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About marvelaugusts

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

marvelaugusts's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. I am reading the "The Twelve Kingdoms" by Fuyumi Ono After a year of waiting the second novel has finally arrived, begging the question: why do we have to wait so long to get work of such quality when they've already been out in Japan for a while, Tokyopop? Granted, translating an entire novel is a much more involved process than translating a manga, hence a greater delay can be expected, but really, is a year in between books necessary? Still, at least they are finally coming out, and at least at a better pace than oh, say, the work of Jean Auel.
  2. I am too planning to go for this con as it would also the first con for me. It would be fun over there. I am seeing a lot of registration for it which is going to happen in the month of June.
  3. [quote name='Boo'][FONT=lucida fax]The quick reply button is the one next to the dark grey "REPLY" button in the bottom right corner of every post. It isn't over the top obvious, but it should be there. But I would not mind the quick reply activating by just clicking in it or something. If it would then automatically register it as a quick reply to the original post, the different thread display modes would not be so messed up either.[/FONT][/quote] The reply and the quick reply is one and the same thing except the quick reply quotes the post to which you want to reply.
  4. I too agree that the padded room party is of no harm. There should be no other way out that a person could relax himself.
  5. The things are not clear as if vbulletine.com members had stopped working then I think hiring new members would work here.
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