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Everything posted by Armadillomon

  1. OK I have to start out by ranting. I CAN'T STAND THE NEW ANIME SECTION!!! Now that I got that out of my system, I'll elaborate. None of the Digimon threads are where they should be. It's like you deleted them or something. I looked in the archive and the most recent Digimon thread was from 2003. I also couldn't access a thread that I'm subscribed to. I just want to know why you got rid of the individual forums and combined all anime into one big forum. I think it's stupid and confusing. I will let you know, though, that I do like the easier-to-use posting options and the fact that myOB options can be accessed through the side panel instead of going forever and a half through them, as was the case before.
  2. [size=1][B][COLOR=darkblue][font=centurygothic]OK the following commercials aren't from the super bowl, but I [I]love[/I] the Citibank identity theft commercials. As far as I know, there are three of them: [list=1] [*]old woman scraping out her pool with a trucker's voice that goes on about mud flaps with naked ladies (ooh mamacita!) [*]woman @ beauty salon with nerd voice talking about building a girl robot (this is gonna be the best prom ever!) [*]trailer guy with ditzy girl voice talking about leather bustiers (I didn't care! It lifts and seperates!) [/list=1] I absolutely [I]love[/I] these commercials![/B][/font][/size][/COLOR]
  3. [B][SIZE=1][font=centurygothic][color=darkblue]Yep. It was definitely planned, but not to go as far as it did. Janet Jackson's agent said that the black part of the cup was supposed to come off, but the red article of clothing underneath was supposed to remain behind. That's her official story. The new question is, with as little force as Justin used, how did the red part come off too? Most clothing takes effort to tear off.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][color=darkred][SIZE=1]Umm. . the commercials with Ernheart Jr (sp. . again) were pretty funny. . I loved how the defense was being dragged around by his Nascar (and I am not a fan of Nascar at all). . lol[/SIZE][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=century gothic][SIZE=1][color=darkblue]um... actually the Nascar commercial wasn't a "Super Bowl" commercial. I first saw it 2 weeks ago during the Colts-Patriots game. CBS just had extra time to fill, so they inserted an old commercial. The question is, did Nextel have to pay the $2.5 million price tag for 30 seconds of airtime?[/font] [/SIZE][/color]
  5. By now I'm sure everyone here has heard about the infamous Super Bowl Halftime Show. If not, what happened was this: Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson were singing onstage. At the end of the song, with Justin singing the line "I'm gonna get you naked by the end of this song" or something like that, he rips off part of Janet's top, revealing her right breast on network televison in front of millions of people. CBS, which aired the Super Bowl, and the NFL are both saying that they didn't know that this would happen. Justin Timberlake said it was a "wardrobe malfunction." The expression on Janet Jackson's face indicated (to me, at least) that it wasn't supposed to happen. And now, the FCC is looking into the situation, which is [I]NEVER[/I] a good thing. What I want to know now is, what do you think? Was it planned? Or was it merely a "wardrobe malfunction?" EDIT: Don't worry. The attachment shows a [U]covered[/U] Jackson's reaction to the event.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MathGuy2 [/i] [B]Just let users set an option in profile to not view objectionable posts. If a user is under 10, the option cannot be disabled. [/B][/QUOTE] But of course, if you do that, then there's always the possibility that users will lie about their age in order to disable the option. Besides, if a kid wants to read a thread, they could disable it then too.
  7. Last week I decided to devote a section in my school notebook for quotes. Here's what I've written so far: [I]From a PMS medicine commercial[/I]: "No way! I'm a complete menstrual case!" [I]From the movie "Bringing Down the House"[/I]: "Back off, Shaniquah!" [I]My current signature quote, referring to what a guy at my school does at work[/I]: "He just sits in the restroom all day, doing naughty boy things." [I]Spoken by someone in my Film Lit class[/I]: "I don't want to be thought-provoked!" [I]Me the other day in the school cafeteria[/I]: "I yelled 'lesbian' and 2 girls answered!" [I]Spoken by a Scout leader in the restroom at a campout[/I]: "Oh, my! Both ends!" [I]Referring to so-called "black" names (no racism intended)[/I]: "You be Sparetirah and I'll be Gonorreeshah!"
