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Everything posted by Charles

  1. [b]#10[/b] [indent][i]If you use me Your language becomes a lot less colorful And a lot harder to read.[/i][/indent] [CENTER][IMG]http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/7213/beerfw3.png[/IMG][/CENTER]
  2. [QUOTE=Sangome]Holy sweet freaking-- As if the PS3 itself wasn't expensive enough, now the games can and may be 100 bucks a pop?![/QUOTE] :animesigh All right, this is pointless. Read through the thread. Playstation 3 games will not be one-hundred dollars. If Playstation 3 games end up costing significantly more than Xbox 360 games (which will NOT be the case) then we can raise the issue then. Until that happens, there is no point in continuing this baseless speculation and doom-speak.
  3. And with that, it's time to end this discussion. The ads have been pulled and they were never going to be used outside of Holland to begin with. Furthermore, I think we've discussed how we feel about the ad campaign at good length. Besides, I'm a silly American and I just can't stand to see this ad any longer. Let it fade away!
  4. I don't know how it works in the rest of the world, but in South Jersey altercations are solved through spectacular dances. Of course, once one group of people serves another, "it's on."
  5. Your writing is fine in your posts, man. Just take your time when you write a story and read it aloud to make sure it sounds right. You'll be fine.
  6. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']Although you should say what you think about the story, you should also say it with the intent of helping out the author. Most of these comments are just bitingly sarcastic and mean-spirited. You may hate the story, but at least be civil in your critique.[/size][/quote] I agree with you to a large extent (a lot of these replies are [b]harsh[/b], but when the author entitles their story "The Dumb, the Stupid, and the Just Plain Retarted" (misspelled) and puts little effort into the writing whatsoever --viewing the writer as someone who is interested in seriously improving their writing becomes difficult. The insensitive use of "retarded" especially screams " flame bait." If that word alone wasn't included, I'm sure a lot of this backlash wouldn't be apparent. But, that title is also indicative of his attitude. He is insulting his own work before anyone gets the chance to. He is calling the story "dumb" and stupid." Notice that he didn't entitle it "The crazy, the funny, the outlandish tales of OtakuBoards." With the way this guy presented himself and his writing, it seems like you're just looking at this with the mod goggles on and rushing to his defense instead of noticing the critical error of his entire approach. He's essentially saying "Hey, here is some spam that makes absolutely no sense and I hate it myself!" People aren't going to rush in here and help him improve with that in mind. If you really want to be liberal though, I will offer some advice to this budding author. Rectify the issues that I mentioned above. Be more sensitive with your language and do not include swearing just for the sake of having it in there. See my reply to Otaku Fiction for a more elaborate response. If you're presenting comedy, you still have to respect your own story or no one else will. As it stands, I don't even know if this is supposed to be comedy. This story could just as easily fall under the category of nonsense. Organize your thoughts before putting them down into a story. Make sure that your jokes work together to form a coherent piece. Try to avoid OtakuBoards jokes. PROOF READ and work on your English. If you actually want to salvage this mess, let me know and we'll work through it.
