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Everything posted by SakuraHope

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B]Nope never heard of it. What is it about? [/B][/QUOTE] Ninja Cadets is about these people trying to go to the Byakuro palace and get these scrolls. But these bad peoples are trying to get the princess, Sakura (hence my name), so they can take over the world. Sakura was trained as a Ninja (hence the name), so she could fight them if she ever needed to. The bad thing is that there are only two episodes in America which really sucks. But the show is really cool and the cute guy on there, Pochi, used the scroll to turn into a giant frog. He also said a curse word. The evil people on there are all ugly. One guy, (I never learned his name), didn't have any lips and the other guy Meho looks like a cat/rat. And the blonde woman on there is super tall and has an afro. I refer to her as the Blond Madusa.
  2. Well i think that they were married... because thats what i read on some Japanese Official Site... I just dont remember the name of the site... :blush:Sakura:blush:
  3. Well not everybody dies... Just Only Spike...Julia...Vicious...Lin... Shin... Some other ppl that got shot up, and stabbed, and stuff like that... :blush: Sakura:blush:
  4. Who are the students going to be and which house thingy do I teach at?
  5. Well sorry I didn't mean that.....
  6. No your not the idiot I am, as in the person who is writing this post , as in me. The only idiot on this fouram can be me. and I think we need to get off of this subject befor we get in trouble. Don't you think, that I think is right, right? Sakura
  7. They have to be human or how could #18 have a baby. But anyway they are brother and sister. Because Gerro or whatever his name si swipped them when they were little kids. Why else would they work so good together?
  8. Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know how to spell blond because I'm an idiot. LOL. I wish you could answer my questoin. Thanks. Sakura:therock: :blush:
  9. The only reason girl sayains don't have that ability is because their Akira Toriami is SEXEST. Please don't mind the spelling. Sakura
  10. Thank you Quailman!!!!!!! Is their anything else I should know like are the students going to be? Sakura
  11. Has anyboby seen that show? I heard that it's supposed to be really cool. Write please. With all do respect, Sakura
  12. Thank you. But if you knew me in person you'd know how dumb I can be. But anyway does anyone have any idea why Krillin whould name his daughter after his ex? Thank you again.
  13. Okay I should have done my research but well I'm a complete idiot. That's one of the resons I don't know much about the show. But anyway Maron doesn't have a nose and well how does she breathe since she keeps her mouth closed a lot of the time. :blush: Sakura:blush:
  14. They do a lot more running because their kinda cowards until there's nowhere to run. Did you know that Meling is married to Li in the original. Their also cousins. But he breaks off the marraige after he falls in love with Sakura. That is not where I got my name though. Anyway, then at the end of the series he tells her that he loves her. She doesn't answer. But befor that he told her that he had to go back to China. And then he left. she doesn't confess to him until the second movie. But that is a entirely diferent story. :blush: Sakura:blush:
  15. OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! That is so cool. Thanks. But where does pan com in?
  16. Well I'm so terribly sorry that my friend Skyy showed me that picture that was false. It's her fault. Don't blame me. I bearly got into the show in September. But the other stuff about Maron is true. Why the h*ll would somebody name their kid after their ex. That's as stupid as my first post on this thread. So sorry again. And Akira Toriyami didn't want girls to go super sayain because he is being sexest.
  17. Well, doesn't that suck? I heard that it was really good and that there's a lot of blood shatter. Is that true? :blush: Sakura:blush:
  18. Pan can go super sayian. I have the pic to prove, but I don't know how to put it on my post. But she does, just here eyes stay blue. And did anyone notice besides me that Maron has no nose. And also did anyone else notce that she is named after Krillin's ex-girlfreind. You know Marron, with two r's instead of just one. But Maron gets a nose in GT. Weird huh? Sakura
  19. Blood is supposed to be super cool.If you are wondering the movie is really called Blood the Last Vampire. The girl on their's name is Saya. Well if you've heard of it answer, please. Sakura
  20. Sorry but I had forgoten about the otaku. But if anyone else has info please inform me. Sakura
  21. Well if noone knows then I'll ask a different question. Has anyone ever seen the show befor? :blush: Sakura:blush:
  22. It sucks huh? But you can go buy the uncut, japanese, subtitled in english version at Suncoast for about $25. Or you can buy the dubbed version of that episode. I was going to get and that is how I know, jus incase you are wondering.
  23. The relationships are weird and thank you for agreeing with me.:blush: :blush:
  24. Well thanks for the great info. If any body has info GT please inform me.
  25. Well... I guess I did do that huh? My bad... I didn't mean to confuse you in any way... It's just that well Sakura is her name in both versions, but her last name was changed. Madison name is Tomouya. Li's name was switched around, (his first name was the same just writen in another place). Melin is Meiling in the original. But what I ment by al that, this person likes this person stuff was that Madison is gay, Li is a by, Julian is gay and sakura can't make up her mind. Also in the Japanese verson, Sakura's freind, Rika, is dating the 5th grade teacher, Mr. Fujiama.LOL Sakura
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