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Everything posted by Charles

  1. This movie looks drop dead sexay. [I]Rubs Nipple[/I] lol, I've never seen the first one, but the second movie was a riot. I can't wait to see Goldmember. Especially, since Fat Bastard is returning. He's my dad!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Well, I think Metroid Prime will be addicting because you get to go around and blow things to pieces, like in the first three Metroid games. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] In my opinion, the platforming action and level design really made the Metrioid games. Just blowing stuff up gets old, lol. Too many developers try to cash in on that feature alone and neglect overall quality. I know that you know this though. I'm not saying that you're a mark for mindless mayhem. Heh heh, judging from your posts I know a lot better than that. ;) From what I've heard about Metroid Prime, it should retain much of the feel of past Metroids. I just hope that the overall level design is on par with the originals and that the gameplay takes priority over the plot.....
  3. I've seen this game in motion and it looks amazing. It's nice to see a Tom Clancy title come to consoles without the cumbersome interface. Rainbox Six and Rogue Spear were great on the PC, but should have never been ported to the consoles. The lighting effects in this game will be used for much more than visual flair. Shadows will be used to conceal the main character among other things. There was a great thread concerning this title in the Sony forum, I believe. It's great that someone made a topic on it concerning the Xbox version. This game is being hyped up as the Metal Gear Solid 2 killer and it might succeed. Konami's project revolved too much on storyline and cinematics. This title will concentrate more on the intricacies of being a spy. The directional mic even seemed superior to that of Metal Gear Solid 2's. The good news for Xbox fans is that the title should ship in time for the holiday season.....
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Yes, there are certainly lots of addictive third party games. I'm sure Metroid Prime, which is being developed by Retro Studios (for the most part), will be plenty addictive. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Upon thinking about it, I don't belive that Metroid Prime will be very addictive. The gameplay will no doubt be commendable and the visuals as well. However, without multiplayer support, I, myself, couldn't imagine the title being very addictive at all. Unless of course there are branching paths and multiple endings. Yet, even those features can take a title so far....... Most of Nintendo's titles are addictive due to storyline taking a back seat to the gameplay. Mario titles for instance, drop the player into a vast world and leave it up to the player to explore. At the same time, the gameplay is relatively easy to grasp, but enjoyable to master. Other titles, such as Super Smash Brothers Melee are set up with a simple interface, and reward the player with easily obtainable goodies and challenging secrects that require the use of each mode. I just see the possibility of Metroid Prime becoming a Metal Gear Solid 2 or Devil May Cry. Although it will have brilliant grahpics and solid gameplay, it might not provide the addictive flavor of other Nintendo games. Anyway, the most addicitive franchise in my opinion is still the Tony Hawk series. I still play Tony Hawk 2. :drunk:
  5. Charles

