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SSJ Gotenks ok

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Everything posted by SSJ Gotenks ok

  1. I bet there gonna cut episode 287 were goku,goten,trunks are playing in tha hot tub and then goten and trunks fuse into gotenks naked!!!:laugh:
  2. I also stopped watching when mulder left i saw last sunday with that guy with the powers and he lived in tha brady house that was a freaky episode but ill be watching the 2 hour finnale next week!!:D
  3. Isn't the fusion dubs of gotenks out on vid and dvd yet???? Gotenks iz the funniest!!!!
  4. Why doesnt vegita ever go level ssj3??? And when goku is fighting brolly is goku ssj4???If so what level was brolly at???And why was it so hard for goku to defeat him??
  5. What is shooting him gonna solve?????There still will be alot of terrosist and racist in tha world so i dont see why killing him would solve anything i think saying that is ignorant!!!! And ofcourse he only thinks of him self why would he care about other people and how his songs make them feel????
  6. A movie about a horses life seems kinda dumb to me!!!!I wont be watching it!!:D
  7. I would wish for powers like becoming a ssj so i can fly and stop crime when ever i can!!!!:DAnd if i had another wish i would stop racism!!! A universe like star wars sounds cool!!
  8. I watched this movie the other night and i taught it was alright.Since i like those type of movies were they come up with a big plan to rob someone and plus it was funny:laugh: What did u guys think about the movie???:D
  9. You cant post web sites but ill pm you some!!:D
  10. So thats he's dad doent look like brolly.Brolly must get his looks from his mother.:laugh:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]i would also say vegeta is not guilty of any of the above. vegeta has a great sense of pride and that can be a handicap greater than any other. movie 12, "ah, thats what i would expect from my proud saiyan prince" goku about vegeta when in an emotional moment. as for cheating. if you have read any bruce lee, you know, from real life. youll know there is no such thing as cheating in a fight. gentlemen just end up lossing. trust me. vegeta is a better charector than goku. i still like goku more. i aspire to be what he is. pure hearted, detatched, loving, honorable. but, vegeta is who i really am. easily to inflame, angry with those around him, but even more in vegeta you see the real life side of a person. hes not mad a kakorat. hes mad at himself. he struggles to be the person he wants to be, and i do to. [/B][/QUOTE] Couldnt have said it better myself:DWhy didn't vegita reach level ssj3??:worried: And u really pissed off alot of people with this thread:laugh: Vegita iz tha best!!!!:demon:
  12. You know what i tought was stupid when that thing was falling and that kid just stayed there staring at it about to fall on him!!! I would of been gone!!!! If that was me!!:D
  13. Well they have problems and they would do it anyways not just cuz what eminem said there's alot of people talking about killing gays and all that and they really mean it.So i dont think that anyone would do that just cuz eminem said it all his fans know it's just music!!:D
  14. Well i live in tha ghetto so u got to have gear(the right clothes)I wear fubu,tommy,rocawear,and iceberg which one shirt cost's about $100 that must be a major part in my popularity and thats what u got's to have to be popular at my school but i just buy it cuz i can afford it and i like to wear it not just to be popular.:babble:
  15. SSJ Gotenks ok


    You cant play dbgt final bout on tha ps2 system either.:(
  16. I use a boot disk for my dreamcast so can u use a boot disk so u can play imports like final bout??
  17. You can get all dragonball dbz dbgt and movies on dvd on ebay thats cool i would get it but i aint got a credit card.:(There in japenese with english subtitles thats the best way to get um!!!:D
  18. I think u should take it eazy on iq#1 TN he's a newbie and who knows how old he is????:laugh: And about the question there's the ki from generations back who got seld in tha z sword.:D
  19. Finnaly someone who knows what im talking about!!!:D Blue gender u really know what eminem iz all about.:D
  20. I owned jade cacoon but never finished it i sold it to someone i think but if i had tha chance i would get it again and try to beat it!!I loved mixing diffrent creatures togther!!!:D
  21. I wouldn't even think of opening up my ps2 what would i do with out it!!!!:(But thanks for all the info cwb!!!!:D
  22. Whats the card game like???Whats tha game play for it???Do u go by how much points a card has is like that???
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]Brolly is a legend. Broly is a lengendary SSJ. And if you want the rules of the legendary SSJ.You can ask me but heak with it i'll tell you anyways [list] [*] one will appear every centrury [*] the power of every level will have the same power as the next one ( for exemple when a LSSJ becomes SSJ it has a power of an USSJ ) [*] can't be defeated one on one [*] the power level when they're born is 1,000 or 10,000 [/list] theres more but i can't think anymore. But i think thats all of them. [/B][/QUOTE] I dont get it and were did u get this info from G/S/B is therea web site were i can read up on this??? And cwb so was brolli's dad strong??? and who defeated him??? And did vegeta believe him??:D
  24. His son turns into the hob goblin right???Because of what spider man did to his dad so he would probably be the villain in part 2!!:D
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