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Everything posted by Desiivy
Anime Things you'd never hear on DragonBall-Z
Desiivy replied to MasterSaiyan's topic in Otaku Central
I saw this one somewhere, remember it just cuz, it took me off guard and I laughed so hard anyway it seemed appropriate here as well. Piccolo: "Gohan!!! Beer Me!!" Huh,Huh,huh....... Well, I thought it was hysterical!!! -
I guess this would considered a "spoiler", But the humor in Gotunks attempting to fight Buu, is hysterical.
Anime does ne1 becides me dislike the original db?
Desiivy replied to Devon's topic in Otaku Central
Childish, are we watching the same show here, I hardly find master Roshi, fumbling under the table, trying to look up launch's whatever to be all that childish, or daydreaming about females underwear in a display case, "Childish", I tend to think that is more aimed for adults then children, Besides from all that then, Yes it is more of a comedy then lets say DBZ, but,I like that part,less fighting more of a comedy. The whole reason I got in to DBZ in the first place wasn't because I liked the fighting cartoons, in fact I wouldn't even allow my children to watch any Amine cartoon period,One came on I'd change it, Until my brother (21y.) came over and refused to change it, and begged me to just watch, I refused of course, until he left, now I'm addicted, Damn brother, Now I know more then him, my 7 year old son knows more then he does. What was my point here, oh yeah, I don't think that all of DB was made for children, nor was it made just to appeal to adults. I think that's it, I think anyway. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xeo_01 [/i] [B]Thanks for the pic. I've only seen the first 2 episodes of GT. Is it Shenlong or Shenron. Have you seen the episodes? [/B][/QUOTE] I alway thought that Shelong, was the Kami's dragon & Shenron was Dente's dragon..... It just made sence to me.. However I recently saw the end of the frieza saga, in which Guru, passed on his power over the dragon balls (Prungua) to one of his son's and the dragon remained the same dragon.(Purunga) I maybe wrong but that's what I figured?????
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kneeko Artilles [/i] [B]There's no way Turles could have been Goku's brother. And here's my explanation why:- Goku's Father was Bardock, and he had Raditz before Goku, making Raditz his forst born, the second born of all Saiyan's, looks almost identical to the Father. Raditz didn't because he was te first born. Also, any Saiyans born after the 2nd, are like the first, in that they don't look ilke their father. Female Saiyans look like their mother as opposed to their father. I can't remember where I found this, but it's apparently true. And since no-one has ever told me it isn't true before, I think that it is, any complains or corrections will be accepted, as I would like to know if it is true or not. [/B][/QUOTE] Sound alright to Me, Your theory makes sence... ....ask one question and get more then enough for answer, That's why I asked you guys, Thanks a bunch, again.
I read on this website I found ( [url]http://www.utdallas.edu/~shaunl/Family.htm[/url]) that Goku has two brothers,1# Raditz 2# Turles, Since I haven?t seen everything that has to do with DBZ like so many here, I figured someone here would know, I question this only because every chance I got over the last 10 months (since become interested in DBZ) I have searched online (as well as buying movies) to learn everything I can on the subject, & I have never heard of this... Thanks,
I read somewhere that Piccolo & His people Namek's are close to plants, the are asexual, can regenerate themselves, and do not need to eat they just need water. So I wonder what type of a being is Freiza, where is he from, how is he so capable of achieving such levels, why is it that he can breath in space...... ???? Thanks,
Thanks, always wondered how Dende' became the Guardian, and what happened to Kami,( I have only seen the Saiyman Saga threw the fusion saga, and from the beginning until the end of the Frieza saga) Thanks for the speeded reply.
