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About Qohz

  • Birthday 02/18/1988

Qohz's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. Who: I've been around since dear god I don't know. Probably mid 2000. Where: Currently San Antonio, TX Orriginally Allentown, PA What: Work, Work, Work and more work lately. When [i.e. Back Then]: I was younger I don't remember how old I was when I started posting here. All I can really remember is hours in my parents basement with my nerd setup. Only name I really recognize from those days I see in this thread are nerdsy and Sayianprincess speaking of which I was always kind of curious what ever happened to Topaz. I know you remember her! Why: I actually haven't read the forums in a long time. I just came back today to check out what I've missed in the past probably 5-6 years now. Saw this thread and had to make an account. I mostly lurk anymore anywhere I read, but I kind of hope to start posting again.
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