    RE online

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The visuals do not compare to the GC RE. Not even close. The entire game is 3D, which of course would degrade the model quality. The game is moody, and the lighting and texturing is nice... But if you sat and compared models, RE Online looks almost laughably bad compared to RE on GC (especially the zombies). But I don't think that is so important. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I'm just noting current information according to a preview I have read. With that being said, I'm not going to argue against what you're saying. It's believable that the game will appear significantly worse than the GameCube game. I relate to your opinions on the gameplay. The entire experience of surviving a crumbling city, complete with interaction and cooperation among strangers, truly brings the game into a realm that it could not enter before.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B] I used to enjoy typing lengthened posts steeped in my own opinions, then I realized people just don't care. Think about it; they'd rather use their time by posting their own opinions about how your post was too long, rather than just reading what you wrote. Here I'm doing it again... [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, I don't mind reading long posts if they're interesting. :toothy: I agree with you though. I'm unimpressed with the way Mnemolth was treated. It's very ignorant to insinuate that someone doesn't have a life because they write something with depth. That article was obviously pre-written as stated by Mnemolth. Although, it could have been trimmed down a bit, it wasn't nice to say some of the things that were said. In fact, some comments were a little rude. :rolleyes:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OlgaTheDwarf [/i] [B]This Game is amazing!!! I would like to hear what people thought of the insanities and what their first reaction was. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I suppose this is a bit of a [B]spoiler[/B], so I urge people not to read if they really want to be surprised. I was most freaked out when I went to save my game and after pressing the B button to return to the previous menu, the game started deleting my file, heh heh. It was very convincing for some reason. I was a bit tired, about to turn the game off and wasn't paying much attention at that point. When I turned around and saw a box, complete with a bar slowly filling up, followed by a message stating, "All files successfully deleted," I was a tad unimpressed with myself. :toothy: Since the game actually showed the file disappear, I was pretty convinced. Boy was I relieved when I learned that it was all part of an insanity effect.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Now to your point, yes games and anime are [i]geared toward[/i] boys more than girls, but that doesn't mean a lot of girls don't have a place in that industry. It's not just boys buying the games, there's plenty of unrecognized females out there who are consumers as well. Of course they aren't focused on, though. But just because girls aren't screaming and running around telling the world they play video games doesn't mean that's it's "boys only" either. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not at all saying that females do not have a place in the video game industry. Women play large roles in development teams, as well as men. Furthermore, there are respectable video game heroines, such as Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark), Samus (Metroid) and Aeris (Final Fantasy VII), just to name three of many. Plus, I know that there are many female video game consumers and that the industry isn't "boys only." Remember my quote and you should understand my point though. There is a little bit of truth in many stereotypes. Let's forget about the Anna issue for a second and look at the other forums on otakuboards on a broader scale. Most forums that I visit contain at least some semblance of a female user base. Yet, Gaming Otaku contains little to zero active female posters. Other message boards share a similar state. Coincidence? I think not. Now, it is fair to say that gaming tends to be more male oriented. After all, males are the target audience. Many games of the past featured females being rescued by males as the main premise. Just look at Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. Females are taking a more active role as heroines in video games today, which is a good sign. While females will slowly gain more ground in gaming as time moves forward, one cannot argue that gaming is dominated by men in the present.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by digitalshadow [/i] [B]Anyway, yes it did take a loooooooong time for the game to get here in the U.S., but to me, it was worth it! [/B][/QUOTE] I actually tried to find it today, but had no luck. :( At some point, I know that I'll come across it though. :) Anyway, upon talking to my friend on AIM, I was further informed on how to help you. His help was a lot more in-depth than my previous answer, so I'll quote him. Maybe instead of trying to hunt the game down, I should just borrow it off him, if I can pry it from his psx. [Quote]At some point in the story Elc and Lieza are going to end up on Yagos Island, and Elc is going to head down to the beach to sulk. The next time Lieza gets experience of any sort (attacks, gets attacked, casts a spell, gets a spell cast on her, uses an item, gets an item used on her) the Ravish technique will unlock.[/Quote]
  10. Charles

