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Everything posted by Desiivy

  1. [COLOR=indigo][FONT=times new roman][SIZE=3] Umm, Well thank you it all seems so confusing to me. But, so many of these amine shows are like that, not many of the American based cartoon shows are like that, run in continuation like that. (Which is one reason I like Amine) But also makes it harder to catch up, if you come in the middle. DBZ was my first, "Great Saiyman saga" like a year ago, and annoyed ton of people on the dragon ball forum, until I knew almost everything about it I possibly could about. but the thing with DBZ, unlike Gundam, DBZ is played so much. What with them re starting the entire series last summer. The only Gundam I have ever come across is G Gundam. I guess the only thing I can do is wait and hope they replay more. I'm sure I could find them on DVD, but I can't spend $25, for three episodes. Well, not since I have already gotten DBZ 1-110 and 180-276. I plan on getting them all.:naughty: [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gotenssj_2002 [/i] [B]the movie where chaoutouz is introduced is also the movie where the red indian is introdiced)...[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=indigo]Oh thank you both. I was wondering can I get that video here I mean have they dubbed it yet? [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [SIZE=3][COLOR=crimson]Also does anyone know the name of the video? I would really like to find it.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  3. I have a question. I only watch what they have shown on cartoon network. So, many people here have seen the original shows. So, I ask you here. What's the deal with Choutzu, I have no idea, I have only seen up when Krillin dies in DB. I have heard people say he's like a clown. I recall the end of the Frieza saga when the narrator calls him the young emperor. I can only assume that they explain what & who he is later in DB, So I ask can someone please enlighten me?????
  4. Well, To begin with I hated any and all anime. I recall seeing something I think it was Voltron, as a kid & didn't like it. And simply would not watch anything with the Amine style drawn. I caught Sailor Moon Once it only took once to ensure I wasn't missing out on anything. As a Mother to 4 children, I had come across toonami on cartoon network, but still felt it was not good for the kids to watch. Then My brother came in from out of state, and insisted he got to watch, I said No, He begged me, just give it a chance. So I gave it a shot, Of course it was Dragonballz, which was at the start of the "Other World Tournament" and He was explaining all this stuff to me. I ended up with so many questions, but he had to leave. So that's where the whole thing started, My little (21) brother got me hooked on DBZ. He came back over summer the next year, he teased me for being able to convince me to watch. Thus getting me hooked, I snickered at him when, When the student surpassed the teacher. Mr. High & mighty was knocked off his little pedicel.
  5. I don't know this will probably get closed but, I need to ask I am first of all yes a total newbie I know next to nothing about Gundam period. The only bit I have seen is what's been showed on Toonami a series called G Gundam. My question relates to the different series, G Gundam, or Gundam Wing, Gundam Mobile suit, are they all separate or what??? Have they shown any others besides G Gundam, here in America???? Please don't get upset I am asking because I really don't know, I have avoided this question because I was afraid that I would be laughed at. For my stupidity Thank you, Desirae
  6. Can anyone answer this one for me? My question relates to Buu & Buu. I have read, different websites, asked question here, I gathered that Buu was killed by Goku Then wished to be human, by Goku then he takes him to train for 10years. I also read that, Buu lives with Hurcule, and comes in 2nd several times, in the tournament, letting Hurcule win because they are buddies. It never really hit me that Since Goku discovers who Buu is at the tournament, that there must be 2 of them, are there two of them???
  7. Is that the best your monster can do Babidi, ha pathedic ~Vegeta Oh wow, and here I thought he couldn't get any cocker ~Krillin ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Well, if they can do it then so can I, Nope didn't thinks so ~Krillin ~*~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Goten's a birdy, Gotens a birdy. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* What did you do? ~Goten A we arm wrestled, I won ~Trunks
  8. I supose that really can't be answered, DBZ is full of stuff like that, How comes, & what if's, there really isn't an answer. I have a simliar question a while back, plot holes I guess, how comes and such, For example, If Piccolo was born on May 9th 753 A.D. He takes Gohan to train for the saiyans on October 12th 761 A.D. That would make Piccolo 8 years old, but he clearly is an adult. That's just one I can think of many many more. I wouldn't dewel on it to much, many things make no sence, but shoved in to keep the story going. Desirae
  9. I found watching Philof & his group, transforming into (that 3 part robot thing) a little familiar, If were talking old amine. "gokents" I am pretty sure what I know which view of Goku your referring to, I have seen similar in the TV movie Bardock father of Goku, it shows pictures of Goku threw out stages in his life, from when he was a child until adulthood. I recognized that from one of the scenes I watched last week. Not to mention that boy, who drugged Goku looked a lot like Gohan. I am really enjoying watching how everything comes together,
  10. Jeez I have so many, but if I were to choose just one it would be when Goku & Vegeta were inside Buu, and they slipped threw, body & fell in to the water, the smirk on Vegeta's face when he was charging up his ki blast, Vegeta is so bad...... Then when they got to the surface, and Goku smelled something, and vegeta yelled at him, your being digested, you moron, That was so funny.