Well, I have a few questions Ok they cut off the end of the Frieza saga just before it was complete, (boy was it long) anyway, to add to my collection (I recorded all summer, and also have recorded from "Gohan's 1st Date" threw "Final Atonement" & bought from there up to the latest release) Anyway back to my point I just got the last tape in the Frieza saga today, I was wanting to know: Does Nail stay apart of Piccolo? And Kami they fuse for keeps later as well right? Thoses are my questions? I hope someone can answer them for me. Thanks a bunch,
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Super Goten [/i] [B]I hope that gt will come on the new cartoon network and also that the channel will be all about manga. [/B][/QUOTE] Are they making a new channel, or are saying that you'd like to see GT, in the new line up? Just wondering :rolleyes:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]At least [i]somebody[/i] else liked the show. [/B][/QUOTE] That's not true my kids like it too!!!:D
I have a dish, on the west coast So we get it pretty early it comes on at like 6:00am or 6:30am, if my kids are ready to go then I let them watch CN while they wait for the school bus, and I am sorry but, I think it is far too corny, for my taste, however my kids seem to enjoy it.:cool:
Thank you I wanted to know about DB not DBZ, sorry for the mix up, But, anyway thanks I was hoping they'd show the new DB, soon since they started with the new DBZ, Desirae
When are they gonna show the new Dragon ball shows??? Thank you,:)
I wondered what voice they would come up with for the new fused person, Gotunks was great a good,good job. Vegetto, it was alright but, not as good as the other, Sometimes you can hear one voice better then the other (like previously stated) however some of the comments said where defantly something Vegeta, not Goku would say. Vice versa. Vegeta is more boastfull & Goku is more relaized
If some one wouldn't mind explaining to me about piccollo, what I mean is I get that he is a part of Kami,(since Kami was Killed too by the Saiyans) later they say Piccolo was formed when Kami tried to rid himself all evil. I get that too!! But, what I get confused about is, when I read time lines, Like this one [url]http://www.dbzgtlegacy.com/timeline.shtml[/url] that Piccolo was born in like May 9, 753. If the original Damo Piccolo was just his father then why are the two names still around would Kami have died with the one Goku killed. They also explain that Piccollo was so angry, due to all he seen growing up, where was that exactly, and correct me if I am wrong but, if he was born in 753, and goku was born in 737, that would make him 16 younger then Goku, as well only 8 years old when he took Gohan to train with him, at the beginning of DBZ. Did he like give birth to himself or something???? Please help it's driving me crazy:cool: Thank You!!
I have wanted to reply to this thread for a while now but no time with all the kids home on summer break. But, Yes this cartoon effects our life's as well, I have a 6 year old son he hates to even try new things because he scares easily, and doesn't understand that practice is highly important in fine tuning certain skills, (from riding bikes to reading) I have used this cartoon as a reference in explaining theses things to him, and now he is getting what I am saying, Like when Goten & Gohan where training together in preparation for the martial arts tournament, Goten gets frustrated with gohan and says "not fair, no matter how hard I try I still can't beat you" (or something like that) Gohan tells his little brother "you'll get there with time, I have been doing this allot longer then you have, But you pulled some nice moves. Given that Goten is almost the exact same age as my son, he understands. that and don't get quiet as frustrated anymore. and he tries harder, and keeps at it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Oh yes one more thing if this counts anyway but, our family has 11 guinea pigs, We have a Vegeta a Goku a Gohan a Chichi a Chobi (baby dinosaur, in (blackmail) a Videl. We are expecting a few more in a week . If we have two boys we are planning on naming them Trunks & Goten.