  7. Take this as a backhanded compliment. Never before have I seen a title so suited to the story it represents.
  8. You guys have made Papa Smurf explain himself so much he's turned blue in the face. Oh, I'm just too much! :laugh: Now, my opinion. I like the "Otaku Fiction" logo. The gun looks a little awkward because it lacks a black outline like the text, but otherwise, thumbs up. Now, since this isn't an art thread, I'll move on. The concept is great. OtakuBoards fan fiction sucks unless it has the right hook. The title alone is going to draw people into this thread. The idea of blending the very cool dialogue of Quentin Tarantino with something generally considered nerdy, like an anime message board is interesting. It would have been cool if you had embraced that dorkiness and instead of having "digitized food" and opening the scene in a cafe', you instead chose to make the characters dorks desperately trying to be cool, while eating rice crispy treats in their parents' basement--or something like that. But, still your general premise is good. I also like the mention of kuja. People have made fun of kuja before, and done so a lot, but the reference still works.. Now, some criticism. The dialogue in the introductory scene was pretty bad. There were [b]far[/b] too many swear words. I know you're doing this is supposed to be a joke, but the problem is still relevant to bring up just as Alan did earlier. The opening dialogue was just a very awkward read; it came across as if you were painfully trying to make the story sound adult, but overdid it so much that it had the opposite affect. Real people just don't talk like that and if they do, then I certainly don't want to read a story about them. Swearing in a story is there to show emphasis, color, and emotion. When you literally saturate your writing with swear words, you lose that. Although I didn't find the rest of the story hilarious, I did find that the swearing seemed to die down a little and it definitely picked up somewhat. Otherwise, as I said, the concept of mixing OtakuBoards and Pulp Fiction works for you. But, that choice of direction is also a double-edged sword because it also hurts the story. You see, when you choose to base your parody off Quentin Tarantino, you're sort of setting yourself up because his dialogue is just so clever and naturalistic that it's going to be difficult to parody it effectively. I think this problem, in part, is where a lot of Papa Smurf's criticism is coming from. You just chose a really difficult, ambitious concept and for the reasons he listed, it just doesn't work as well as it could have. If you guys hadn't jumped all over him the way you did, he wouldn't have had to make various posts defending his point. I don't think he was trying to launch a relentless assault. Having said that, the author always has final say in whether or not to heed anyone's advice. You've made your intentions clear; this piece is obviously just fluff and you have no intention of considering his opinion for revision. That's fine. I mean, you obviously have an audience for this stuff. The general populace who reads OB Anthology doesn't necessarily look for serious writing and it seems that those who write with that in mind do better than others. You've excelled there. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean you can't learn a little something valuable from what others have to say. Overall though, I'd say this is pretty much functional and above-average as far as OtakuBoards fan fiction goes and the fact that people have bothered to discuss it this much should be a compliment to you more than anything.
  9. [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS] I didn't know about it either until I saw this thread...[FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Rest assured, the second a Kingdom Hearts game is announced for the PSP, 99% of you will be certifiable PSP experts. Anyways, although there were probably better ways to advertise the PSP than through racial imagery, it's not as if Sony is pioneering this approach. A lot of ads would need to be banned if we became overly critical. [center][img]http://www.danheller.com/images/Asia/Japan/Misc/Subway/real-black-ad-big.jpg[/IMG][/center] But, whatever. A Sony rep has already said that there's no chance of the ad being used in the US, so it's not like it's ever coming here to begin with. Edit: Oh yeah, and I love the pun Desbreko. heh
  10. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082'] Seriously, how many of you knew about the white PSP before reading this thread? I didn't.[/color][/quote] I've known about it for months. It's not a big secret. But, my knowledge of the ceramic white PSP is neither here nor there. Everything else you said is on the money. The point here is a relatively simple one; the ad is selling the same product. Sony is not downplaying the quality of the black PSP or stating that the white one is superior through this imagery. If Sony decided to sell the PSP over the DS by using people of different ethnic groups or something like that, then I could see a problem. As it stands, there's really no conflict here. I remember reading a Space Channel 5 ad a long time ago that literally insulted the dancing ability of white people and, as cliche' as it was, I thought it was in really poor taste. Something like that is easily worse than this.
  11. [CENTER][IMG]http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a76/SilentSecurity/sony_screen001.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/4518/thatsracist5jf.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
  12. [quote name='Cynical']$59.99 is pretty steep[/quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/1593/hillscopy4cm.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
  13. [CENTER][IMG]http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/6070/oldladyhr9cl.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Don't look for the games to be much (if any) more expensive than Xbox 360 games. Sony hasn't done itself a favor with hardware pricing, so I doubt they're going to price themselves out of the market, considering how similar-looking Xbox 360 games are going to be.
