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Everything posted by Quinzel

  1. [quote name='James'][FONT=franklin gothic medium]Dubstep, eh? Are Burial and Mt. Eden both dupstep artists? My sister is very into it and I recently bought my first dubstep album. It's pretty good, although not as good as the stuff my sister has been listening to lately. Most recently I've been listening to a lot of Deadmau5. Just bought one of his albums and I'm liking almost every track.[/FONT][/quote] If you like dubstep, scour the internet for a guy named Joker. I believe there's a torrent of his music floating around the pirate bay. :) He made his Canadian debut right here in Vancouver a few months ago, and it was a great set. Deadmau5 played a free show during the Olympics and I must say the man is amazing. Currently listening to Madlib - Slim's Return
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