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Everything posted by JaganshiKenshin

  1. A lot of the Yuu Yuu Hakusho fights, especially from the Dark Tournament arc (Hiei v. Bui, Yuusuke v. Toguro), and Kuwabara's battle against Seaman from the Chapter Black arc. Rurouni Kenshin: Kenshin v. Saitou Kenshin-tachi's entire journey to the ultimate battle in the Kyoto arc Every single Go game in Hikaru no Go.
  2. I have a blog about knitting and fountain pens. [url=http://heartofsock.blogspot.com/]Heart of Sock! In which Count Sockula meets Dr. Inkenstein![/url] (Which reminds me: I need to update with a new pen review...) Also my Yuu Yuu Hakusho fanfic on, where else---ff-net. [url=http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1093020/]Tales of love, sacrifice, and sushi.[/url]
  3. Kurama of YYH. Until he spoke. Well, I did turn it on for the first time in the middle of the Gate of Betrayal. And he WAS wearing pink. Also, though I didn't take Furiza as female, his rage is somehow womanish.
  4. [quote name='Magus' date='16 July 2010 - 07:35 PM' timestamp='1279323323' post='697389'] My kind of thread where I can bash characters and get no lip for it... [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/202/a/c/Ikari_Shinji_by_StalkerOfTheShadows.jpg[/img] Truthfully, I can't stand the entire cast of NGE, but Shinji is my main target here. I cannot stand characters with no backbone. It's one thing to be shy, but it's another thing to be all whiny with no backbone at all. (Factor in all the depression... Man, this series was just one big bad experience and I want my 26 episodes x 30 minutes of life back) I've been told countless times that that's what real teens go through when faced in a situation like that. That maybe true... I wouldn't know since all I see when kids/teens go through a situation similar to Shinji are kids being rebellious. There are a couple characters that match the hatred I have for Shinji but I'll wait a bit for them. [/quote] You took the words out of my mouth.
  5. I have a few favorites but Hiyama Nobuyuki first came to my notice as Hiei in Yuu Yuu Hakusho, then later in various roles and of course in GaoGaiGar. I also got his CD Prototype. Do all seiyuu sing as well as act? :animesmil
  6. [quote name='chibi-master']Okay, so I was going to post this in April, but Easter comes early in April, sooo... (Not to mention Chibi #1 PM'd me about this...) What are some of your Easter traditions? Where are you going? Do you enjoy egg hunts? Do you enjoy egg hunts where the person with the least eggs is banished from your native country (miss you lots, Uncle Nardin)? Are you going to get your picture taken with the Easter bunny? Got any funny stories? *MOAR QUESTIONS* I'm probably going to stay at home and wish I was young enough to hunt for eggs. I shall devour a great deal of ham, I assume... Oh yeah, feel free to mention passover stuff as well! Ready, set, POST![/quote] I attend Vigil Mass, which lasts about three hours, then go home and collapse---but that means I get to sleep late Sunday. :animesmil Usually it's dinner with friends but this year we're alone. :animecry: I remember Easter egg hunts!
  7. Comfort? I LIKE a lot of series such as Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, and FMA. But for comfort? I would usually say Maison Ikkoku, but I'm watching it now and the antics of the three tenants are getting a LITTLE old. Other than that, Inu Yasha, Card Captor Sakura, the entire Miyazaki catalogue---basically anything that won't give me nightmares. Looks like some good suggestions in this thread.
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