  14. Lately, I've been hooked on these two titles. For those of you who don't know what they are, they're essentially collections of mini games that are obviously meant to stimulate your brain. But, most importantly, they're actually a lot of fun! Brain Age Training is the more basic of the two in terms of presentation, but it's executed really well. Also, the game isn't instantly as gratifying as Big Brain Academy either because several of the games are time-released. But the whole experience is really cool. Anyways, the game judges your intelligence based on your "brain age." The ideal brain age is 20 and you can take a test once a day to determine your brain age. Well, you can actually take it more than once, or play any of the games as many times as you wish, but they only record your score once a day. You hold the DS sideways, like a book, and the display adjusts itself depending on whether you're left or right-handed. Some games require you to write directly on the screen, like when you're asked to solve math problems. The hand writing recognition in these portions of the game is simply awesome because it manages to recognize what I scrawl on the screen most of the time. Other games have you memorizing a list of words and seeing how many you can remember in a set period of time, or counting syllables in a passage. It all sounds kind of mundane, but it's really a lot of fun. A lot of my enjoyment stems lies in the relatively robust collection of sudoko puzzles included. Big Brain Academy is the more difficult version of the two based on how you're judged. You'll probably be humbled the first time you give it a try. Don't get me wrong, it's not frustrating or difficult to figure out. You just have to be really good to get an impressive score. In some ways it's reminiscent of Wario Ware. The mini games in this title are more visual than Brain Age's. They're very easy to pick up and play, and they're super addictive. I would say that, aside from lacking sudoko puzzles, this one is probably the more entertaining of the two. Both games are bargain titles, retailing at $19.99. They're both incredibly fun and I encourage some of you DS owners to give them a go. Does anyone else have at least one of these? Perhaps we could compare scores here.
  15. Desbreko has already made a thread dedicated to this game. You can find it here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53510[/url]
  16. I can't believe this thread is still open. The fact that it's still around and taking up space is clearly the staff's revenge. I know that it's the "politically correct" thing to do by leaving this open and allowing criticism, but at least leave that for coherent members and get rid of this piece of crap because I think I'm going to run out of pictures here otherwise. Jesus Christ. Edit: But, then again, I guess it sort of is a guilty pleasure to read the original poster's complaint again. And the conspiracy theory about holding down quality posters who may replace the staff. I guess in that light it isn't SO painful to read. But if it is kept around, hopefully someone with some imagination comes in here and complains. lol
  17. [quote name='Tical']also, Charles... at least I know what it means now :animesmil[/quote] You know, you're all right. lol
  18. [quote name='Tical']Constantly here on OB we discuss the problems of the world, annunciating our opinions and sharing our experiences. So my question is... what can be done to solve the world's problems? What is your ideal visage of the world?[/quote] Seeing as how the world cannot have a facial expression, I have no idea what kind of visage would be ideal. But, it's great that people who don't know what "visage" means are going to address this incredibly broad, open-ended question and decide how to solve the world's most pressing issues. [quote]I won't give an example... because all I can see to help is the eradication of all existance.[/QUOTE] And--we're off to a great start with the mass genocide of all life! *gets popcorn, takes a seat, leans back, puts feet up*
  19. [quote name='Shinmaru]The Perry Bible Fellowship is one of the few webcomics I actually look forward to reading rather than simply doing so out of habit. A lot of the comics are just wrong, but damned if they aren't funny. Also it's nice to see someone use dark humor in a webcomic with actual [i]wit[/i] instead of just lazy blood and gore. Oddly enough, though, my favorite comic isn't even one of the darker ones... it's [url=] "QPI Interview."[/url] The premise behind it is just so ridiculous and it caught me completel off guard when I first read it lol. Another one I've been fond of lately is [url=]"Mimes,"[/url'] for basically the same reason.[/quote] I also like The Perry Bible Fellowship. It's not necessarily the dark humor that I appreciate, but the varied art style (which ranges from simplistic to gorgeous) and the masterful use of facial expressions. Here's one of my favorites: [CENTER][IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/2857/pbf088adworldchampion8dq.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
  20. I think the one thing I've learned from this thread, is that some people need to learn to make up their minds and focus on their posts instead of worrying about what people think of their names. There's no reason for anyone to blow through half-a-dozen user names. Ridiculous. lol Anyway, I started as The Great White Frying Pan Man, and had to change that for version 3 because we weren't allowed to input that many characters. So, I chose a variation of my aim handle at the time. My name was then changed to my real name when I became Administrator and I haven't really cared to have it changed back since then.