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hyper [/i] [B][size=1]I find a lot of flaws in that. I think it's almost putting a label on members. It'd end up being "Mature Adults" vs. "Spammy Little Kids aka Juniors" (You said something yourself along those lines). Not every 13-year old is the same. Post quality varies in each member. You're right though, there are a bunch of spammy teens, but I find that thought almost stereotypical. And what if an anime junior likes one of the mature categories? Good or bad discussions can come from any forum, I don't think it matters if it's juniors or mature people. OB enforces high post quality, and if that standard is kept strong, I see no need for junior forums because some young members don't read the rules. Protection from threads such as "Sexiest Anime Character"? There are other things that could use protecting. Some words aren't censored that may be more of a concern.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] How can you be sure that someone is the age that they say they are? Not that it really matters that much. We've got to assume that people actually [I]do[/I] read the rules when they register for OtakuBoards, which means that spam, etc. should be treated the same way no matter who does it. And yes, there are some words that should be censored that currently aren't. I think this is becoming a big issue right now in the Otaku Lounge, especially with all of the threads about current events. When people get talking about, say, the death of Sadaam's sons, they can get emotional or start suggesting certain ways to torture enemies of America and certain body parts upon which to apply the torture. (let's just leave it at that ^_^)
  9. I hope there isn't already a thread about this. I just read in the newspaper today about a councilman in New York City who was murdered by a political rival. The shooter was then killed by a plainclothes policeman. This made me wonder how in the world the gunman was able to get a gun into the city building in NYC. You'd think there'd be security in NYC after 9/11. I read on to learn that the reason the guy was able to get his gun into the building is because he accompanied the councilman into the building, and people who hold public office don't have to go through metal detectors. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE?!?!?!?!?! (BTW, New York is now rewriting their security policy so that it requires public officials to go through security checkpoints as well.) Has anyone else heard about this? Please post your opinions.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryan [/i] [B]Actually I have never had an embarrassing moment. Seriously. Nothing has ever happened that has embarrassed me. Maybe when I was younger when I was in Wal-Mart and I had been in the toy section and I thought I had found my mom and it looked like my mom from behind and I went up and hugged her from behind and it ended up not being my mother. I wasn't embarrassed, it was an honest mistake. The lady understood. [/B][/QUOTE] This sort of happened to me. I was at a store looking at a book. My mom had just been there, and I found a part of the book that was funny, and I wanted her to see it too. So I walk up to her and read the funny part to her. Except it wasn't my mom, it was a total stranger who was standing right where my mom had been standing like 10 seconds ago!!! I was so embarassed that I wandered around the store for like 5 minutes to be sure that I was as far away from that woman as I could get! :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
  11. Well to get around the fact that not very many people use their real location on the boards (So far Baka is the only one in this thread who [I]has[/I] ^_^), maybe there could be, for starters, a form that all new members have to fill out when they register that states their actual location. Okay, you can't really [I]force[/I] them to, but it would give them the chance. From there, the current members could have the option to edit their profiles to include their actual location, in addition to the location they want to have displayed with their posts, if they so choose.
  12. That's terrible. But, as was stated earlier, how could no one have noticed? I've been in several Target stores and they all have surveillance cameras. Certainly if this was reported, the police would have checked the tapes and surely would have found something useful.
  13. As far as things on the boards go, one of my pet peeves is the people in the Your Picture forum that constantly talk about how ugly they are. Trust me, you guys [I]aren't[/I] as ugly as you think you are. It's just that you don't have as clear of a perspective on yourself as an outsider does. But otherwise my biggest pet peeve is when people are capable of so much more than they display, but they don't carry themselves to their full potential because they are too busy maintaining a facade to look "cool." How sad that is to me.
  14. I think that if you edit a post, if that post is the most recent post of the thread, that the thread should be moved to the top of the list. Since we can't double-post, if no one has replied to a thread after you, then you should be able to edit that post to add to it and have it put back to the top as if you had made a new post. I don't know if that could even be done, but it's just a suggestion. Thanks for your time!
  15. You know what the funny thing is? Now they're saying that some of the ingredients in fast food is actually [I]addictive!!!![/I] I don't know if that was a scientifically proven fact or just something that someone's lawyer was trying to make people believe, but either way, it could give someone an excuse. What's next, the patch for McDonald's? Who knows?
