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Everything posted by noixzx

  1. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Who: I discovered OB in early 2003 when I was ELEVEN under a name I shall not reveal. Where: Minneapolis, MN now, Great Falls MT then. What: I can't begin to explain how much I've changed. It just goes without saying, between eleven and eighteen a lot changes. I really can't believe how time flies. When: I remember not wanting anyone to know I was 11 and saying I was 15. Although on other sites I passed for 19. I was very mature for my age then, and it seems like I've become LESS mature over time. :animesmil I basically frequented Dragonball Z. I think there was Pokemon, too, yeah? I sprited too. And I was a kid, so you can probably imagine why I won't tell you me previous name. Why: I joined because... well, I was bored, and I remember theOtaku had a Pokedex, which is how I stumbled upon it. And from there, OB. Why I came back was because I decided I missed it here, yet wanted to start over fresh and you know, maybe post more often than twice a year like I did before.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]I call it pop because the only place I've ever lived where it's called soda is California. Here, soda sounds too proper. It's just easier to say pop. But generally, I use "drink" as an all-purpose term for well... drinks. Could be a pop, could be a juice. My very favourite is CHERRY CRUSH. Then Dr Pepper, and Coke. I don't worry too much about the health concerns. You only live once. [/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]I do not like alcohol. It makes me stupid and sick and I don't understand the appeal at all. Yet, when I have the opportunity, even though I know it's a bad idea, if I'm in a bad mood, I'll drink. The single worst experience with puke I've had was standing outside, drunk with a couple friends, having a cigarette. The cigarette made me nauseous. I rushed inside, fumbled with the second door that leads downstairs to the basement apartments where I live, and just as I opened the door I couldn't hold it back anymore and projectile vomited down the stairs. Unfortunately, a neighbour was coming UP the stairs at the exact same moment. I have never been so embarrassed in my life as the next morning when I woke up and remembered covering my neighbour with puke. [/FONT]
  4. I'm not going to put them in order, except the first. All others are just in the order I think of them. [LIST=1] [*]Dir en grey[/LIST][LIST] [*]Malice Mizer [*]Moi dix Mois [*]Plastic Tree [*]Waive [*]Kinbaku Shoujo [*]Transtic Nerve [*]Aural Vampire [*]Miyavi [*]Penicillin [*]Hakuei solo [*]Chatmonchy [*]Danger Gang[/LIST]Yeah. :animesmil
  5. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]Do I even need to say it? [I][U][B]Dir en grey[/B][/U][/I] Bold, italicized and underlined for maximum emphasis. No other band I listen to comes close. I could gush for hours about their brilliance, but I'll just move on to my other bands. I saw [B]Skinny Puppy[/B] on here. I love the Puppy. Industrial is the way to be, Other than that, I love [B]Miyavi[/B]. One of the best guitarists in the world today, if you ask me. Not a band, but you know. Notice I'm keeping this in terms of OPINION because I know how people can get. As for the Beatles... I see how they're incredibly influential, but in terms of talent, I don't see them as being all that great. I've been told this is because I'm young and "can't appreciate them", but really, to each their own. I was raised on [B]Metallica[/B] and [B]Slayer[/B]. [B]Iggy Pop[/B] is my favourite of the punk genre. [B]Brand New[/B] for the lyrics. [B]OLD AFI[/B], I can't stand the new crap. [B]Kiyoharu[/B]. While I like Kuroyume and SADS, I think Kiyo is best on his own. He has a style and a presence too big to let anyone else into his spotlight. I love him because he has one of the most unique voices I've heard. [B]Rammstein[/B] is on the list if only for longevity. I've liked this band for seven years and it was my absolute favourite until I discovered DEG. I've gotten a lot of crap for this, but I love them. I guess that's it. :animesigh [/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]I already celebrated with a SHAMROCK SHAKE. That's all St Patrick's Day means to me, since I don't like drinking very often and I'm under the age limit. But now I'm really craving corned beef and cabbage... [/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]I really would like to know why caffeine makes me tired (on the positive side, also increases my attention span). I think I destroyed my beloved laptop's hard drive, and trying to install Ubuntu isn't working and I want to bang my head against a wall. :animeangr [/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]well here I go. I joined originally back in 2003, seven years ago. And I'm 18. So do the math, and you'll know why I don't want to release the information regarding my previous username. I thought I'd give OB another shot, since I liked it enough. I just embarrassed myself last time. So, here's to new beginnings. I'm 18, like I said, currently looking for a job, learning Japanese (if you have a substantial amount of knowledge, I would be forever thankful to have someone to help me practice), my favourite things include drawing, writing, eating, Dir en grey, and uh. That's about it. Boring, ne? [/FONT]
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