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Everything posted by Desiivy
Hello I remember reading a time line on a wed site I found [url]http://www.dbzgtlegacy.com/timeline.shtml[/url] That says when everyone is born, I can't conferm any info but I thought I'd share the info I found.:) Desirae [url]http://www.pojo.com/dragonball/dragonballtimeline.shtml[/url] I also found this one it basicly states the same thing, I have a complete story history at home I found while searching the net but, I am not at home and can't find where I found it. I am going to bring it back with me tomarrow, I am certain it stated that Vegeta was about 19 -22 when he landed on Earth, and that he grew some after arriving. Gees I wish I could find it. then I could just post the link to where I found it. I'll post it tomarrow then!!
Being the mother of several young children, cartoons are a large part of my time, major cuz they keep the kids entertained while I do my house work, DBZ, is one the first, (I actually had enough interest in sitting down and watching) My point here is that I can recognize the voice actors on different shows like right off the bat, and am pretty good at it to, Here in America we have a few actors who do voices for practically every cartoon, American made, but since DBZ isn't, and they don't who does what, like they do on the others. just the names of who does what I wanted to know if there is a list some where I can find who does the voices, and the extra's too!! like I found one that tells me the actor who plays, Piccolo also does the voice of Yamcha & Vegeta,= Chris Sabat. I want to know if the same person does the voice for Kibito, or Dabora, it sounds like it. and the voice of teenage Gohan, I can't recall his name at the moment, but, he also does (I think) Piccon and king kia & and north ? to me this sounds way off?? I think the announcer at the martial arts tournament sounds more like the guy who does Gohan, but I can't find out who truly does the voice. It's driving me crazy!! Thanks Desirae ** I found the name Kyle hurbert as the voice of Gohan (Teen-age) is he the only one who does this character, [url]http://www.elay987.com/kyle_hebert/enter2.htm[/url] a bit confused by the 1 of 5 .
I wanted to start a thread about this yesterday but didn't have the time,after They restarted, it cause I was all jazzed up about it, totally made my day. I have only seen the current ones, Great Saiyaman & such. I went out & bought Arrival, a few weeks ago & have seen it several times,& Pendulum Room, but haven't seen in the ones in between or after. I was beginning to think It was going get rather expensive to get to see them all, not to mention all the time in between buy them too!! OH I still intend on buying them but, now I can take more time, I personally agree with SephirothNIN I can't wait to see Vegeta, I can't wait to see the way he changes, Piccolo Too!! I have one question If they are planning to show the next season, Evil Lives on!! , in September by my figuring that will only get us up to close to the beginning of the Trunks Saga, That is if it goes into Sept. Are they going run separate times on midnight run or something I hope so because as much as I want to see the end of the Buu & the final of DBZ, I still want to see the earlier ones, and I will be really upset if the choose to stop & drop us right back into the ending. I have been buying the rest and so I am not going miss them, the ones I haven't seen are the old ones. All of them are new to me, anyhow!! But, I am jazzed, what's even neater is I have dish network, and so my CN comes on here in Oregon at 3:00pm, & at 9:00pm everyone else has to wait until later. I am glad I am not the one all happy about this, my husband rolled his eyes at me when I told him...
I have been collecting all of the American episodes of DBZ I have found the names of all the tapes for all the saga's but, 165-179 of the Cell games Saga, anyone know where I can find them. I did look at the dbz store on their site but were unable to locate them there, [url]http://www.zstore.com/Search.bok?category=Video%3A+DBZ%2C+Cell+Games+Saga[/url] If you know the names or a link to where I can look them up my self I would really appreciate, it. Thanks alot, Desirae
Does anyone know where I can get a full listing of the dragon ball. The American shown on cartoon network, as well as the dbz.Too! I am trying to track them down to collect and it helps to know what ones I am getting, I want to print them out on one sheet, I tried on the Official websites of both but you can't print out a copy of the listings. Id have to write them all down I just don't have time to do that, I though I had a complete of all the CN DBZ but apparently I am missing one or they are marked wrong, all I can find to print out all in one place is, the Japanese, titles and I can't use them because they aren't the same order, I mean we don't get to see all the same ones here, I was hoping someone out there might know of a site where I can find all of the names of the C.N. shown both DB + DNZ, in order, #,. It kinds sucks they had to go and rename all the shows, it just makes it harder to track them. Anyway, thanks, I hope Hope someone can help!!!:D
Hi Silly question to ask but I am going to anyway, In the episode of DBZ, I'll fight Too!! the director of the Great saiyman Movie Gohan stummbles in on, looks abit like the guy, from DB, the head of the red ribbon army, even his side kick, was there, am I seeing things???? See I said it was silly, but I was wondering!!!!!!