  16. What was the oreo thing? I agree whole-heartedly. People are too embarassed to admit to their own stupidity and weak will power. I COULD eat 4 big macs a day every day for my whole life, but chances are awfully good that I'll be smart enough NOT to do that. If you want to get rich, marry into a rich family ^_^ (No, I'm not that shallow!) It's just like the woman who sued McDonald's when she spilled coffee in her lap, and now they have to put that CAUTION: CONTENTS ARE HOT label on all of their coffee cups b/c she sued. Pretty soon, we're gonna see SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: QUITTING EATING FAST FOOD NOW GREATLY REDUCES YOUR RISK OF HEART DISEASE or CAUTION: CONTENTS ARE NOT NUTRITIOUS WHATSOEVER. *sigh* what's the world coming to?
  17. Hey Deedlit, does your band march crash cymbals as part of the drumline? Mine doesn't, but if they did, I'd probably switch from trumpet to cymbals! I love playing the non-drum percussion equipment. It's so much fun! My fave percussion items are the gong, the triangle, the crash cymbals, and the tambourine.
  18. lol Tobiass mentioned one of my fave parts of marching band: the infamous band tan! Band is like one of the only times I ever tan. I even worked at a summer camp for five weeks last year and was just as pale at the end of the 5 weeks as I was when I started, but the first day of band camp and I was uber-tanned! (Note: when one has a band tan, one shouldn't wear a button-collar shirt unbuttoned for school pictures *cough-tanline-cough*) I also lettered in band from my marching band and winter percussion experiences. I play the trumpet in marching band and auxiliary (pit non-mallet) percussion in winter percussion. I love band and all of my friends in band like they were my own family. Great memories! I wish I wasn't a senior this year :( oh, well, there's always college! Besides, this year, I am a SECTION LEADER for the trumpets! Woo-hoo!
  19. You guys have helped me, except for one thing: I can't get a copy of photoshop or stuff like that. Microsoft Publisher or PowerPoint [I]might[I] work, but I can only use those at school, and we're done with school for the year. I do agree with those of you who thought that the second banner was better. And I do understand that the less pictures you have makes the banner better, but that's what Wormmon's Tamer wanted. Again, no offense taken, and thanks for the advice! If I try another banner sometime soon, I'll post it here as well, and this time it will be saved in jpg/gif. That brings up another question, which format is better: jpg or gif?
  20. What's wrong with it? I know that the words are kinda hard to read, but for a first attempt, it's not [I]that[/I] bad, is it? Here's another attempt at a different banner. (All I'm doing is taking saved pics from my computer and putting them on a banner) Any tips would be appreciated! Thanx!
  21. ...Okay, so all I did was copy and paste the screen shots, but it's still a nice banner that I made for Wormmon's Tamer. Besides, I have to post it so that she can use it in her sig.... (If this should be in the banner request thread, then go right ahead and move it...)
  22. I just love the new Volkswagen Beetles! Why wasn't it on the list? It's just so retro and comes in a bunch of awesome colors! (And no, before anyone asks, I'm not a hippie.)
  23. My sister told me that theotaku.com was a great source of Digimon information (this was back when it was maintained and updated regularly). On my visit there, I discovered that she was right! Then she told me about otakuboards. I realized that the message boards were a great way to get questions answered that I couldn't get answered anywhere else. I enjoy the atmosphere here as well! Fun stuff!
  24. I love 80s music!!! In fact, my local 80s station is #1 on my radio preset!!! A lot of people @ my high school listen to that station, though most of them would probably not tell everyone about that!!!
  25. *realizes that current status is "newbie"* OK let me explain myself. I'm not talking about when the mods come in and politely explain that something is against the rules, as I've had that happen to me a couple of times too. What I'm referring to is when other members promote themselves to God and decide that they have the right to distort the rules however they see fit. Yes, some members who aren't mods can also be polite, but more often than not the non-mods end up attacking the poor innocent newbie. Maybe there should be 2 levels of newbie. Let me elaborate: [B]Brand Newbie:[/B] 0-125 posts [B]Newbie:[/B] 126-250 posts or something like that. As it shows in my profile and to the left of this message, I am technically still a newbie since I only have 194 posts (this makes post #195). However, I have been a member for almost a year now, and there are some members who have been here about that same length of time that have like 1500 posts, and they don't get treated like they're new. Don't get me wrong, I like the status and post counts, but I think there's too much "status profiling" going on, not only here but in several other message boards on the internet. However, I do feel that in general, OtakuBoards is the most friendly message board that I've been to.
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