    RE online

    Well, snippets of the trailer indicate that the game will include a four-player split screen mode and a very Leon-esque Raccoon City police officer leading an entourage of frightened citizens through a hallway do make the game sound very interesting indeed. Especially, since I've heard that this footage has been linked to information regarding teams. Obviously, there'd be different servers so that the city isn't wall to wall players, but it would be exciting to run into strangers, just as one would in a living city. In fact, such an experience is probably how Resident Evil was meant to be enjoyed. If one were truly to run around in a large city, they would surely run into others and combine forces to survive. Hopefully, puzzles will require proper team work and ammunition distribution would also further the depth of team play. According to what I've read, the visuals should be similar to that of Resident Evil for the GameCube, but with fewer onscreen enemies and downgraded character detail to avoid online hiccups. Unfortunately, I'm not sure on the details of gameplay. Ammo limits, weapon types, enemies, character creation features, and other crucial factors are still as much a mystery to everyone as far as I know and have read on IGN. Of course, monthly costs and exact release date are still unknown. I've read that the game should release sometime in 2003....
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] So? I don't ever go into General Anime either, does that mean I don't like anime now? General Discussion is the only forum I regularly visit, how does that mean I don't like video games because I never visit Gaming Otaku? [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that's very contradictory in that you are saying one thing and doing another. Now, I didn't say that [I]Anna[/I] doesn't go to Gaming Otaku, thus females aren't interested in video games. I said that the number of active females in those forums is next to [I]zero[/I]. The numbers speak for themselves and they've been doing it for a while. I'm not saying that playing video games is a male thing. But, I am arguing that they [I]tend[/I] to be a male activity. Maybe you do like Anime and games. The fact of the matter is, you're not interested enough in either to discuss them on an even remotely daily basis. So, I'm not too far from wrong, now am I? :p
  12. I know that this is a late response, but I had a hard time learning the answer to this one. You see, I've never played Arc the Lad because of the horrendously long time it took to bring it to the U.S. Anyway, upon asking someone, I was told "She'll get it right after you see the beach scene at Yagos Island." Maybe someone else has played the series will be able to help you further.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Now that's a really easy question. Buu was just stronger than him, even with the Mystic power.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, Buu was weaker than Gohan when he absorbed him. You see, the fusion between Goten and Trunks had worn off almost exactly when Gohan found the other earring. Gokou laughed at Buu and specifically said that he and Gohan didn't need to merge any longer because Gohan could even defeat Buu on his own. Buu, using his intelligence, had planned on such a possiblity. Using a peice of his head that had been sliced off earlier, his absorbs Gohan from behind. Thus, it wasn't really a matter of strength. Buu was only stronger than Gohan while the fusion was active between the boys. :toothy:
  14. Well, Toriyama heavily puns the series. I would say that it's meant as a joke, if anything.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Duke Nukem once at a tournament in the mall downtown... So I challenged her, thinking it was going to be an easy victory (Mind you, this was when I was younger, and not so open-minded). Well, it came down to this: She kicked my arse. Yup, that was the turning point. When I realised that not all girls like to sit and play dress up.[/B][/QUOTE] That's just because you're really bad at Duke Nukem, lol. In any case, people tend to consider gaming a "guy thing" because the gaming industry tends to focus on teenage white males. Look at Duke Nukem for instance. There was a game called Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes. I can't remember exactly what the article said, but it was something like: "One Duke. One million babes. Any questions?" Plus, look at the characters portrayed in videogames. Most are white males. Worse yet, almost every title staring a female, portrays them as having [b][I]huge[/I][/B], ungodly sized breasts and a sickeningly slender waist. Look at the unproportionate Lara Croft or Tifa for crying out loud. On the other side of the coin, look at games like Britney Spears Dance Beat (or whatever it's called), the Barbie games, and the Olsen Twins games. I mean, these games are so sweet, they'll give you diabetes if you come within ten feet of them. Anime is considered a guy thing amoung uninformed people. If you ask someone who has a vague idea of what anime is, they'll probably tell you that it's "titty toons." Misconceptions sure do bite. But, for you girls complaining, I have this to say: I barely see any females in Gaming Otaku. I noticed Mist recently, but that's about it. You know what they say. "There's a little bit of truth in every stereotype."
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char! [/i] [B] [color=teal][size=1]Three words, CWB: Hey You, Pikachu! [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Allow me to rephrase that. When videogames that are aimed at people above three years old are able to hear and yell back, [I]then[/I] I'll begin arguing with them, lol. I don't count Seaman for Dreamcast either, because he seemingly spouts random nonsense. Well that, and I feel stupid talking to a videogame fish man; like I should be talking to real people instead of wasting my time, hehe. When I played it, others looked at me like: :therock: There were three good things about that game though. 1)Slowly starving my Seamen until he died. 2)Calling the local Babages and asking them how much their Seaman costs. 3)Asking my friends if they would like to see my Seaman, only to once receive this look: :therock:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twinzam v [/i] [B]Well it comes out in october i really want to get it i like the others i hope it is as good as the others [/B][/QUOTE] Well, it'll be different from previous versions, in that it won't be various genres coupled into one package. As mentioned by Kazuya Mishima, Die Hard: Vendetta will be a played from a first person perspective. Such news could either be exciting or a kiss of death, depending on how you look at that particular direction, heh. However, Bits Studios is implementing some exciting features into the gameplay. I'm most looking forward to the much touted "state of the art" intelligence that will be present in the enemy AI Microsoft's' Halo enjoyed great success and praise partly due to the quality intelligence found in the enemies. Also, slow motion, [I]Matrix[/I] style sequences will make their way into the game in true Max Payne fashion. I for one, feel that the approach would be welcome in a first person shooter (especially one based on Die Hard). Obviously, the title borrows on specific qualities of other hit titles. Aspects that I haven't even gotten into, such as stealth and targeting limbs, will make the overall product stand out when it's released, I'm sure. The most unfortunate thing about this game, is that it's release date is placed dangerously close to Nintendo's Metroid Prime. Maybe these previously mentioned features will help this title avoid collecting dust on store shelves. Unlike Metroid Prime, Die Hard: Vendetta will feature a multiplayer mode allowing up to two to four players. As we all know, a strong multiplayer mode can ensure a game's enjoyment value. Most of my fond memories of Bond come from playing multiplayer.
  18. The tactic that you're referring to, is to use the spiders against the Safety Door (the one Ramirez is standing behind, in the far bottom-left corner). Destroy 2 of the spiders in a wave, then shoot the last spider once. Run over to the stunned spider and press that action button to "use" it. The camera will switch to a First-Person view of the spider. Aim the spider towards the Safety Door with the joystick, and then press the X button, I believe, to start the spider running. Steer the spider at the door, and press X when you are close to the door to make the spider jump and hit the door. The spiders can only jump a certain distance, and they will inflict the most damage on the Safety Door at the climax of their jump. If you time the jump right, you can take out the Safety Door easily in less than 5 spiders. [I]Courtesy of Chris Bryant and Nathan Tsui.[/I]
  19. Charles

