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vegetto master

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About vegetto master

  • Birthday September 8

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  1. "Winner" from mobile suit gundam 0083 stardust memory
  2. first you must remember goku is a little dumb can't really blame him i be dumb to if i kept using my head to break stuff, and kept landing of it to break my fall. &no i don't think trunks has kids
  3. they know kids stay up to watch adult swim
  4. yep then buu is going to eat the supreme kiao but then majin vegeta comes out of babidi ship (blows it up in the process) then majin vegeta fights buu until buu uses his body to form a rope and catches vegeta then beats him down but trunks come kicks buu far away and him and goten unwrap vegeta then they talk about how they can help but vegeta says no and trunks my son i never held you since you were born and all that father son moment then vegeta chops trunks in the back of the head and punches goten in the stomach they both fall out piccolo comes and grabs the boys and then vegeta and piccolo speak then piccolo blasts off and tells krillin lets get out of here then vegeta charges and aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh(selfs destruct)krillin:vegetttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,piccolo:ahh narrator:one of the greatest warrior vanish in flash of blinding light his name ...was vegeta .Thats it
  5. i heard different kakkarot i heard 17 escaped hell and then fused with artificial 17 the one made by dr.gero and muyy to become super 17
  6. vegetto master


    ooc: firedude914 your mail is full rondell:hey seto are you are okay? seto:yeah just a scratch rondell:whats down there seto looks like a mine shaft rondell:hey lets split up me,seto,and zee we'll go down where seto is and look around while tani,ron,and lauren try to calm down entei and lets figure out whats going on here all:right! lets go
  7. tis cowboy bebop which you know not dbz abyway i don't kno what that mean that should have been the last dbz title before gt
  8. the end because last time they showed real folk blues pt2 the next week it said session#1
  9. vegetto master


    rondell:getting with nurse joy huh;) tani: maybe;) rondell:am going to open the door to see whats really going on tani:wait! don't open the door rondell opens the door: hey nothing going on just ron's cyndaquil defrosting pidgeot nurse joy,ron:what did you think was going rondell:tani!! tani:i never said somethings going on i said maybe rondell::mad: oh well , lets be on our way
  10. vegetto master


    seto meets with tan,zee,and rondell: did any of you see lauren all: no way? seto: when rondell was after zee,i turned to look at the scenery and when i turned back around her and the woman was gone zee: i knew that woman was up to no go tani: what do you mean you think that woman took her zee: actually rondell: well lets go back into the house and look for when they arrive nothing is there rondell: whats going on,there is no way to go zee: lets look for a trap door or floor
  11. vegetto master


    tani: why you go say that for thats mean rondell:ahhh worried about your boyfriend tani: he's not my boyfriend, i'll go after him rondell: i'll go too i'll apologize
  12. vegetto master


    oh the way rondell keeps noticing that lauren is constantly looking and smiling at him rondell:what is it lauren lauren:nothing why rondell:oh nothing uh just forget zee: are you flirting with me tani tani:huh.... no i was just uh admiring your hair zee:adimiring my hair come on give me a break you are clearly flirting with me tani:no am not just.....just go over there zee:whatever you say.......honey;) tani:honey!!! rondell,lauren:haha:D tani:jerk zee:wait sweetie honey don't walk away rondell,lauren:hahahahhaha:D ron: ok whats going on with you guys zee,lauren,tani,and rondell: nothing!!! ron: ok then lets just keep going
  13. vegetto master


    rondell: hey wait don't just walk in yet something could be in there . do any of you have a flashlight or does your pokemon knows flash
  14. vegetto master


    rondell:really cool that umbreon is really special then ok then lets go
  15. vegetto master


    with everyone ready they begin to walk on the way they come to this river and see a boy drowning all: we got save him lauren,seto,tani: we can't swim zee: i can zee dives in and saves the boy and bring him back to land lauren,seto,tani:thank goodness for zee the young boy catches his breath again and thanks zee all:hi whats your name boy:rondell ,thank you for saving my life zee:no problem all:hi this seto ,tani,lauren and am zee rondell: thank you , i saw totedile ran after it and it jumped in the water and i was running too fast to stopmyself. Well i see you all are pokemon trainers well so am i i have only a ho-oh because i am training it right now
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