  21. [quote name='Foredaddy']I actually just started coming back here a few days ago. I'm sure nobody really remembers good 'ol Foredaddy, but whatever.[/quote] I remember you! I remember back when you were called ZF Foredaddy, I think. You were easily one of the funniest guys on the boards. Man, that goes back to my Great White Frying Pan Man days. It's also cool seeing Transtic Nerve in here; his posts have always been candid, which is something I miss. Anyway, although I miss Sephiroth and would love to see him back, I'd have to go with Semjaza Azazel or Generic NPC#3. Tony's a great guy, I've had some terrific discussions with him off the forums, and we've even traded games. On the boards, he's one of the few people whose gaming posts I actually looked forward to reading. He hasn't exactly disappeared from the Internet and he's even on my Xbox Live friends list, but I miss what he was able to contribute to the boards as well.
  22. [quote name='Leon Fury]well Re5[Resident Evil V] has been announced for [U][B]BOTH[/B][/U] the Ps3 [B][U]AND[/B][/U'] the x360. [this seemed relavent at the time][/quote] Well, yes, I know that but that doesn't mean anything. The Resident Evil series is developed by Capcom and has traditionally been multi-platform. The Metal Gear series has a multi-platform history, but it's a little more difficult to predict--especially considering the ending of the E3 trailer that really pandered to Sony at the end. [quote]I'm just waiting for heavenly sword to come out, which by some of my friends and the media are calling, the spritual successor to God Of War. [/quote] The spiritual successor to God of War is God of War 2. Heavenly Sword just seems to borrow heavily from God of War. They haven't really shown a lot so it's hard to say to what extent it borrows, but it's probably not a bad thing regardless. I like the mythos behind the game, with how the sword kills its handler--and how the main character is aware of this. Neat stuff. [quote][SIZE=1][one question though, is Atari or Midway publishing the game?][/SIZE][quote] Midway. [quote]what still bugs me though is that killzone II trailer, actual gameplay or CGI cutscene?[/quote] You have got to be kidding me. It's been known that it was CGI for a while now. Look how much stuff is going on at once and look at how real Playstation 3 games look. [quote]there is also loose talk of another burnout game in the works for the Ps3.[/quote] No big surprise; EA has basically made the series annual now, so Criterion has to keep cranking them out. And it won't be PS3 exclusive.
  23. The Playstation 3 will be fully backwards compatible with the Playstation and Playstation 2. Although it won't use DVD or CD formats for its own games, it is still able to read those formats. Also, expect games to cost about the same as Xbox 360 games. In regards to whether the system is "worth it" or not, all I have to say is that from a technical point of view it probably is. But, the fact of the matter is that I really just want a game system and no game system is worth $600. Sure, Heavenly Sword looks cool, and I [I]really[/I] want to play Metal Gear Solid 4, but I'll just stick with the Wii60 until the price comes down significantly. If MGS 4 ever comes to the 360 though, then the wait will be a lot easier.
  24. [quote name='Silly?']Amazing Graphics :animesmil[/quote] You have to elaborate in your posts. I also recommend reading the sticky thread "How to Post in Play It." Simply contributing a small sentence fragment isn't good enough and these kind of posts will be deleted in the future.
  25. I'm very disappointed that Baron Samedi hasn't replied to this thread yet. It's become sort of an annual tradition for me to insult him for not listing me. Don't let me down Baron!
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