    Being 18+

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Heh...yeah, you have to be 21 in the United States to do a lot of the stuff you can do here at 18. [/B][/QUOTE] And so on the seventh day, God created fake IDs. ;) Besides buying cigarettes and joining the armed forces, I don't reckon there's much to do at 18 years of age here. Seeing as how I don't smoke, and I'm a scholar rather than a fighter, I'm pretty much screwed, lol. At least I can live on my own though. :toothy:
  20. First of all, this link will be of immediate help, although this thread was made quite some time ago. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=9955]Similar Thread[/URL] Now, the two choices you mentioned are great. You really can't go wrong with Luigi's Mansion or Rogue Leader. Although Luigi's Mansion wasn't the launch title that many had hoped it would be, and it's on the short side, the game is polished. Similarly to most Miyamoto games, the gameplay is fairly easy to grasp and addictive once mastered. The vaccum cleaner that Luigi lugs along, has many uses besides sucking up ghosts, such as obtaining coins. Rogue Leader is also a nice game. Whether you're a Star Wars fan or not, you have to appreciate the challenges involved, such as earning medals when accomplishing certain goals during a mission. The attention to detail that went into this game is amazing. When switching to cockpit mode, you'll notice that the interior of the ship has been rendered in three dimensional polygons with amazing attention to detail. My biggest gripe with Rogue Leader, was that enemy fighters were a bi hard to spot on certain missions (mainly space runs). Although one can pull down a visor to see them better, the lack of visibility annoyed me sometimes. Newer titles such as Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness are amazing, but you're not old enough to play them, judging from your profile. I don't know your parents' rules for playing such games, so I won't bother to recommend them. For multiplayer fun, you should definitely pick up Super Smash Brothers Melee. Although this is by no means a deep fighter (your goal is to merely attempt to knock your opponent out of the arena), the plethora of hidden goodies, trophies and mini games keep the replay value on this game incredibly high. Plus, it's just a blast to play with others. Within the link that I provided, you'll also find many other opinions regarding some truly awesome games.
  21. Charles