  11. The dubbie in which I got when it came out in Sept. I got it home, couldn't wait to see it,(couldn't wait for the kids)Begged my husband (Not A DBZ fan) and my cousin (has two girls so never even seen DBZ) to watch it with me, I started laughing, my husband did to, neither of could breath,(and he hates DBZ) She was looking at us both like we were crazy, I didn't care, I agree who ever said it, it was the funniest thing I have ever seen.
  12. Who Killed him? or How did he die? I have never seen the cell saga I never heard about that part,( Know about the androids killed him in the history Of Trunks, T.V. special) I want to know, I need to know, I get a big kick out of correcting all the parts about DBZ My little brother Joe don't know or has bad info on, (He's the 1st one to get me to watch,DBZ in the first place) I know pretty childish Huh? For two adult siblings in their early mid 20s to argue, about a cartoon show, but what can I say old-habits die hard. Anyway Back to my Question I need the answer, before he gets it, so I can show him up again. :D :D :D Nether of us knew the answer. Thanks, Desirae
  13. I just assumed they could since Bardock was in space, he didn't appear to be choking, He appeared to be breathing just fine, I think that maybe Frieza forgot that when he was shotting off his mouth but theses are just my observations.And I have been wrong before!!
  14. I am from washington State, I am Makah Native American, From Neah Bay, Washington, Born in Port Angeles,Wa. I moved to Oregon, Willamette Vally, have stayed here. I like it, not to cold not to hot, and I live in the country. Close to a small city. oh about 30 miles from the state capital, which in int's self isn't all that big. but at least it has a few Mall.
  15. It's my name Desi + ivy,(Well it used to be) I use it everywhere still.
  16. Thank you Very much That was what I wanted to know.
  17. I am confused, I was watching DBZ today, (Garlic Jr. Saga) I missed last week :mad: However I got to see today, A flash back to when Garlic jr. faced Gohan before. He was wearing the suit he had on in the beginning of DBZ, Plus he had his tail!! My Question is when does that happen?? What is the deal with this garlic guy anyway? Did he ever face Goku, or just Gohan? By the way Gohan talked he didn't, I know they cut out a bunch of stuff when they dubbed it,(Funi) was that part of what they cut, was it in a movie or do we just not know??? like a flash back to a presumed past? Anyway your thought would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, Desirae
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Erm, Desiivy cheated off of me. Good job...to everyone else. :D [/B][/QUOTE] :nono: I did not! :p
  19. :crying: :crying: WHAT???? You mean I already missed half of it!!!!!!!! :crying: :cussing: THanks,
  20. :D :excited: :D Yippy!!! I got the top score.......YAHH :beer:
  21. OK this maybe a question I might not get an answer to, since some events in DBZ are just presumed to acquired. But, I wanted to know if anyone can answer it, I was wondering when did Goku learn to fly, was it in Dragon ball. Or in DBZ, I have only seen up to the (American dubbed) current releases of DB, and DBZ from the first,Arrival, I don't really see him fly. just on the cloud, but he fly's when he gets off his space ship,on Namek. wait no he fly's when he escapes from the hospital, don't he or is that the cloud, HMMM? Gees you think I'd have better things to do with my free time Huh? But it's bugging me. Well, I watched "Videl takes flight" # 192 today, and got to thinking well who taught Gohan to Fly, Piccolo Right? DUH? But I don't think they ever showed it? They cut out alot threw that saga I hear.. was that some of it? or is it just presumed he learned, that's how I got to wondering about Goku, Anyway My main Question is when did Goku learn to fly? Thanks,
  22. I was watching DBZ today and saw a preview CN is showing on this Friday or next ? The garlic JR, saga strait threw can someone tell me which Friday, did anyone else see the preview I saw? I want to watch it and record it and add it to my collection... Thanks,
  23. ---------------------------- # 1) Krillin's disc breakes into 10 seperate pieces. # 2)Vegetto does nothing but, let down the barrier. # 3)Vegeta is so angry at Goku because while in other world he found out about his new technique. "His Super Saiyan 3" He accused Goku of intentually keeping it from him, and letting him believe he could really defeat him for Vegeta this was a worst then being beaten by Goku. # 4) Well after he gets his butt kicked by the androids, and somehow manages to come out alive he desides he really does need the help of "Some dead guy from the past" and then he tells his mother he will make the journey. # 5) I have heard not seen, but Hurcle helps by using his famous face to ask the Earths people to give up some of thier energy to asst. Goku in creating the bomb. :D
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kneeko Artilles [/i] [B]There's no way Turles could have been Goku's brother. And here's my explanation why:- Goku's Father was Bardock, and he had Raditz before Goku, making Raditz his forst born, the second born of all Saiyan's, looks almost identical to the Father. Raditz didn't because he was te first born. Also, any Saiyans born after the 2nd, are like the first, in that they don't look ilke their father. Female Saiyans look like their mother as opposed to their father. I can't remember where I found this, but it's apparently true. And since no-one has ever told me it isn't true before, I think that it is, any complains or corrections will be accepted, as I would like to know if it is true or not. [/B][/QUOTE] Just thinking, going on your thought here wouldn't it make Vegeta, King Vegeta's second child, since Vegeta's father looks exactlly the same as Vegeta. but, without the go-tee!! just wondering,
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