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About SakuraHope

  • Birthday June 15

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  • Biography
    Chinese & Japanese & Byakoro
  • Occupation
    in digiworld training digis

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  1. toriyama needs to explain a lotta stuff......
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red][size=3]Mmmm....Faye is hot...shame she ain't coming back....[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] and what the hell is that supposed to mean..... she didnt die.... unless you mean from crying abuot the fact shell never get to do it w/ spike....i mean god she get shot unless jet shot or ra..... never mind.... i dont want to even go there..... but we dont know what to her..... and you can fantisize about her....... i mean you do have an imagination dont you??????
  3. and i rather whatch mon colle nkights than alienators...... theyre both stupid and at least one is japanese anime..... and so what if the guys were high its their beezwax anyway.....
  4. id give it ten thumbs...... but i only have two..... and thats a big problem....... oh well its still great.....
  5. well sence we saw trunks when he was a few months old he could have had a tail that we couldn't see because it was probobly a stump..... and sence we didn't see him four seven years Bulma could have had it cut off...... i mean who really cares about vegeta's pride....and if he cared about his own pride that much he wouldn't be going bald and he would do something to shrink that forehead of his..... and you think he could use rogain or something.... anyway.... we were introduced to goten in the buu saga, so we didn't see him as a baby.... chi chi could have had his tail cut off at any time too..... and anyway didn't they just show pan at the age she is now....if so then the same goes for her.....
  6. how can you say that sephiroth?????? that was a fantastic movie and the plot was great and the whole thing great... and ashitaka!!!! dont get me started about him.... and we should all bow down to miyazaki the super, duper god......
  7. the show isnt half bad.... and it is somewhat like fint the time detective..... but that is just my opinion
  8. has anyone seen pincess mononoke.... if so telll me do think its as good as i thouht it was.......
  9. a lotta movies are short these days..... so it is only 45 min. well that sucks.... that isn't even wortyh my time....
  10. yes that is the last ep. sorry but spike isnt comming back and its all viciouss fault.... spike, faye and edward are my favorites..... spike is so cool and faye is co ol and ed is just crazy ed.... i wish spike could come bake from the dead.... hes done it before... sorta....
  11. i still say pochi..... he may have big eyes and looks like a cross between tenchi and izzy but he is hot.... and then i like spike from cowboy bebop cause he is just plain out hotttttt............. and that is all (unless you count yutopia, that is a whole different story)........:love: :blush:
  12. I only know about s1 & s2... s3 is kindda boring and it makes no since... but the dpowers are kindda cool, but i like the d3's.... and i'm not old fashioned (that is to anyone who wants to comment about the d3).....:therock:
  13. Okay well here's the dealio i think that some of us have had an experince or two in there life with an anime charecter... Well this thread will be dedicated to u ging ur experiences.... U know what to do.... I had a dream that my best freind was Madison from Cardcaptors and we wwere walking home and to my surprise the cast fo Outlaw sStar was there... Well there was this huge argument and we got into this big cat fight with the gurls, of corse, and then my alarm clock went off and i swear i want to kill that stupid thing....:mad:
  14. I was planning to buy that video to see what really happened in that episode... And the reason I wrote all of that was just incase anyone didn't know or just started to get into the show.... I hope that is a good reson... And what does the ring look like...???
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