her stealth Biography: Because she is an assain its best that she doesn't tell anyone so she doesn't Looks: she wears Stealth like clothes, ya know tight fitting, dark dark navy blue turtle neck without sleeves, and blackcskin tight pants, my hair is dark red yet straight, and goes to my shoulders
  7. Sure why not... name: Melfina gender: Female age: 22 apperance: Straight Brown hair, With ice blue green eyes. I wear shorts(white), and a tank(blue) with a jacket(Navy blue) I have a pretty optimistic way of seeing things, but I prefer to stay quiet hiden in the shadows... after all I am a theif! biography: nothing is really known about me, I kinda' keep to myself but once in a while I tell somone something...
  8. Name: Kris Age: 15 Gender: girl obviously Apperance: If you have ever seen Zoids I look like one of the sisco sisters, you know the one in blue, but with Ice blue green eyes. For you others I have brown hair that kinda just dangles there, slinder, and I can't describe it really i'll try to post a pic later. Attitude: I am one who loves adventure, and battles to extend, I am very happy go lucky and optimistic. I try to keep the party together as well as possible, and try to set problems Straight. ~Is this like an outer space kinda thing, or like medieval stuff, of is it like now a days time?
  9. I believe there is nothing wrong with liking cartoon characters as long as it doesn't go to far... I personally like Trunks:love: and there's nothing wrong with that:blush:
  10. Ryoko shows the most emotions for him, so ona scale of 1-5 I'd say she gets a 5, Ayeka a 4, Mihosi well I know she means well so I guess a 3, Kiyonne 4, Washu 3, Sasami 4 cause if you put in the age factor she is older than Tenchi. And that crazed luniatic Sakuya gets a -5 and i even raised it from what she really deserves:demon:
  11. Yep the great fariy sword and yes it is very anonnying being a c-item.:demon: But it isn't that bad I just haven't found any use for it other than for looks and funky poses. I personally don't use it much, which makes me wonder why I spent all that time in that forsakin temple, God I HATE THAT PLACE!!! Luckily I don't have to go there often:laugh:
  12. I thought it sucked:demon: , the dancing did add a funny touch too it all though. The way they left it made it let the ending neverend when Zelda sent link back in time she let the crisis of Gandorf's peril for Hyrule continue. Which would make the story have a montonous ending. But it does make the MM come in real nicely. :D
  13. I personally think that they shouldn', I'm mean there are so many of us loyal fans who watch these video clips in Japenese and know what the japanese characters are saying without subtitles just by knowing what the characters would say. If they can it they will confuse a bunch of the fans, but knowing them thats most likely what they're gonna' do.:flaming: But nevertheless I hope gt comes in english soon, I'm dieing to watch it in english!:laugh:
  14. Vaporeon: Lavendar; Aurora Pikachu: Pika; Chu Jolteon: Storm; Lighting Umberon: Kavern Espeon: Iris Eevee: Krystal Snesal: Blackie Togetic: Togi From there on I don't really remeber well but I will tell you as soon as I remeber.:ball:
  15. The Demon king is Dabura, he's actually kinda' cool. And loyal to Babidi, (extremely loyal for a bad guy) The Pui Pui guy?
  16. ALL HAIL AKIRA!!! The coolest anime guy! Happy Birthday Dude?!:laugh:
  17. It would be nice but most likely that'll never happen. And this helps the internet bussiness, for devoted fans of dragonballz to stay up all night and spend all their time on nothing but downloading the real episodes all day and spend all other times learning Japenese, so you know the truth and become a geek like me!:laugh:
  18. Most of the time whenever they try to make a hit game or show in to a movie they really mess it up, but I hope They do Dragball Z justice, I won't be very happy if they don't. But you know it has gotta' be hard to get the characters actuatly correct, I just hope the movie has all the cool effects correct, The ki blasts should be awesome, hence the word SHOULD be awesome. (which it had better be) DICAPRIO FOR TRUNKS?!?! I hope to god that doesn't happen, the guy has to be cute! (and Mr. Dicaprio is far from it, besides he wouldn't but the role of Trunks justice!) But Keuno Reeves, (or however you spell it) would be a good Gohan, well with more muscules...:laugh:
  19. Ah man I was so hoping to see gt. But I guess I need to continute to find and download them from websites and try to figure out what they're saying.:bawl:
  20. I've seen this picture, but she doesn't have a tail. And as for the movie(which I am Striving to find myself) Best bet would be collector stores, Suncoast, Sam Goodies and stuff like that. I am personally on the search of this show too( anything with Trunks in it) If I find anything I rely the info to ya!
  21. I'm workin' on trying the Date out with Barret but I'm having no luck just Tifa and Aeris. I find it hilarious.:laugh:
  22. -narrator: Long Long ago... an evil shadow apperaed over the kingdom of Galdia. Princess Rosa was kidnapped by the evil dragon King, Valvados. What will become of her? Just Then the ledgendary hero Alfred appears! knight: Oh ...You must be the Ledgendary hero...Alfred!! :Hey its your line. Yea you.:worried: knight: Oh ...You must be the Ledgendary hero...Alfred!! By my soul please...please save princess Rosa. Now please talk to the king! King: Oh ledegndary hero Alfred You have come to save my beloved Rosa. On the peak of a dangerous mountain dwells the evil dragon king Valvados...whos kidnapped Princess Rosa... but you can't defeat the evil dragon king now. Talk to the one who can help you... Cloud: I will talk to the wizard Wizard: I am the great wizard, Vorman. What do you wish to know? Cloud: The Princess's measurements...:smirk: narriation: Oh what is going to happen next... ledegndary hero Oh look! EDK: What ho...You dare ignore the evil dragon king!:devil: GAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I am the evil dragon king Valvados. I have not harmed the princess...I have been waiting... FOR YOU! Princess(Tifa): Please help me ledgendary hero!< how was that> EDK: Who is your enemy! SAY IT!!! Cloud: THAT KNIGHT! King: Comeon NO MORE!!!:nervous: Tifa: Cloud!! BE SERIOUS!! You really don't wanna' be in the play do you? NOW I"M MAD! :flaming: EDK: You dare ignore me!!:devil: Tifa: Shut up!!! :flaming: Narrition: OH my what an unuassally strong Princess!:worried: And So the new ledgendary hero Rosa and our story ends happily ever after. ~Who knows where this came from. I was just playing Final Fantasy and I figured I would let ya'll guess what it is, it cracks me up.:laugh:
  23. Link vs. Legolas.....thats tough. They're both awesome. I guess it depends on the circumstances. Legolas uses an bow and Link uses, a sword bow bombs and many other things so on close combat Link would surly win but Distance battling is a good as a guess as any:laugh: :D
  24. ~Lenia Jurai~

    Ff X

    How could you miss it? If you follow the story line it stands out like redXIII in a crowd.:eek: Oh well you get it sometime near the end of the first disc I'm pretty sure near the defeat of the red Dragon at the Temple of the anicents. But I'm not very sure.
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