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Everything posted by HyattHyatt

  1. Are you guys still accepting characters? I have like no idea what's going on in the story. lol Somebody please give me a synopsis of what's been going on.
  2. I was here at OB well over five years ago (Inuyasha Fandom said it's been more than that, I honestly don't know) and a while back when I tried to log into my old account it said it didn't exist. So, recently, Inuyasha Fandom asked me to sign up again and here I am. My old screenname was Hakira and I was very active in The War of the Vampires RPG. I've seen that alot has changed. I feel like a newbie all over again. It's good to be back. I haven't really been involved in forum RPGs in a good couple of years so I hope I'm not too rusty. My new screenname was inspired by a fellow friend of Inyasha Fandom's -- and that was ExcelExcel. He was like, "You should totally sign up as HyattHyatt" and I was like, "Okay, cool!" Yeah. Here I am.
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