I hope this helps, I went back and re watched all my current Dbz tapes, just to get Vegeta, I asked myself those same questions, and this is what I came up with, I am fairly confedent I am correct about my take on it, of course I have only seen the new ones, #189-222, Oddly enough I actually looked up the meaning of Atonement, which is basicly, the same as Jesus did for Christians, according to what I read, atonement n 1. the making of reparation for a sin or a mistake 2. atonement or Atonement in Christian belief, the reconciliation between God and people brought about by the death of Jesus Christ he basically trying to do what Goku did, with Cell, Vegeta seems hard & uncaring, but he is not the same, anymore. He is just proud, He hated that Goku was better at everything then him, A hero. He wanted that to be his legacy Goku( in his eyes stole), to be the Man.!! All that built up resentment is what has boiled over.In his heart he knows the truth & it really ticks him off because so does Goku. 2nd one it wasn't Buu who changed it was Vegeta's mind playing tricks on him, He is so envious of Goku, that he had a hard time concentrating on the fight at hand. Desirae
I was just wondering If you can buy the Japanese versions of DBZ, not dubbed like the ones here in America, But possibly with sub titles, in English, sora like close captain? Do they even make them? I don't speak Japanese, But I sure would like to watch the original shows, Just out of curiosity. Thanks, Desirae
I maybe wrong here but isn't at the ages your comparing the two Goten is 7 years old and isn't Goku like 12 years old. ????? I maybe wrong but that's what I thought???:)
:D :D :D :D Well, thanks I found it, and a few others I want really really bad, But one is enough for now anyway:naughty: It's all my husband will let me for now, but, I did find the one I wanted, I can't wait to get home to watch it. I got it at Sam Goodys, I havn't heard of Suncoast, I am in the middle of Oregon. way way out in the middle of nowhere, But, I do have a Sam Goody about 25 miles away, worth the trip, Next time I get to town I am however going to stop by the hollywood video, mabye they would be cheaper, Thank you all, Very Very much!! [QUOTE]Pan with a tail, hmmm.... I dont think she has one, could you post a link to the picture? [/QUOTE] [url]http://www.pojo.com/dragonball/dbgt49-10.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.pojo.com/dragonball/dbgt49-7.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.pojo.com/dragonball/dbgt49-6.jpg[/url] I went back and found the ones I saw, any body see what I ment. Just from looking anyway!! My Son wants to know what does Z stand for anyway. I read somewhere that GT is like Grand Tour or they think but, Z I don't have a clue. Thanks again, :D [color=firebrick][size=1][b]Please watch your double posting. If you need to add something like that please go back and edit your previous post. Thanks ;) - PiroMunkie[/size][/b][/color]
[QUOTE]Pan with a tail, hmmm.... I dont think she has one, could you post a link to the picture? [/QUOTE] I wish I could but, I can't remember where exactlly I was I believe it was a still frame from a GT show, I do recall it had a caption though "We don't have time for this nonsence, Grandpa" or something like that!! I am gonna try to get back and find it, just to look again. [QUOTE]Pan in fact does not have a tail, the picture you saw was done by fans who wanted to start another DBZ rumor! [/QUOTE] This is why I asked You can never tell, I figured you all would know the truth, anyway Thanks, so much. :)
Hi does anyone know of any good coloring pages sites where I can print out for my son, I found one once but, I can't seem to find it again? I would really apreciate it! ! ! Thanks, again:cool: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucky me I found it, that coloring site, just in case I thought I would share it's location:D [url]http://www.dltk-kids.com/dbz/mdbzposter24.html[/url] Desirae
Hello, my question today sorta relates to one already here, but, I am afraid if I ask it there Ii might not get an answer, not the one I want any way, OK well I have only seen the shows currently showing on cartoon network, since Jan. 02, But, searching online for all the info I can come across, I was curious, about Pan (Gohan & Videl's child) I had wanted to know if she to goes ssj, but, I now know the answers, thanks to reading the others posts, But, the 2nd half my question, was I found one picture, online of Pan, and it looked as if she has a tail, am I correct in that Dos she have a tail, or was I mistaken. :) Thanks, Oh yes, maybe someone knows I want to buy the movie History of Trunks, where would go to find it, besides online, I prefer not to buy online, but have no clue where to even look for it, Would a place like Wal-Mart have it. or would I need to go to a diffrent type of store. ? Just a thought?:freak:
Hi, First time here, I really like the whole site really cool. Anyway to my question, I & my son 6 y are new fans of the show We have only seen the newer shows, Current saga Majin Buu!! Since they are all replayed over and over here In Oregon (USA) I have been recording them & the 2 of us watch them alot, you learn something new about the characters & story lines every time you rewatch a show, I get it a bit better (not much) but a little bit better, then my son & so I explain it to him when he asks questions about the show, He asked me a question a few days back that I don't have an answer for, maybe some one here can answer it for me. In the show, on Z I believe Take Flight Videl, Gohan is talking to Videl, trying to explain about her energy, and how every living being has it inside them, that it is not a trick it's real. He turned around looked at (my son) and asked well if it inside every living thing then how does Goku have it then if he's dead? Can someone explain to me so I can explain to him how this is possible!!!! Please?? I do have one question of my own, Too! When Future Trunks is helping the fighters defeat Cell, does Vegita know that is his son, ( I haven't seen those ones) They are not showing them and it's driving me crazy. I have looked all over the place for the answer to my question, gotten a bit of info that tends to lead, to my answer but don't really answer it completely, like I read that when Trunks 1 st arrived he took Goku, aside and asked him not to tell, or he wouldn't be born. Then some where else I read that when he was Killed by Cell Vegita went nuts. So I was just hoping you could tell me that one too!! Thank you, Desirae