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Golgo 13 [/i] [B]I would really like to know if this game is worth getting for 60 pounds. it looks cool but I need a second opinion, preferably from CWB. [/B][/QUOTE] It's good to know that my opinion counts. :toothy: I really have to agree with Semjaza. That price is fairly ludicrous. I gather that Xenogears must be rare in your neck of the woods. So, if you have no other choice, but to purchase it for that price, and the money's available, I say that you should go for it. Xenogears debuted during a time of complete Square mediocrity. so it can be considered a real gem. With Square sprawling off in different genres, it's rpgs began to suffer, so it can be considered a mircale that Xenogears enjoys the end result that we see today. Squares' best role playing games draw the gamer in with a deep, involving plot and Xenogears is no different. Without spoliing too much, the plot contains many twists and turns that will surely keep you guessing as to what happens next. Furthermore, some of the characters are blessed with excellent backstory and personality. Yet, as Semjaza mentioned, there tends to be a bit of lackluster character introduction as well, mainly due to the number of characters you interact with. But, I was pleased with how Square managed to implement the concept of religion into it's game. Religion can be a touchy subject, but games like Xenogears and Grandia II manage to handle the subject quite well in drawing their plot. Battling in role playing games is majorly important and the system is no different in Xenogears. There are two variations to battles. Of course, there is the traditional method, which allows you to use your characters with their magic and abilities, to take down enemies. The other variation, however, is fairly fresh and rewarding, as it has the player battle in their Gears. Although I noticed a few hiccups in the animation during these somewhat grand battles, but nothing overly distracting. I wasn't really impressed with the music or displeased by it. There were a few songs that I was particularly fond of, but even though the music was high quality, it just didn't move me. It's hard to explain why, lol. You'll probably love it though. :) As mentioned by Semjaza, the voices acting is pretty terrible. But, from what I can remember, it's not used to the same extent as other titles. This flaw certainly doesn't ruin the game, but it is apparent where available. Overall, the game has some major meat to it and will deliver you upward of 50 hours of gameplay. The graphics aren't necessarily breathtaking, considering that the sprites need to become scaled often, resulting in pixalization. Some have complained that their characters seem to get lost in the backgrounds every now and then, but it's not nearly as bad as some of the sloppier rpgs out there. Overall, this is a great title with a few flaws. As I said earlier, if the game is extremely rare, pick it up. If not, do some hunting and find a better price.
  22. Charles


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Golgo 13 [/i] [B]So ur saying its good then, but nothing extraodinary or special. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that all depends now. The concept of Stuntman is fairly unique for a vehicular based video game. Factually speaking, the formula of "simon says" is generally used in music games. The overall focus of this game is similar, but in a more interactive fashion. A director will speak to you and tell you exactly what to do in career mode. Obviously, the gameplay is on rails and you have little room for creativity. So, of course, you're limited to carrying out the actions laid out before you. However, since you have the ability to save replays, you're free to have fun and beome more daring as you become more skilled with the game. As it's been said, this is definitely a rent-first title.
  23. The ninth of October should be your date. I have to admit, the game looks quite promising. Although the "original" plot seems to be a copy off the first movie....
  24. Charles


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I bought Stuntman on a Monday, because I couldn't find ED anywhere (despite stupid Nintendo saying it'd be out that day)[/B][/QUOTE] Heh heh, you seem to have the worst luck at finding games. ;) I'm with you on this one though. I gather the game shipped Monday, but wasn't actually put onto shelves until Tuesday. Anyways, I'm glad that you too realize that it's not quite fair to compare this game to Grand Theft Auto. For some reason though, a lot of people think that every game with a vehicle in it, has to be compared with GTA3 now. I agree with what you have to say though. The game is pretty challenging, but I'm not sure about the replay outside of stunt creator.....
  25. I was just talking to my boss about this incident today, and he told me that this woman is pregnant. Does anyone know if this is true? It's a shame that such negligent people are able to have children so freely, while people who really [I]want[/I] children are unable to have them.
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