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~Lenia Jurai~

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Everything posted by ~Lenia Jurai~

  1. I personally haven't found any use for the tissue, or the other stuff, it just sits there in my inventory. But it makes it look good though. But my Favorite place for level ups is in the crater, but don't go to deep into it or you can't get out! But thats the best place I think.:haha:
  2. Oh yeah I forgot I don't personally like the Tenchi in tokyo series :flaming: I'd much prefer to watch Tenchi Universe :laugh: or Tenchi Muyo ( and in that order!):D
  3. Oh Yea! She is the biggest pest the Tenchi series have ever known! :flaming: Although it is probally all Tenchi's fault.:demon: He's stupid in The Tokyo series he constantly wines about being surronded by all the girls and if he had half the brains he would just tell them to stop, instead of constantly flirting with each and everyone of them even little sasami(okay so she is like a few thousand years older than him but still) he should have enough common sense to focus on one girl!:flaming: So you can't really blame Sakuya for being an anyoying pestring butt! But still I don't like Sakuya at ALL!!! Ayeka Sasami and Ryo-ohki are way cooler!:D :flaming:
  4. Ryoko is cool at times but normally shes a bossy B*tch:laugh: Ayeka ans Sasami are my personal favorite. But Without Ryoko the Tenchi show wouldn't have idealing points that draw many of its viewers towards it. We wouldn't have the hilarious conflict between Ayeka, and Ryoko at points where the show would be extremly boring. So we gotta' give her credit for that, but personally I dislike her as well.:flaming: [QUOTE]I'm a member of the Jurai Royal family which means me and Tenchi are meant to be![/QUOTE] :love: But Ayeka can be quite annyoying herself...:D
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