Well, I went out and got the movie, "Bardock Father of Goku" and pretty much all my questions were answered for now I also have been watching the old shows replaying on CN and the stories conflict, I mean what happened in regards to Bardock. and nothing is said about Raditz. But regardless, I LOVED this movie, it makes a few things more clear, I adored seeing Vegeta as a kid, that just cracked me up. I love pretty much love everything that's even remotely Vegeta related. [QUOTE]if gohan was pure saiy-jin...then when he was born he would of been an elite cause of his high power level as a baby...[/QUOTE] ** [QUOTE]Gohan didn't know how to control his power as a baby, he would have been placed far below the elite class. His power would probably have been less than Kakarot's, regardless having the power in his genes. If you don't know how to use it, yuo're pretty much worthless[/QUOTE] This is something I was wondering too!! Because someone said that The boys were high powers, at birth because their fathers were, and I didn't understand the really differences between, that until I saw the movie as well as read all theses post. Trying to explain to a 6 year old boy, why Gohan, has the potential to be the strongest but isn't necessary the strongest. I get confused as well. this would be why I come here and ask so many minor questions. Thanks again so very very much. Desirae
Well, yes that is exactly what I wanted to know, This is just my though, If I am wrong let me know okey!!!! So they basically they measured Goku's power level at birth, to see what class that would be in, since Goku was 3rd he was considered expendable, and that's why he was sent to earth. Saiyans can't go beyond their limits, If your born in one class, you stay in that class, because they can't train to get any higher?????? Since on Earth the more you train the better you get, Goku was able to surpass his class, and become stronger. Which would explain why Gohan, Trunks & Goten have that potential, at birth, because of being half human??????? with Vegeta not spending as much time as Goku has on earth his powers couldn't increase in the same way Goku's did, there for he is always one step behind him. ????????? With him training on Earth for the 7 years he did, before the buu saga, he was able to become even more stronger, and almost catch up with Goku. ????????? Thank You, Desirae
"well, in the Bardock special, Gout was about 1 day old. At that time, Vegetalooked about 7-12 years old." I haven't seen that movie YET. I plan on getting it on Friday, That way I will know a bit more, I am fairly new to this show but have done allot of research, unfortunately not all the websites I find are correct, and upon going back I learned that many things that was stated, were incorrect, I first read it, a few months ago, and so I know more now, I am personally on a quest to gather all the correct information on Vegeta, Well just because he is a very complex character, So anyway I can't wait to get that movie, Thanks, Desirae
[QUOTE]Gokou's father didn't reject him. Even a person who watches the dubs could know that. In the flashback where it shows Furiza destroying the planet Vegeta. It even shows Bardock right as he is dying saying "My son lives on." Not quite the thing you'd be saying if you rejected your son. Not to mention in the Bardock movie special he keeps having future visions of Gokou.[/QUOTE] I really need to watch that movie, "Bardock, movie special" I never have yet but i'm going to put it on my movie list, I was mainly wanting to know if more detail, is explained about what Nappa had said. because of the diffrences in the power, since no matter how someone works and trains, they still never get any stronger then an elite, with Goku being only 3rd class, (yes, I recall that is what he said) Then to have everything turned up side down by one person, Explains why Vegeta is so bitter, to Goku as a whole. Thanks again, Desirae
Maybe someone knows I'm curious about the differences between Goku & Vegeta, as far as class, on the planet Vegeta. I recall in the episode " The long awaited fight" Vegeta states that Goku is a low class or level (not sure which) clown, I figured it was because He's a prince and Goku isn't. But then I read that Goku's father rejected him because he was a low class. I found that to be strange just because I thought you were same class as your parents, since Vegeta'a a prince cuz he is the son of a prince, it makes since Goku would be the same class as his father. why would he reject him if he were the same??? This confused me??? But, yesterday I watched DBZ, and while talking to Goku, Nappa said your no match for me, your strength is determined at birth, Do they ever go into anymore detail around this subject, cuz it sure does explain a few things. Thanks alot, Desirae :)
I found a copy some where that has a list of the entire list of the Japanese shows, dragon ball too!! I have seen all the new releases, the next two are suppose to be out in July, so the next show, is A whole new Gohan, which really sucks I have too wait 6 weeks too see it, But, I have it on order. you know I really appreciate the reply, I was really happy to know the show has more to it. I hate they drag everything out so long, but, I guess that is why I like the show so much, a continuing story, is far better then the shows that solve everything in 30 min. But, the anticipation is enough to drive anyone crazy.
Yes it sure does, here (Toonami) I believe 237: For The Sake of My Loved Ones ...Vegeta Falls!!! is 222: Final Atonement. Right??? so 57 more, that good because I am not so sure I want it to end just yet. thanks for the information. If anyone finds a complete listings for all the Toonami ones to be aired, I would really appreciate it!! Desirae
Can someone please tell me how many episodes are left until the end of dbz, I have been collecting them, I though the last 2 were play for time & losing battle, because all the lists I have found stop at unlucky break,I went back to Sam goodies to get the last two or so I thought anyway, after viewing them I went back , she could only tell me the next release date, of the next two, but doesn't have any clue if they are the last ones or not. Maybe some one here can tell me ? Thanks allot, Desirae